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MY DYING BRIDE - The Barghest O’ Whitby (7 Nov)

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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Sep 2011 19:56    Sujet du message: MY DYING BRIDE - The Barghest O’ Whitby (7 Nov) Répondre en citant

Following the release of ‘Evinta’ earlier this year, in which the band marked 20 years of existence with a release of symphonic compositions re-imagining past MDB themes, the UK legends of doom now present their latest chapter in the form of new EP ‘The Barghest O’ Whitby’, to be released 7th November on Peaceville Records on CD & limited vinyl.
This single track, 25 minute epic represents the epitome of poetic grace & funeral soundscapes from one of gothic doom’s most celebrated acts. With a masterful blend of pounding guitar riffs, & sombre atmospheric passages, My Dying Bride takes you on a chilling journey through superstition and folklore that will leave you simply spellbound.

As the band explains the origin of the idea:
“Carrying straight on from the success of ‘Evinta’ found us kind of out of breath for a second, we were already aware of a new-found love of all things bleak and grey and were eager to start writing in a more traditional My Dying Bride style. What did catch us off guard was the increased heaviness and the fresh approach to song writing. Moving away somewhat with the lyrical theme from our usual feeding ground, we found ourselves on the rainy moors of Yorkshire contemplating the story of the Barghest; a supernatural entity hell bent on revenge. The tale now to be told wove itself into a 25minute epic which initially we thought would be a 3 part EP, but it simply became one very long song full of everything My Dying Bride and more. The violins conjure lonely tears atop a chasm of epic British doom.

‘The Barghest O’ Whitby’ was recorded at Futureworks Studios, Manchester with long-time production partner & engineer, Mags. The release is the first to feature violin/keyboardist Shaun Macgowan, & sees the return of Shaun “Winter“ Taylor Steels to the drum-stool for this recording. The cover artwork for ‘The Barghest O’ Whitby’ also appears courtesy of vocalist Aaron Stainthorpe.

“We’ve never been heavier or more cataclysmically connected to doom metal as a state of mind, it’s no longer just a musical style to us” – MY DYING BRIDE


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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 5528

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Sep 2011 20:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 20266
Localisation: Trapped in a corner

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Sep 2011 20:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je suis une outre!!!

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
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Inscrit le: 13 Aoû 2010
Messages: 637
Localisation: Meulaiiiiiin

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Sep 2011 21:29    Sujet du message: Re: MY DYING BRIDE - The Barghest O’ Whitby (7 Nov) Répondre en citant

Lucificum a écrit:
on Peaceville Records on CD & limited vinyl.

Limited vinyl... as opposed to CD which isn't limited at all lol

Sans rire, 25 minutes pour un suicide, soit tu as des cordes de merde, soit ton rasoir n'est pas un triple lame, soit tes medocs proviennent de Serviere et ton whisky de bretagne ! Mr. Green
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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Jeu 13 Oct 2011 23:27    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

My Dying Bride - The Barghest O' Whitby (trailer)

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