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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Mer 14 Déc 2011 19:23 Sujet du message: Blind Test Of Lyrics |
Et voici le Blind Test Of Lyrics!
Le principe est simple un bout de parole et paf vous me donnez le nom de la chanson et du groupe correspondant.
Un total sur 20, 1 point par bonne réponse, pas de demi-mesure, je souhaite le nom du morceau ET le nom du groupe.
Je préviens Doomy et Cédric qu'il est bien évidemment mal venu de tricher en copiant les paroles sous google...
1/ Countin' bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums
2/ Prematurity is the story of both you and me, and we were always much more human than we wished to be
3/ Pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around
4/ There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
5/ Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me
6/ Help me, comfort me, Stop me from feeling what I'm feeling now, The rope is here, now I'll find a use, I'll kill myself, I'll put my head in a noose
7/ Look at your young men fighting, Look at your women crying, Look at your young men dying, The way they've always done before
8/ Cos no matter what I say, no matter what I do, I cant change what happened
9/ A 60 ton angel falls to the earth, A pile of old metal, a radiant blur, Scars in the country, the summer and her
10/ Into the orchard I walk peering way past the gate, Wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait, Drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead, Halo of death, all I see is departure, Mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr
11/ Breathe, keep breathing, Don't lose your nerve, Breathe, keep breathing, I can't do this alone
12/ Everything about you pains my envying, Your soul can't hate anything, Everything about you is so easy to love, They're watching you from above*
13/ Go on and wring my neck Like when a rag gets wet, A little discipline For my pet geniusn My head is like lettuce Go on dig your thumbs in I cannot stop giving I'm thirty-something
14/ I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing, Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication
15/ Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day, Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
16/ So say just words to me, unreal what your hate's providing, Say just words to me, your talk is always contradiction
17/ Oh boys, I've seen the old man, Straw mask around the forehead, The blaze, a blast and the awakening dead, (The magic seeds will spread...)
18/ Hello, it's good to see you here Come in, can I offer you a beer? And they say this what it's like forever ...Roll this up, it's deadly..
19/ All the love gone bad turned my world to black, Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be...
20/ The ways that your heart sounds makes all the difference, It's what decides if you'll endure the pain that we all feel
_________________  |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Mer 14 Déc 2011 19:56 Sujet du message: |
Sinon anecdote rigolote! Y'a deux jours je réécoutais l'album dont est tiré l'extrait numéro 9... Je tombe sur ce morceau et la dite phrase et je me dit : "tiens c'est marrant c'est la phrase qu'avait mis Popo dans son BT sans musique... Ca fait longtemps qu'on a pas fait ca!"
Oui bon en fait ca avait l'air plus intéressant dans ma tête... _________________ It's a trap! |
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Fly Geisharlebois

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 7067 Localisation: Montréal
Posté le: Mer 14 Déc 2011 19:57 Sujet du message: |
Merci de confirmer que je suis vraiment nul en paroles. Le pire c'est que je connais 3/4 des morceaux... _________________ Il n'est point de réel voyage dont la destination ultime ne soit le point de départ.
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Mer 14 Déc 2011 20:00 Sujet du message: |
Joe: 5 points! _________________  |
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Doomy Pleureuse

Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2008 Messages: 5417 Localisation: Banlieue nord parisienne
Posté le: Mer 14 Déc 2011 21:14 Sujet du message: |
Pourquoi il y a un * à la fin de la 12?
C'est loupé si c'était pour fausser le résultat de google! _________________ « Teach me your mood, O patient stars !
Who climb each night the ancient sky,
Leaving on space no shade, no scars,
No trace of age and no fear to die. » |
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Daphne Blonde Powa!
Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8243
Posté le: Mer 14 Déc 2011 23:40 Sujet du message: |
J'en ai 4  |
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Sven Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 20266 Localisation: Trapped in a corner
Posté le: Jeu 15 Déc 2011 0:34 Sujet du message: |
Je dois en avoir 2 ou 3 grand maximum!
Je suis nuuuuuul  _________________ Je suis une outre!!!
Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Jeu 15 Déc 2011 20:21 Sujet du message: |
Et 14 points pour Pingoo!!!
Pingoo: 14 points
Joe: 5 points _________________  |
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Flower King 404 ErRIR

