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MAD MAX - Another Night Of Passion (mars 2012)

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MessagePosté le: Jeu 29 Déc 2011 18:22    Sujet du message: MAD MAX - Another Night Of Passion (mars 2012) Répondre en citant

"Another Night Of Passion" - Cover and Tracklisting revealed

Just a brief summary to start with, establishing the historical context: hard rock act Mad Max from Münster in Germany found themselves on the verge of their American breakthrough in 1987. Everything was ready back then – a renowned producer to apply the finishing touches to Night Of Passion, Mad Max’s current album of that time, a concert agency capable of organising an extensive tour, topped by major interest from the American rock music press. But the unfathomable business policy of the band’s Dutch record company stood in the way of their leap across the Atlantic: Mad Max never made it onto the US market, and a dream was shattered, along with the legendary line-up.

25 years later, the world seems to be a different place, but Mad Max have turned the wheel of history back and are about to present their latest album Another Night Of Passion, recorded by the original 1987 team. To rule out any misunderstandings: what we have here is a completely new album with exclusively brand-new material, but the reference in the album title to that glorious time is intentional.

“The new record could have been a direct successor to Night Of Passion in terms of its stylistic direction – no ballads, no keyboards, just purebred rock songs – naturally in a contemporary sonic guise,” explains guitarist Jürgen Breforth, who recorded this haunting release together with vocalist Michael Voss, bassist Roland Bergmann and drummer Axel Kruse. Another Night Of Passion will be available from Steamhammer/SPV on 26 March 2012 (Germany: 23 March 2012; USA: March 2012) in a jewel case edition featuring eleven songs, and in a limited-edition digipak, including the additional bonus CD Official Bootleg – Live In Berlin.



1. Rocklahoma 04:38

2. 40 Rock 04:21

3. Metal Edge 03:58

4. You Decide 03:53

5. Welcome To Rock Bottom 03:51

6. Fallen From Grace 05:11

7. Black Swan 05:05

8. Back And Alive 03:22

9. The Chant 04:56

10. Fever Of Love 04:09

11. True Blue 02:51

CD2 (Bonus “Official Bootleg – Live In Berlin”)

1. Where The Wind Blows 04:32

2. Here We Are 04:57

3. Night Of Passion 04:47

4. Family Of Rock 04:48

5. Little Princess 04:05

6. Say Goodbye To Hollywood 06:02

7. Open The Eyes 06:55

8. Don`t Talk It All Over 05:37

9. Homeless 04:57

10. Hope To See You 05:02

11. Fox On The Run 05:59


1. Rocklahoma 04:38

2. 40 Rock 04:21

3. Metal Edge 03:58

4. You Decide 03:53

5. Welcome To Rock Bottom 03:51

6. Fallen From Grace 05:11

7. Black Swan 05:05

8. Back And Alive 03:22

9. The Chant 04:56

10. Fever Of Love 04:09

11. True Blue 02:51


Michael Voss – lead vocals, lead guitars

Jürgen Breforth – rhythm guitars

Roland Bergmann – bass, vocals

Axel Kruse – drums

LIVE 2012:


As special guest on the AXEL RUDI PELL-Tour

20.04. D-Hannover – Capitol

21.04. NL-Weert – De Bosuil

22.04. GB-London - Underworld

24.04. D-Langen – Neue Stadthalle

25.04. D-Saarbrücken - Garage

27.04. D-Nürnberg – Hirsch

28.04. D-Kaufbeuren – All-Karthalle

29.04. CH-Pratteln – Z7

01.05. D-Erfurt – HsD

02.05. D-Berlin – Columbia Club

04.05. D-Bochum - Zeche

05.05. D-Bochum – Zeche (sold out)


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