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PAGAN'S MIND - Heavenly Ecstasy (23 Mai)

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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Lun 28 Mar 2011 11:28    Sujet du message: PAGAN'S MIND - Heavenly Ecstasy (23 Mai) Répondre en citant

1. Contact
2. Eyes Of Fire
3. Intermission
4. Into The Aftermath
5. Walk Away In Silence
6. Revelation To The End
7. Follow Your Way
8. Live Your Life Like A Dream
9. The Master's Voice
10. Never Walk Alone
11. When Angels Unite

Leur dernier clip :
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Lord Henry
Puke it loud, I'm gay and I'm proud

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 1492

MessagePosté le: Lun 28 Mar 2011 11:36    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gasp, cette pochette, ces titres "neutres"... Il y a du changement chez PM ?

Edith : a l'écoute de ce nouveau titre (bas de page dans le lien ci-dessous), non pas trop de changement en fait.
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Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 20266
Localisation: Trapped in a corner

MessagePosté le: Lun 28 Mar 2011 14:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Y'a pas de bleu sur la pochette? Blink
Je suis une outre!!!

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Mai 2011 21:38    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

New video for the song "Intermission" revealed

Norwegian melodic metal outfit PAGAN`S MIND will release their new album "Heavenly Ecstasy" on May 20th in Germany, May 23rd in Europe and May 31st in USA/Canada through SPV / Steamhammer. The album will be released in 4 configurations: A limited edition digipak with 2 bonus tracks, 28 page booklet and poster - a double gatefold LP with 2 bonus tracks in orange coloured vinyl - as a standard jewel case version - download version.

Here´s the new video for the song "Intermission"

Tracklisting / Content:

Limited Edition Digipak, 2 bonus tracks, poster:

01. Contact 0:48
02. Eyes Of Fire 5:48
03. Intermission 5:41
04. Into The Aftermath 5:18
05. Walk Away In Silence 5:08
06. Revelation To The End 8:32
07. Follow Your Way 5:18
08. Live Your Life Like A Dream 5:55
09. The Master`s Voice 5:16
10. Never Walk Alone 6:09
11. When Angels Unite 2:03
12. Create Your Destiny 5:49 (bonus track)
13. Power Of Mindscape 4:16 (bonus track)

Jewel case version:
01. Contact 0:48
02. Eyes Of Fire 5:48
03. Intermission 5:41
04. Into The Aftermath 5:18
05. Walk Away In Silence 5:08
06. Revelation To The End 8:32
07. Follow Your Way 5:18
08. Live Your Life Like A Dream 5:55
09. The Master`s Voice 5:16
10. When Angels Unite 2:03
11. Never Walk Alone 6:09

Double Gatefold LP, 2 bonus tracks, coloured orange vinyl:
LP 1
Side 1:
01. Contact 0:48
02. Eyes Of Fire 5:48
03. Intermission 5:41
04. Power Of Mindscape 4:16 (bonus track)

Side 2:
01. Into The Aftermath 5:18
02. Walk Away In Silence 5:08
03. Follow Your Way 5:18

LP 2
Side 1:
01. Revelation To The End 8:32
02. When Angels Unite 2:03
03. Never Walk Alone 6:09

Side 2:
01. The Master`s Voice 5:16
02. Create Your Destiny 5:49 (bonus track)
03. Live Your Life Like A Dream 5:55

PAGAN`S MIND live 2011

May 20 - London, Camden Underworld, UK
May 21 - Manchester, Satan's Hollow, UK
May 22 - Wakefield, The Snooty Fox, UK
May 23 - Grimsby, Yarbirds, UK
May 24 - Nottingham, Bensons, UK
May 25 - Birmingham, The Roadhouse, UK
May 26 - Zaandam, De Kade, NL
May 27 - Uden, De Pul, NL
May 28 - Dokkum, Dokk'em Open Air, NL
May 29 - As, GC Drieschaar, BE
July 7-10 - Kvinesdal, Norway Rock Festival, NO
July 15 - Lichtenvoorde, Zwarte Cross, NL


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