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 3377 Localisation: Case bleu-ciel du Monopoly
Posté le: Jeu 15 Déc 2011 21:31 Sujet du message: |
Et moi, on s'en branle de mes réponses, c'est ça ?  _________________ "I am the champion of the ninjas." |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Jeu 15 Déc 2011 21:38 Sujet du message: |
Excuse moi
Tu as 5 points!
Pingoo: 14 points
Joe: 5 points
FK: 5 points _________________  |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 12:59 Sujet du message: |
Allez les ptits loups on essaye davantage!!
Allez quelques indices précieux:
1/ Countin' bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums
Pensez ROND!
2/ Prematurity is the story of both you and me, and we were always much more human than we wished to be
3/ Pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around
4/ There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
5/ Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me
6/ Help me, comfort me, Stop me from feeling what I'm feeling now, The rope is here, now I'll find a use, I'll kill myself, I'll put my head in a noose
Pensez CHAISE!
7/ Look at your young men fighting, Look at your women crying, Look at your young men dying, The way they've always done before
Pensez GUERRE!
8/ Cos no matter what I say, no matter what I do, I cant change what happened
9/ A 60 ton angel falls to the earth, A pile of old metal, a radiant blur, Scars in the country, the summer and her
Pensez SNCF!
10/ Into the orchard I walk peering way past the gate, Wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait, Drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead, Halo of death, all I see is departure, Mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr
11/ Breathe, keep breathing, Don't lose your nerve, Breathe, keep breathing, I can't do this alone
Pensez A LA RADIO!
12/ Everything about you pains my envying, Your soul can't hate anything, Everything about you is so easy to love, They're watching you from above
Pensez BEL AMI!
13/ Go on and wring my neck Like when a rag gets wet, A little discipline For my pet geniusn My head is like lettuce Go on dig your thumbs in I cannot stop giving I'm thirty-something
14/ I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing, Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication
15/ Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day, Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
16/ So say just words to me, unreal what your hate's providing, Say just words to me, your talk is always contradiction
17/ Oh boys, I've seen the old man, Straw mask around the forehead, The blaze, a blast and the awakening dead, (The magic seeds will spread...)
Pensez 3-0!
18/ Hello, it's good to see you here Come in, can I offer you a beer? And they say this what it's like forever ...Roll this up, it's deadly..
19/ All the love gone bad turned my world to black, Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be...
20/ The ways that your heart sounds makes all the difference, It's what decides if you'll endure the pain that we all feel
_________________  |
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Gazus SID Errant

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007 Messages: 6589 Localisation: Yvelines
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 13:51 Sujet du message: |
bap175 a écrit: |
6/ Help me, comfort me, Stop me from feeling what I'm feeling now, The rope is here, now I'll find a use, I'll kill myself, I'll put my head in a noose
Pensez CHAISE! |
Alice In Chairs ? _________________
Le plus dur dans cette rupture, c'était pas tant l'effacer de ma vie, c'était surtout effacer les 4 To de film porno qu'on avait tourné tous les deux. Multicam, 1080p, son 5.1... Y avait plus de place sur le disque dur après la séquence d'intro. Mais une si belle séquence d'intro. J'allais pas effacer ça. |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 13:54 Sujet du message: |
Pingoo: 14 points
Joe: 5 points
FK: 5 points
Gazus: 0 points _________________  |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 15:56 Sujet du message: |
Et quatre points de plus pour FK grâce aux indices!
Pingoo: 14 points
FK: 9 points
Joe: 5 points
Gazus: 0 points _________________  |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 18:32 Sujet du message: |
4 points pour Kroboy!
Pingoo: 14 points
FK: 9 points
Joe: 5 points
Kroboy: 4 points _________________  |
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Doomy Pleureuse

Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2008 Messages: 5417 Localisation: Banlieue nord parisienne
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 19:55 Sujet du message: |
Après quelques BT où j'étais bien placé, je reviens à ma place habituelle.. _________________ « Teach me your mood, O patient stars !
Who climb each night the ancient sky,
Leaving on space no shade, no scars,
No trace of age and no fear to die. » |
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Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2007 Messages: 8356 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Sam 17 Déc 2011 20:16 Sujet du message: |
7 points quand même!!
Pingoo: 14 points
FK: 9 points
Doomy: 7 points
Joe: 5 points
Kroboy: 4 points _________________  |
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Gazus SID Errant

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007 Messages: 6589 Localisation: Yvelines
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barbapopo Fantomaths

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 5528
Posté le: Lun 19 Déc 2011 13:01 Sujet du message: |
J'ai failli lire les indices par mégarde, mais non !
J'envoie mes réponses très vite, sans indices, sachant que je devrais faire un score honnête (c'est du moins ce que je me suis dit à première lecture, l'autre jour) ! |
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kroboy Gay Thrasher

Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8968 Localisation: chez les pécroutes
Posté le: Lun 19 Déc 2011 13:07 Sujet du message: |
moi j'ai pas envoyé de réponses trop évidentes d'après les indices (certains noms de groupes surtout) _________________ Plutôt la mort que la souillure |
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