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KILL DEVIL HILL - Kill Hill Devil (23 Mars)

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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Mar 17 Jan 2012 20:18    Sujet du message: KILL DEVIL HILL - Kill Hill Devil (23 Mars) Répondre en citant


KILL DEVIL HILL the new project featuring acclaimed drummer Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell, Dio) and bassist Rex Brown, (Pantera, Down) guitar slinger Mark Zavon and lead vocalist Dewey Bragg have confirmed a March 23rd release date in Germany, March 26th in Europe and March 27th in North America via SPV/Steamhammer. The album will be available in a standard CD edition, iTunes digital download and double gatefold LP. Details and track listings for each format can be viewed below.


War Machine
Voodoo Doll
Gates Of Hell
Rise From The Shadows
We're All Gonna Die
Time & Time Again
Old Man
Mysterious Ways
Up In Flames

Double Gatefold LP:

Side 1 (14:56)
War Machine
We're All Gonna Die
Time & Time Again

Side 2 (10:21)
Old Man
Mysterious Ways

Side 3 (10:07)
Rise From The Shadows
Up In Flames
Side 4 (12:56)
Voodoo Doll
Gates Of Hell
Bonus Track: Drawbridge

iTunes Digital Download:

War Machine
Voodoo Doll
Gates Of Hell
Rise From The Shadows
We're All Gonna Die
Time & Time Again
Old Man
Mysterious Ways
Up In Flames
Bonus Track: Strange

Revolver Magazine is hosting an exclusive stream of the first track from KILL DEVIL HILL's self-titled debut album. The track entitled "Time and Time Again" can be streamed exclusively at


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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Mar 20 Mar 2012 22:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- New Release Dates for debut album confirmed -

KILL DEVIL HILL the new project featuring acclaimed drummer Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell, Dio) and bassist Rex Brown, (Pantera, Down) guitar slinger Mark Zavon and lead vocalist Dewey Bragg have confirmed a May 22nd release date in North America, a May 25th release date in Germany and a May 28th release date in Europe via SPV/Steamhammer. The debut album will be available in a standard CD edition, exclusive iTunes digital download version and double gatefold LP.
Details and updated track listings for each format can be viewed below.

1. War machine 3:09
2. Hangman 3:40
3. Voodoo doll 3:53
4. Gates of hell 4:53
5. Rise From The Shadows 4:03
6. We`re All gonna die 4:26
7. Strange 3:31
8. Time & time Again 3:50
9. Old Man 3:06
10. Mysterious Ways 2:25
11. Up In Flames 6:04
12. Revenge 4:54

Double Gatefold LP:

Side 1
1. War machine 3:09
2. Hangman 3:40
3. We`re All gonna die 4:26
4. Time & time Again 3:50

Side 2
1. Old Man 3:06
2. Mysterious Ways 2:25
3. Revenge 4:54

Side 3
1. Rise From The Shadows 4:03
2. Up In Flames 6:04
3. Strange 3:31

Side 4
1. Voodoo doll 3:53
2. Gates of hell 4:53
3. Drawbridge 5:58 (bonus track)

iTunes Digital Download:
1. War machine 3:09
2. Hangman 3:40
3. Voodoo doll 3:53
4. Gates of hell 4:53
5. Rise From The Shadows 4:03
6. We`re All gonna die 4:26
7. Strange 3:31
8. Time & time Again 3:50
9. Old Man 3:06
10. Mysterious Ways 2:25
11. Up In Flames 6:04
12. Revenge 4:54
13. Gates Of Hell – acoustic version (bonus track)

Revolver Magazine is hosting an exclusive stream of the first track from KILL DEVIL HILL’s self-titled debut album. The track entitled “Time and Time Again” can be streamed exclusively at

For more info please visit:


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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Jeu 30 Aoû 2012 16:55    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

KILL DEVIL HILL Premiere Mini-Documentary on Metal Injection

KILL DEVIL HILL the new band featuring acclaimed drummer Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell, Dio) and bassist Rex Brown, (Pantera, Down) guitar slinger Mark Zavon and lead vocalist Dewey Bragg are currently out on tour in North America in support of their self-titled debut album, which was released earlier this year via Steamhammer/SPV.

Starting yesterday, Metal Injection is hosting an exclusive premiere of a mini-documentary produced by ESL Music Group. The documentary features interviews with all of the members of the band and touches on topics including the origins of the band, the writing and recording process and much more.
Check out the documentary here:

The band had to cancel their forthcoming european tour and released the following statement:
"Hey Guys, due to some circumstances beyond our control, we unfortunately are going to have to postpone our upcoming European shows. We truly apologize to all the fans who were hoping to come out and see us. You're all very important to us and we hate having to disappoint you. We plan on getting back to Europe as soon as possible and we hope to see you then!"

KILL DEVIL HILL will be supporting legendary shock rocker Alice Cooper this November in the US. This jaunt kicks off November 23rd and runs through November 29th. More dates may be added, be sure to stay tuned to the official KILL DEVIL HILL website for the latest tour updates.

Check out KILL DEVIL HILL's video for the song "Strange":


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