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Oldies are goodies

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MessagePosté le: Sam 13 Oct 2012 12:40    Sujet du message: Ozzy OSBOURNE & Jake E. LEE [NEW PROJECT] Répondre en citant

Former OZZY OSBOURNE Guitarist JAKE E. LEE Seeks Singer For New Project - Oct. 7, 2012
Ex-OZZY OSBOURNE/BADLANDS guitarist Jake E. Lee is back after over a decade in seclusion. In great shape mentally, physically and spiritually, Jake is ready to return and bring his brand of unique playing and music to the world.

In the process of recording his new album at Las Vegas' The Hideout Studios — owned and operated by Kevin Churko (OZZY OSBOURNE, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, IN THIS MOMENT) — Lee's first new release will feature a combination of legendary rock artists and some of the biggest names of new metal. Already recorded are guest appearances by Robin Zander (CHEAP TRICK), Paul Di'Anno (IRON MAIDEN), Maria Brink (IN THIS MOMENT), with many other big names attached to the project.

Jake has launched search for a new vocalist who will sing at least one track on the new album and will join Lee on a world tour starting in late spring 2013.

Criteria: Must be capable of singing a couple of OZZY OSBOURNE and BADLANDS songs, plus tracks from Lee's new album while still having a strong enough identity to be able carry the band into the future, as Jake will head straight back into the studio after the touring to begin a new album with the new band.

What to do: Send an email to containing an MP3, or a link to an MP3 of yourself singing a OZZY OSBOURNE or BADLANDS songs. Then submit one other song or video of your choosing that you feel best represents who you are as an artist. Listen to BADLANDS' "High Wire" to see the range required for this gig. Only those vocalists that really fit what Lee is looking for will be contacted with further instructions.

Lee's new solo album is being recorded with the help of guitarist Ronnie Mancuso of BEGGARS & THIEVES, whose 2011 video, "We Come Undone", featured an appearance by Jake.

According to the All Music Guide, Lee helped Ozzy Osbourne score two of the most commercially successful releases of the singer's long and illustrious career — 1983's "Bark at the Moon" and 1986's "The Ultimate Sin". Lee eventually joined up with another former BLACK SABBATH singer (albeit briefly), Ray Gillen, and formed the LED ZEPPELIN/classic rock-esque outfit BADLANDS. Subsequently, Lee played briefly with a band called WICKED ALLIANCE before setting off on his own, issuing his solo debut, "A Fine Pink Mist", in August of 1996.

Jake E. Lee's "covers" album, "Retraced", was released in the U.S. in April 2005 via Shrapnel Records. All the songs were recorded in a "power trio" format ala BADLANDS and the tracks for the project were cover songs along that style (bluesy power rock).

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