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HAMMERCULT - Steelcrucsher (28 Oct)

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MessagePosté le: Mer 10 Juil 2013 10:28    Sujet du message: HAMMERCULT - Steelcrucsher (28 Oct) Répondre en citant

After their successful tour with SEPULTURA in Europe, HAMMERCULT, Tel Aviv based Neo-Thrasher, are currently recording their follow-up to their critically acclaimed debut "Anthems of the Damned". The album will be titled "Steelcrusher" and contain 12 new tracks.
It will be mixed by Chris "Zeuss" Harris and is currently scheduled for a release on October 28th through Sonic Attack Records/SPV in Europe and North America.

HAMMERCULT will present the title song "Steelcrusher" at the following Metal festivals:

22.07. SLO-Tolmin - Metaldays
14.08. D-Dinkelsbühl - Summer Breeze


The limited edition vinyl of their debut "Anthems of Damned" is out now with a new cover artwork and three bonus tracks.


Side A

1. Above The Ruins

2. Let The Angels Burn

3. Riding Through Hell

4. Diabolic Overkill

5. We Are Hammercult

6. Black Horseman

7. Stealer Of Souls

8. Hell`s Unleashed

Side B

1. Devil Chainsaw Fuck

2. Hellbent

3. Into The Death Gate

4. The Damned

5. Santa Satan

6. Ironbound (bonus track)

7. Damnation Arise (bonus track)

8. Liar (bonus track)


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