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Frost* - Nouveau DVD et 6 Minutes In September (2013-2014)

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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2011
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MessagePosté le: Sam 19 Jan 2013 19:10    Sujet du message: Frost* - Nouveau DVD et 6 Minutes In September (2013-2014) Répondre en citant

Enfin Jem se motive et fait de nouveau fonctionner la machine Frost* ! Voilà son message sur son blog.

I would love to say that I spent the festive period sat on my arse watching re-runs of Only Fools and Horses whilst having melted Quality Street intravenously dripped into the core of my heart valves, however it was actually a supremely busy old time and I didn't really get much chance to wind down bar a few days in North Wales. For example, here we are just 6 days into 2013 and already we've filmed a DVD!

Yes! Finally! A Frost* DVD!

It's a studio session performance recorded at Rockfield in Wales in collaboration with our good friend Rob Reed featuring Hyperventilate, Black Light Machine, Heartstrings, Milliontown, Dear Dead Days and Pocket Sun. The proceeds of sale will go towards paying for the new recording so if you can get involved in the purchasing of it when it's ready, I'd be very grateful indeed.

The other bit of news, slightly of a bombshell nature, is that we are working on 2 albums simultaneously to be released 6 months apart, both of which are part of the same concept. It's too big a story to be told over a single hour and I think a double album would be too much to take in in one sitting, certainly with the amount of semi quavers we can sometimes output. I remember getting very weary trying to get my head around The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway when I first heard it and that's always stuck with me. This way, I hope the first half will have time to sink in before we unleash the conclusion to the story.

Plus, it's a bit of fun to do it in 2 distinct bits. And life should be fun I think.

The core lineup will be myself, Johnson, Blunders and Nath. However, there will also be some notable guest members joining us for a bar or two over the course of proceedings, the first of which I'm delighted to announce is Sir Jordan of Rudess who will be giving it maximum electronique on the fast becoming marginally epic new 10 minute-r "Towerblock" currently slated for part 2 of the story.

So that's 2 whole and full fat new Frost albums on the way, the first of which, I hope, will be out this year with the next one in the Spring of '14. Alternatively both will be released in '14. I'm determined not to be hurried with this as this is - without a doubt - shaping up to the be the absolute pinnacle of anything and everything Frost* have ever done. And I don't say that lightly.

In the meantime, there'll soon be a DVD to enjoy...

Donc en gros cette année on devrait avoir le droit à un nouveau DVD avec la track-list suivante:
Black Light Machine
Dear Dead Days
Pocket Sun

Le DVD servira à financer la première de son double concept-album, 6 Minutes in September part 1, qui devrait sortir fin 2013 et le suivant en 2014. Bon à tout les coups ce sera plutôt les deux en 2014, mais c'est quand même une super nouvelle ! :)
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