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ALKALOID - ? (2015)

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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Ven 15 Aoû 2014 23:26    Sujet du message: ALKALOID - ? (2015) Répondre en citant

On sait déjà quel sera l'album de 2015. :cool:

After his departure from German technical death metallers OBSCURA, drummer Hannes Grossmann (also known for his work with BLOTTED SCIENCE and NECROPHAGIST) joined forces with some of his former bandmates in a new project called ALKALOID. In addition to Grossmann, the new group features Christian Muenzner (ex-OBSCURA, NECROPHAGIST, SPAWN OF POSSESSION) and Danny Tunker (ABORTED, ex-GOD DETHRONED) on guitar and Linus Klausenitzer (OBSCURA, NONEUCLID) on bass. The band's frontman is classical composer Florian Magnus Maier (a.k.a. Morean) on vocals and guitar, also known for his orchestral collaboration with Devin Townsend, PARADISE LOST and his work with DARK FORTRESS and NONEUCLID.
ALKALOID is currently recording its debut album for an early 2015 release.

Et un bout d'interview assez édifiant de Hannes concernant son départ de Obscura :

"I do not want to speak for Chris, but personnaly I had big problems with Steffen music-wise. Steffen is the founder of the band and owned the naming rights of OBSCURA. He wanted to put the band on ice in 2012, since then it moved forward very slowly. Chris and I have written at least 80% of the music on Omnivium. I have also arranged most of the songs and overseen the mix. Steffen was upset about it, which is somewhat understandable, because he has formed the band. But you have to realize he contributed so little material, which is a shame, because what he brought was good.
On Omnivium, perhaps 15% of the riffs were from him. Even in song structures or the like, there was no input from him. This is simply not enough, especially from a songwriter. I don't want to convey the impression that i am in charge. In NECROPHAGIST I have never helped write the music. With BLOTTED SCIENCE I just wrote my own drum parts. It doesn't bother me.
Steffen wanted the songwriting to be divided equally between the 4 members on the next album, which I agreed to. But in the end, there were 6 songs from me, 2 from Chris and Steffen had only half a song. At the same time he complained about it but that's how things were. It gets annoying that you put effort into writing material that someone else keeps rejecting for personal reasons. I simply had no desire to be blocked by someone else any more."

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