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HELLYEAH - Blood for Blood (10 Juin)

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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 13 Fév 2014 23:22    Sujet du message: HELLYEAH - Blood for Blood (10 Juin) Répondre en citant

HELLYEAH has parted ways with guitarist Greg Tribbett (MUDVAYNE) and bassist Bob "Zilla" Kakaha (DAMAGEPLAN). A replacement bassist in the shape of Kyle Sanders (BLOODSIMPLE) has been secured.

In the comments section on Facebook, HELLYEAH stated about the split with Tribbett and Kakaha: "Things happen for necessary reasons.

"It's so easy for people to assume or makeup reasons for things.

"Don't ASSUME anything!

"The reasons for this parting of ways was for the better good. When you hear the new record, you'll understand."

HELLYEAH's fourth studio album, "Blood For Blood", will be released on June 10 via Eleven Seven Music. The CD was helmed by producer Kevin Churko at his The Hideout Recording Studio in Las Vegas, Nevada. Churko is the Canadian musician, sound engineer, songwriter and record producer who has previously worked with OZZY OSBOURNE, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and IN THIS MOMENT, among other acts.

According to a press release, "Blood For Blood" is "a welcome return to form. It leaves a mark, thanks to songs like the angular, vengeful 'DMF', a song birthed by the sort of anger that can't be faked; it will leave you wondering who pissed these guys off. 'Gift' is dirty, rowdy rock with equal parts groove and swagger, but also possessed of the sort of punk rock energy that would make MOTÖRHEAD fans turns their heads. Then there is moodier, more contemplative fare like 'Moth' or 'Hush', which connect on an emotional, cellular level, proving that you can be incredibly heavy in ways other than loud and fast. The album sounds like a recharged HELLYEAH, taken up many notches."

"Blood For Blood" track listing:

01. Sangre Por Sangre (Blood For Blood)
02. Demons In The Dirt
03. Soul Killer
04. Moth
05. Cross To Bier (Cradle Of Bones)
06. DMF
07. Gift
08. Hush
09. Say When
10. Black December

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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mer 02 Avr 2014 16:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 5528

MessagePosté le: Mer 02 Avr 2014 21:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ouais, j'ai écouté. C'est pas très, très bon, a priori.

Et la caisse claire de Vinnie Paul sonne vraiment cracra. On dirait à chaque fois qu'on donne un coup de barre dans une portière de voiture.
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