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POWERWORLD - Virtuality (printemps 2013)

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Shred is Dead

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MessagePosté le: Mer 10 Oct 2012 18:59    Sujet du message: POWERWORLD - Virtuality (printemps 2013) Répondre en citant


It’s been the perfect surprise: the German metal band POWERWORLD have enlisted American vocalist David Reece (Accept, Bangalore Choir) to replace Andrew ‘Mac’ McDermott, who recorded the vocal parts on their second album Human Parasite in 2010 and sadly passed away in August 2011. Rumours that interims shouter Michael Bormann, who helped out on POWERWORLD’s tour with Axel Rudi Pell, would sing on the upcoming album, have proved unfounded. Bassist Ilker Ersin: “It’s true that we briefly toyed with the idea, but for various reasons we decided not to follow it up.” Ersin is all the more happy about his new colleague, David Reece: “It’s an amazing experience for me to be working with an American instead of a European musician for the first time in my career, especially since David is an experienced vocalist. The first songs he recorded for POWERWORLD have confirmed my expectations.”

Reece, who succeeded Udo Dirkschneider on the Accept album Eat The Heat in 1989, went on to tour with Accept and then founded Bangalore Choir before releasing his celebrated solo debut Universal Language three years ago, is also looking forward to his new challenge: “POWERWORLD sound more progressive and intense than the stuff I recently worked on. I feel that my voice suits their material perfectly, and I’ll work hard on delivering my optimum performance. I’m glad to be back home, because being married to a German woman, Germany is my favourite country in Europe.”

The new album will be called Virtuality and has been scheduled for release in spring 2013. According to Ersin, it’s not a concept album but a recording which “reflects the madness in the virtual and also in the real world.” Stylistically, Virtuality is a mix of modern metal with progressive influences and classic hard rock. Reece: “We can hardly wait to introduce the new material to our fans and go on stage with them as soon as possible, particularly since we have found our ideal record company in SPV.” Along with David Reece and Ilker Ersin, POWERWORLD 2012/2013 consist of Andreas Rippelmeier (guitar), Marco Grasshoff (keyboards) and Guido Gallus (drums). For more information, check out POWERWORLD`s website at


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