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RUSH - Clockwork Angels (12 Juin)

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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010 16:22    Sujet du message: RUSH - Clockwork Angels (12 Juin) Répondre en citant

Ca sortira pas avant l'année prochaine vu qu'ils interrompent leur boulot en studio par une grande tournée.

Nouveau single, Caravan :

En terme d'infos, il y a pas grand-chose à part ça : "It's in-your-face guitar stuff. It's awesome, great. In fact, I'm really pleased with the way it's turned out. Everybody's playing really well. There's great energy and there's great rhythmic funk-ability going on there."

Dernière édition par Pingouin le Ven 11 Mai 2012 21:47; édité 1 fois
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WebMasta sous LSD

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Dans ton pc

MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010 16:30    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ça s'écoute bien ce single, c'est moins surproduit que Vapor Trails.
Listening to this album is like being buried alive in kittens.
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Maths As DT

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010 16:39    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ya aussi BU2B comme nouveau single :

Perso je prends même pas la peine d'écouter les nouveaux albums du groupe.
Pas écouté Snakes And Arrows, pas écouté Vapor Trails...
Vous vulgarisez.
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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 5528

MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010 16:51    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ah, BU2B !

Même sans l'écouter, je suis sûr que la rythmique est basée sur l'écriture en morse de "B.U.2.B" !

Ça doit donner !
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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7067
Localisation: Montréal

MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010 16:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sont sympas, ces morceaux.
Il n'est point de réel voyage dont la destination ultime ne soit le point de départ.

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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Juil 2010 21:22    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le DVD de Beyond the Lighted Stage (docu de 3 heures sur le groupe, concocté l'année dernière par Sam Dunn et Scott McFadyen, responsables de Iron Maiden : Flight 666 et A Headbanger's Journey) est dispo en Europe depuis quelques jours.

Bande-annonce :

"Rush is one of rock's most influential bands. Ranked third in consecutive gold or platinum albums after The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, the band enjoys a devoted following by legions around the world and is revered by generations of musicians. Yet, their incredible success story has, up to this point, remained largely untold. Now comes the new documentary Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage, the first comprehensive exploration of the extraordinary power trio. Featuring never-before-seen archival footage and interviews with notables such as Jack Black, Billy Corgan, Trent Reznor, Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters), Kirk Hammett (Metallica) and Gene Simmons, this film explores the forty-year career and phenomenon behind what could be the world's biggest cult band. This 2-disc DVD in deluxe packaging features over 3 hours of video, including a 1.5 hour bonus disc of never-before-seen live performances, special features, and deleted scenes from the film. A 12 page color booklet of rare and unreleased photos is also included."
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mer 08 Sep 2010 23:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

En attendant, sortie d'un nouveau volet de la série "Classic Albums" consacré à 2112 et Moving Pictures.
Et ça sortira le 28/09.

It's been a banner year for the award-winning "Classic Albums" series. The most recent editions explore ground-breaking releases by TOM PETTY AND THE HEARTBREAKERS and BLACK SABBATH. The latest edition tackles not one, but TWO epic albums from progressive rock powerhouse RUSH. "Rush: 2112 & Moving Pictures Classic Albums" will be simultaneously released on DVD and Blu-ray via Eagle Rock Entertainment's Eagle Vision subsidiary on September 28. [MSRP $14.98 for DVD, $19.98 for Blu-ray]

Continuing the tradition of this celebrated series, "2112 & Moving Pictures Classic Albums" carries us through the creation of these musical masterpieces via brand new interviews, demonstrations, archive videos, and use of the original multi-track tapes. The titan trio of bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee, guitarist Alex Lifeson, and drummer Neil Peart, joined by original producer Terry Brown, weigh in on the mammoth melodies, resounding riffs, and dynamic drum fills behind these immense aural soundscapes. Many others contribute to the commentary, such as FOO FIGHTERS drummer Taylor Hawkins and acclaimed Rolling Stone journalist David Fricke. 112 minutes in total, this DVD digs even deeper with 50 minutes of bonus material not included in the upcoming VH1 Classic broadcast (airing September 8 at 9:30 p.m. and September 9 at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.).

These legendary albums mark pivotal points in RUSH's career. "2112", released in 1976, broke the band into major music chart domination, going #1 in their native Canada and in the Top 75 in the USA, where it was certified triple platinum. "Moving Pictures" added fuel to their rising stardom, opening them up to a mass audience with heavy-hitting hits like "Tom Sawyer". Going #1 and quadruple platinum in Canada, as well as hitting #3 in the USA and the U.K., this 1981 release remains their biggest selling album to date. RUSH is currently performing this album in its entirely on its "Time Machine" tour. "Rush: 2112 & Moving Pictures Classic Albums" is a perfect encapsulation of what made these albums successful, and why they are revered to this day.
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Inscrit le: 13 Aoû 2010
Messages: 637
Localisation: Meulaiiiiiin

MessagePosté le: Sam 11 Sep 2010 18:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Décidément le 28/09 certains en veulent à mon lardfeuille... Entre ça, l'album de LaCrie et le Blu-Ray de Megadeth...

Au moins on a de quoi faire nos crocs en attendant l'album. J'ai d'ailleurs peur d'être déçu tellement la hype commence à grossir.
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 11 Sep 2010 18:40    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Surtout que ca doit être reuch...
It's a trap!
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Dr Gonzo

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 1536

MessagePosté le: Sam 11 Sep 2010 19:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

C'est AW qui va être heureux d'avoir de nouvelles lignes de basses bien smooth a apprendre.
Peut-être oui, mais finalement, hein? Alors, bon.
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Sam 29 Mar 2014 15:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bientôt un coffret :

The RUSH "ReDISCovered" LP box set will be released on April 15 via Anthem/Universal Music. A contents trailer can be seen below.

2014 marks the 40th anniversary of RUSH's debut album. This release features the band's classic first vinyl album remastered with impeccable care at Abbey Road studios by Sean McGee, who has been previously responsible for all recent THE BEATLES vinyl remasters.

The "ReDISCovered" vinyl is encased in a 12x12 high-quality box. Pressed on audiophile 200-gram vinyl on the Direct Metal Mastering process, this is the highest-quality vinyl currently available. This release contains a re-production of the original 1974 Canadian retail poster (only 500 were ever originally printed) and individual Moon Records publicity photos of Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and original drummer John Rutsey. This release also contains a first time ever Rush Family Tree, tracing origins of the band dating back to 1965 and a memorabilia collage of early Canadian and U.S. gig ads, reviews, photos and the first-ever RUSH bio.
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