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KINGDOM COME - Outlier (29 Avr)

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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Jeu 31 Jan 2013 10:28    Sujet du message: KINGDOM COME - Outlier (29 Avr) Répondre en citant

A red-letter day for fans, and for the media at large an important date which makes their representatives prick up their ears: Lenny Wolf and Kingdom Come are set to release their new studio album Outlier on 26 April 2013 in Germany, 29 April 2013 in Europe and 7 May 2013 in the USA, picking up with ten powerful rock songs where his long tradition of fascinating studio albums left off. At the same time, mastermind Lenny is starting a new chapter of his diverse creative career, expertly positioning his charismatic voice on Outlier between traditional rock structures and modern sound elements, which add a third dimension to this album.

“I simply felt the need to delve deep inside of me and run riot in the infinite expanse of the audio cosmos. The result is a friction of mercilessly mechanical, heartless sound collages, combined with my typical melancholy-melodious style,” Wolf explains the album’s artfully interwoven experimental approach to his sound, which never detracts from the familiar atmospheric basic mood of his songs. “A whole number of souls happen to dwell in my breast, which is why experimentation and the development of my musical existence simply belong together.”

Outlier was recorded at Wolf’s own Hamburg studio, the Two Square Noise Factory. With the exception of the solo guitar parts contributed by Eric Förster, all instruments were recorded by the Kingdom Come boss himself. In addition, Wolf produced, engineered, mixed and mastered his new album. “Eighteen-months of struggle and madness lie behind me, a period which saw me go through the usual alternating bath of euphoria and doubt. As an artist, you can never be quite sure just what you’ve cooked up, but I happen to be an idealist and simply have to keep embarking on new adventurous journeys. The path of predictability has never satisfied me.”

Outlier is Kingdom Come’s first studio album featuring completely new material since the arrival of their 2009 release Magnified and will be released as CD and download worldwide through SPV / Steamhammer.


Dernière édition par Lucificum le Mer 03 Avr 2013 10:02; édité 1 fois
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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Mer 03 Avr 2013 10:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- God Does Not Sing Our Song -

The new KINGDOM COME single "God Does Not Sing Our Song" will be released digitally worldwide on April 05th!

1. God Does Not Sing Our Song (radio version) 03:55
2. God Does Not Sing Our Song (album version) 04:05 (taken from "Outlier")
3. Should I 06:22 (taken from "Rendered Waters")

You can listen to a sample of the song here:

Here are some words by Lenny Wolf regarding the new single:

Pardon my accent:

Written by Lenny Wolf in sober and focused spirit.

Some people asked me to share a few thoughts about my single called "God does not sing our song". I think the song itself speaks louder than words, but I will try to share some thoughts behind the obvious.

Why did I write that song?

Because I am a Musician.

Why that title?

The title is reflecting my thoughts about people abusing the "name of God" to justify their sick and often very destructive behavior. God may be watching but I'm sure he is "NOT always singing along".

What makes you decide in which form you create a song?

I got no master plan. I am more like a five year old plugging the guitar chord into the endless audio universe hoping to catch some cool frequencies. Lately I caught a lot of heavy guitar signals which were asking to be used in a powerful song. I tried my best;-)

Do I believe in God?

I believe in a higher force which can be called God or orange shoe. I don't need to sit in a men made building with steep roofs to "feel closer or more connected", but if that works for other people, that of course is perfectly alright. In whichever direction or whatever name people are praying to, I rather follow a good heart than thousands of pre written phrases.

What is my outlook on our future?

Fanaticism and ignorance is a deadly combination. We got a lot of this around poisoning our planet. I don't have the answer to it all, but I think it would be a great first step to go by a simple saying: "Live and let live" - with enough space and respect for one another. As long as people trying to force their believes onto others, we are bound to have conflicts coming our way. Some should remember weather they are guests or locals before wanting to change the furniture!

In case I bored you, next time I will write about something much more original like:

Oohh babe, I will never leave you, I'll do anything for you, tonight is the night, I'm so sorry, please let me bend over so that you can find the perfect place to kick me harder than ever, …….. etc. etc. ;-)

Hallelujah, Lenny


The single is taken from the new album "Outlier" which will be released worldwide through SPV/Steamhammer and will be available as CD and download in Germany on April 26th, in Europe on April 29th and in the US/Canada on May 07th!


God Does Not Sing Our Song 04:05
Running High Distortion 04:14
Rough Ride Ralleye 04:35
Let The Silence Talk 03:29
Holy Curtain 03:59
The Trap Is Alive 04:41
Skip The Cover And Feel 03:37
Don`t Want You To Wait 04:31
Such A Shame 03:18
When Colors Break The Grey 05:03


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merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Inscrit le: 19 Juil 2012
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Localisation: Colères banlieue sud

MessagePosté le: Mer 03 Avr 2013 21:52    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il sort pas chez Frontiers ? En même temps, une chance sur deux, hein ? Very Happy
Je pensais même pas que le groupe existait encore. Encore un coup des Japonaises ?
"[...]- le rythme véritable ne vient jamais de la répétition qui pourtant le prépare, mais du surgissement de l'étrange, d'un plan oblique à l'attention [...]" Alain Damasio - La Horde du Contrevent
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