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Abigor-Leytmotif Luzifer, the 7 temptations of man

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Inscrit le: 01 Mar 2014
Messages: 36

MessagePosté le: Dim 08 Juin 2014 22:08    Sujet du message: Abigor-Leytmotif Luzifer, the 7 temptations of man Répondre en citant

Leytmotif Luzifer, the 7 temptations of man

Is an album written in liturgic form dedicated to the 3rd path to the mysteries of Satan, namely, pure and uncompromising worship, and the pitfalls man has to navigate through, the temptations.

Musically, no synthetic elements have been used, the guitars are completely free of any effects, neither reverb nor any special effects edit were allowed to touch the string intruments on this album. for vocals only reverb and delay has been used, no pitch or chorus or any other effect stained the purity and directness.

Soon to be released on AVANTGARDE MUSIC as A5 digiCD and black vinyl (gatefold, 16 page A5 booklet). Instead of any gimmicks, posters, vinylcolours, we have worked out a special LP master and plan to let SST Brüggemann cut the lacquer before sending it to the pressing plant, to have the ultimate sound quality for both formats.

Le deathspel...ome :D pardon Le groupe de black metal autrichien Abigor fait son grand retour .
Voici une preview .
Rien de surprenant mais ça envoie sacrément du pâté .
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Sombre W.C.

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 9133
Localisation: Unda da showa

MessagePosté le: Lun 09 Juin 2014 14:10    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ah, en voilà une bonne nouvelle !!
Un retour à plus d'organisme et de simplicité, ça sonne bien en tout cas.
Bonjour, je m'appelle dick et j'en ai vraiment une petite.
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