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SOUNDGARDEN - King Animal (13 Novembre)
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Inscrit le: 13 Aoû 2010
Messages: 637
Localisation: Meulaiiiiiin

MessagePosté le: Sam 16 Mar 2013 10:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Et que dans ce format ? Lol.

Me laiserai peut-être tenter alors. SI pô cher.
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mer 02 Oct 2013 20:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

According to The Pulse Of Radio, SOUNDGARDEN's very first record releases are being reissued on CD, double vinyl and as a digital set on November 26 via Sub Pop Records, the legendary independent label that was the Seattle grunge act's first home. The set will include the band's entire debut EP, "Screaming Life", as well as bonus tracks from its "Fopp" EP and songs that appeared on the "Sub Pop 200" compilation, all initially issued in the late Eighties. All the tracks have been remastered by producer Jack Endino and the LP versions are the first time the songs have been pressed to vinyl since the original releases.

Singer Chris Cornell told The Pulse Of Radio not long ago that SOUNDGARDEN would love to bring back some of its earliest material in its live show. "We have such a long history, and a lot of songs that we either haven't played in a long time and some we never really have played much live," he said. "So we have like a huge list of things. It'll be nice at some point to just be able to play kind of anything at any time."

Shortly after "Screaming Life" was released, A&M Records offered SOUNDGARDEN a major label deal. The band did the "Fopp" EP, contributed to "Sub Pop 200" and issued its first full album, "Ultramega OK", on SST Records before eventually signing with A&M.

Among the tracks on the reissue are "Hunted Down", "Tears To Forget", the band's famous cover of the OHIO PLAYERS' "Fopp" and the SOUNDGARDEN cult classic "Nothing To Say".

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