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MIKE PATTON - BoF "The Place Beyond the Pines"

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Grand Wazoo Keeper

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 4151
Localisation: Delhi Katmandou CMB

MessagePosté le: Dim 12 Fév 2012 18:06    Sujet du message: MIKE PATTON - BoF "The Place Beyond the Pines" Répondre en citant

Some interesting news regarding the new film by Derek Cianfrance starring Ryan Gosling, The Place Beyond the Pines, seen above. The Playlist & SlashFilm are reporting that the film will be scored by Mike Patton, a singer-songwriter-musician known more for his bands and music than scores, but he did do work for Crank: High Voltage and the Italian film A Solitude of Prime Numbers. Cianfrance has a knack for choosing unique artists for his films, like Grizzly Bear doing the excellent score for Blue Valentine. This already sounds as promising and unique as we should expect for The Place Beyond the Pines. Can't wait.

The Place Beyond the Pines follows a professional motorcycle rider named Luke (Gosling) who turns to bank robberies to support his newborn son, but when he crosses paths with a rookie police officer (Bradley Cooper) their confrontation spirals into a generational feud. It's apparently "kind of an epic movie. It takes place over a couple of generations and it's kind of a crime story, kind of a mystery." The supporting cast includes Eva Mendes, Rose Byrne, Ray Liotta, Bruce Greenwood, Dane DeHaan and Ben Mendelsohn. The film finished shooting late last year mostly around Schenectady, New York, produced by Sidney Kimmel Ent. At the moment we're just waiting to find out when it'll be released or show up at some film festival first.

While I'm sure we'll hear a variety of songs in this, I'm excited to hear what Patton will do with the score, following the likes of Jonny Greenwood and Trent Reznor. Mike Patton is most well known for musical projects like Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Tomahawk and Fantômas. He has producer credits with artists such as John Zorn, Sepultura, Melvins, Melt-Banana and Kool Keith. He co-founded Ipecac Recordings with Greg Werckman in 1999, and has run the label since. The Playlist says he "is something of a movie buff" and I'm looking forward to hearing how his work on this motorcycle flick turns out. We'll keep you updated.



Autres pitits projets (en attendant les gros), Patton serait sur le nouveau (*) 7' de Secret Chiefs 3, plus d'infos par ici.

Il n'est pas prévu de sorties sur d'autres formats ( :cry: )

Side A, la reprise de Brel:

In 1965 Jacques Brel wrote and recorded a fiery three verse chanson exploding with the anxiety, bravado and panic faced by someone stretched to a midpoint across the abyss -- to find oneself suspended between mediocrity and genius, villainy and heroism, doom and eternity, etc. In 1967 the nearly equally inimitable Scott Walker brilliantly re-interpreted Brel's Chanson in English, to equal parts controversy and acclaim in the Anglosphere. In 2012, both versions of the tune have collided in an Anglo-Franco alliance, revealing perhaps an ever-implicit third dimension. It's a stunt simultaneously ill-advised and absolutely necessary for a band like Secret Chiefs 3: Traditionalists to undertake -- and one that could only be pulled off with someone uniquely qualified to take command of the vocals. Who other than the maestro Mike Patton, in this day and age, to do justice (and then some) without insult to such a preposterously Spartan legacy?

Mike Patton : vocals
Timb Harris : violins, trumpets
Steve Moore : trombones
Josiah Boothby : french horns
William Winant : snare drum, vibes
Adam Stacey : accordion
KT Pierce : backing vocals
Jason Schimmel : acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Trey Spruance : bass, glockenspiel, piano, celesta

Side B:

One of the main themes from Secret Chiefs 3's 2004 album "Book of Horizons" receives a more spaghetti-seasoned marination in the crimson blood-soaked cemeteries of occidental exile. Not a chump re-mix, this is an entirely new thunderhead-evoking arrangement and recording, back-dated with a few more horsemen of the Apocalypse casting shadows over the Cowboys and Indians for cinematic effect(**). Already a well-proportioned auditory and philosophical compliment to its flipside, this recording is also one of the precious few Secret Chiefs 3 recordings graced with the voice and viola of Anonymous 13.

Anonymous 13 : vocals, violas
Ches Smith : drums
Shahzad Ismaily : bass
Trey Spruance : baritone guitar, organs, percussion, sound fx, clavinet, electric guitar

Enfin, une occasion de retrouver une tripotée de zicos que j'adule/dore.

* en fait, il y en a eu un autre de sorti (dans la plus pure confidentialité en août dernier, des extraits, ici
** :bave: :sexe02:
...Music is the Best!

Conceptual Continuity in the Calembour
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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 5528

MessagePosté le: Dim 12 Fév 2012 20:17    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Putain, les trucs de Secret Chiefs 3 ont l'air mortellissimes... et totalement inchoppables. (Enfin moi, j'ai pas de platines vinyles.)

Ça suce grave.

EDIT : ah si, on peut acheter les mp3 du Cd 2 titres avec Forms et Ishraqyun.
Bon ben, c'est ti-par !
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Grand Wazoo Keeper

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 4151
Localisation: Delhi Katmandou CMB

MessagePosté le: Lun 13 Fév 2012 18:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

C'est un peu con qu'ils ne proposent pas le Traditionalists en démat' (Blackie©), à moins qu'ils attendent d'écouler quelques vinyls avant de le proposer. Bon, pour moi ça ne change rien, je n'achète pas de support dématérialisé. J'ai fait le choix des vinyls par ce que j'avais déjà en vue de me procurer les premiers (Zulfikar II & III), maintenant que j'ai la place chez moi il est temps que j'écoute du pur son :) .
...Music is the Best!

Conceptual Continuity in the Calembour
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Grand Wazoo Keeper

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 4151
Localisation: Delhi Katmandou CMB

MessagePosté le: Mar 28 Fév 2012 18:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

barbapopo a écrit:
EDIT : ah si, on peut acheter les mp3 du Cd 2 titres avec Forms et Ishraqyun.
Bon ben, c'est ti-par !

Tu les as écoutés?

J'ai bien reçu les deux belles galettes, mais je ne peux que les contempler avec les noeils vu que ma platine est à 700km. :cry:
...Music is the Best!

Conceptual Continuity in the Calembour
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