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FAIR WARNING - "Best And More" - 20th Anniversary

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MessagePosté le: Ven 03 Fév 2012 21:02    Sujet du message: FAIR WARNING - "Best And More" - 20th Anniversary Répondre en citant


"Best And More" - 20th Anniversary Double CD

It´s only 6 years ago when Germany´s first class rockers FAIR WARNING with their charismatic frontman Tommy Heart reentered the stage after a break of nearly 5 years with to introduce the reunion album “Brother´s Keeper”. A sold out tour through Japan as well as some really impressive festival shows throughout Europe followed.

In summer 2009 they released the much acclaimed studioalbum “Aura" followed by a gig at the huge Loud Park Festival and a sold out tour in Japan. These gigs were record and filmed and SPV / Steamhammer released "Talking Ain`t Enough - Fair Warning live in Tokyo" in November 2010 as CD and DVD.

In Japan the band has superstatus with gold albums and sold out tours but in the rest of the world they are still a secret melodic rock weapon. A lot of people don`t know that the band has released 6 studioalbums and 3 live albums and toured in Europe with bands like Status Quo, Blue Öyster Cult, Giant and Saga.

This year the band celebrates their 20th anniversary and with the new best of CD "Best And More" the fans are invited to get all the Fair Warning-classics on a double CD with 32 songs - and on top the 2CD package for the price of 1. Unreleased tracks and rare live -and studiomaterial plus a great booklet make "Best And More" a must have for all new and old fans.

Release Dates: Germany March 23rd, Europe March 26th, USA/Canada April 24th


Trailer for "Best And More":


CD 1

1 Burning Heart (Talking ain´t enough) 4:40

2 Save Me (GO!) 5:09

3 All on your own (GO!) 5:08

4 Longing for love ( Fair Warning) 3:49

5 When Love fails (Fair Warning) 3.39

6 Angels of Heaven (GO!) 5:06

7 Out on the Run (Talking ain´t enough) 4.05

8 Don´t give up (Rainmaker) 4.09

9 Long Gone (Fair Warning) 4:38

10 Generation Jedi (Brother´s Keeper) 5:12

11 Don´t keep me waiting (Brother´s Keeper) 4:23

12 Still I believe (Talking ain´t enough) 6:13

13 Heart on the Run (Four) 5:40

14 Here comes the Heartache (Aura) 4:13

15 I´ll be there (GO!) 4:19

16 I fight (Four) 3:57

17 The Way you want it (GO!) 3:56

CD 2

1 Rock`n`Roll ( Previously Unreleased) 4:00

2 A little more love (Live in Japan) 5:02

3 Come on (Go) 3:54

4 The Heart of Summer (Rainmaker) 3:44

5 Angel of dawn (Live at home) 4:26

6 The Call of the heart (Live in Japan) 4:01

7 Rain Song (Live at Home) 4:09

8 Like a Rock (Live and More) 4:07

9 Out of the night ( Live and More) 4:30

10 Meant to be (Live and More) 4:28

11 Don´t count on me (Aura) 4:30

12 Just another perfect Day (Aura) 4:39

13 Light in the dark (Single Track) 4:22

14 Man on the Moon (Live and More) 6:29

15 Children´s Eyes (Single Track) 4:12


Tommy Heart – vocals

Helge Engelke – guitars

Ule W. Ritgen – bass
C.C. Behrens - drums


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