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DECAPITATED - Blood Mantra (26 septembre)

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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007
Messages: 4935
Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island

MessagePosté le: Mar 29 Juil 2014 18:23    Sujet du message: DECAPITATED - Blood Mantra (26 septembre) Répondre en citant

Formed in 1996, Polish Tech Death masters DECAPITATED built a reputation over the years as one of the international leaders of their genre. Over their near 20-year career, DECAPITATED has released five studio albums, which are considered to be some of the most influential death metal releases of the 21st century.

For their sixth full-length record, the band returned to Hertz Studio, located at Bialystok in their native Poland. Recording the new creation, entitled »Blood Mantra«, has proven to be an extremely demanding process for DECAPITATED, as they have never before faced a challenge as testing as the new songs turned out to be. The band cross-bred various styles and sounds, setting the bar higher with this new release. Flirting with various tempos, mixing Death Metal with Grindcore, Black Metal atmosphere with more groove laden beats and Stoner-Rock vibes, there are also modern Metal rhythmic riffs on DECAPITATED’s latest output that hark back to their 2006 release, Organic Hallucinosis.

“I'm certain that the very fact we are again, after nine years, in Hertz studio will evoke the spirit of that album. The vocals sound very promising. Rasta is a much more experienced vocalist compared to the »Carnival Is Forever« album times. And his voice sounds more powerful and deeper“, stated guitarist Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka.

»Blood Mantra« is set for a release on September 26, 2014 via Nuclear Blast and will be the first to feature the bands new drummer Michal Lysejko, who joined the foursome in time for their tour with LAMB OF GOD in January 2014.

Commented guitarist Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka: “Some of you had a chance to meet him already during tour with LAMB OF GOD this January. Also I want to say THANK YOU to the rest of the people who took a challenge and sent their video for an audition”.

With their emphasis on inventive songwriting and technical prowess, DECAPITATED has earned the respect of their musical peers and have gained a devoted fan base. Vogg, the band’s musical mastermind, creates songs that often feature blazing tempos, crushing riffs and memorable guitar solos – all of which can be expected on their new release, Blood Mantra.

Track list
1 - Exiled In Flesh
2 - The Blasphemous Psalm To The Dummy God Creation
3 - Veins
4 - Blood Mantra
5 - Nest
6 - Instinct
7 - Blindness
8 - Red Sun
9 - Moth Defect (DIGI bonus)
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