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GAMA BOMB - The Terror Tapes (19 avril)

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Lun 04 Mar 2013 16:56    Sujet du message: GAMA BOMB - The Terror Tapes (19 avril) Répondre en citant

Irish thrashers GAMA BOMB will release their fourth album, "The Terror Tapes", on April 19 in Europe and May 7 the U.S. via AFM Records. The cover for the follow-up to 2009's "Tales From The Grave In Space" was illustrated by veteran movie poster artist Graham Humphreys, who created pieces for classics "A Nightmare On Elm Street" and "Evil Dead".

"We grew up in terror of VHS covers painted by Graham, but we never knew his name," says GAMA BOMB vocalist Philly Byrne. "We found him, had the audacity to chat to him, and now it's a dream come true to work together and to see the astounding work he's done for us.

"The cover shows a man being consumed by a giant, living tape machine. It's got the feeling of a grubby old 1980s video sleeve, I think. It ties in perfectly with our obsession with old technology and mad horror imagery. It's the best album cover we've ever had. Everyone else's album art sucks because of this."

"The Terror Tapes" will be preceded by a single for the track "Terrorscope", available both as a completely free download on March 26, with a vinyl release following in April.

"It was really important to us to give people some music for nothing," says Byrne. "It's how we get our music and we want people to know we're cool with them doing that, as long as they support us. Support comes from a lot of different places, not just the front pocket."

"The Terror Tapes" track listing:

01. The Wrong Stuff
02. Legend of Speed
03. Backwards Bible
04. Beverly Hills Robocop
05. Smoke The Blow With Willem Dafoe
06. We Started The Fire
07. Terrorscope
08. The Cannibals Are In The Streets - All Flesh Must Be Eaten
09. Shitting Yourself To Live
10. Matrioshka Brain
11. Metal Idiot
12. Wrecking Ball

Regarding the musical direction of "The Terror Tapes", Byrne, says: "I think this album's really going to shock people. We're not afraid to write brash, outrageous songs that will make people stand up and shout. There are some straight-up classics on this album and we can't wait for everyone to hear it."

He adds: "It's been a long road to bring 'The Terror Tapes' to life. I had throat surgery, Domo [Dixon, guitar] had a tendon injury, we changed our lineup, we recorded without a label, did it all the hard way. We worked hard and got through and made a great album which we're proud to be releasing with such great guys as AFM, who really believe in what we're doing. We've spent long enough in the shadows; now we’re ready to re-emerge."

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