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Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3715

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Nov 2012 20:41    Sujet du message: ALPHA FLOOD Répondre en citant

Past and present members of Frost*, Pain of Salvation, Threshold, Darkwater and the Neal Morse Band join forces in the new band Alpha Flood.

The idea for this band originated in the mind of Dec Burke, former vocalist and guitar player of Frost* and Darwin’s Radio. “I had the desire to form a band that would combine modern progressive rock and metal elements with more song-oriented music,” Dec Burke explains.

“And when time and opportunity presented itself to work with some world class musicians that I have respected and admired for many years, I went all in.”

First on board was Collin Leijenaar, long time live drummer for Neal Morse: “While I was finishing my Affector album Dec called to ask if I would be interested in joining his new band. Being a fan of Dec’s music, I jumped in without hesitating.” Kristoffer Gildenlöw (ex-Pain of Salvation), Simon Andersson (Darkwater) and Richard West (Threshold) soon followed to complete the line up. Richard: “I wasn’t looking to join another band but when I heard the music it was so compellingly beautiful that I couldn’t resist.” Simon adds: “To be asked to form a band with these musicians was a true honour. Years ago I used to play along to their songs, imagining how it would be to be in a band with them. And now here we are. I'm thrilled!“

Dec: “As soon as we started writing music together it was obvious that there's an awesome chemistry between us. And rest assured, this is not a one-album project, but a band that's here to stay!“ Alpha Flood is currently in the studio recording their debut album to be released in 2013. Kristoffer ends: “We can’t wait to bring this music to the stage and kick some serious ass!”


Dec Burke – vocals & guitars
Kristoffer Gildenlöw – bass guitars
Richard West – keyboards
Simon Andersson – guitars
Collin Leijenaar – drums

Stay tuned for more Alpha Flood news in the coming weeks.

Follow the band at: and

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MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Nov 2012 23:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ça à l'air intéressant comme line-up.
Listening to this album is like being buried alive in kittens.
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