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DRAWERS - Drawers (11/02/2014)

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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Sam 14 Déc 2013 12:08    Sujet du message: DRAWERS - Drawers (11/02/2014) Répondre en citant

Y a mes potes de Drawers, et bah ils arrivent avec un tout nouveau album tout beau avec leurs têtes dessus lol

Kaotoxin Records has announced the inking of a multi-album deal with France’s new sensation in the Stoner / Doom field, Drawers. Drawers shouldn’t be unknown to the label’s fans as their guitarist, Laurent Bringer, is the one responsible for the production of Nolentia‘s 2013 full-length, May the Hand that Holds the Match that Will Set this World on Fire Be Blessed Above All. But, back to Drawers!

After a debut EP, This is Oil, released in a 2008 through France’s Deadlight Entertainment, a debut full-length, All Is One, released in 2011 through Russia’s Slowburn Records, a split 7″ EP with fellow French Doomsters Hangman’s Chair (2012, Moodisorder Records) and a continuous road trek through Europe bringing the band to countless countries, sharing the stages with the likes of Red Fang, Kylesa, The Sword and many others, the first collaboration with Kaotoxin will be the release of the band’s self-titled sophomore effort in early 2014.

Recorded live in the studio, this new full-length is shorter than the previous one, more compact, more straight to the point, focusing on a straight-forward songwriting with eight new cruisin’ anthems, all potential radio hits, of intense, heavy and catchy Stoner / Doom. The perfect soundtrack for a sick and twisted road movie!

The new album will be released worldwide on February 11th, 2014 with a 1,000 copies limited edition first press as a deluxe DigiSleeve CD with a 6 panels foldout booklet, while preorders will start January 14th, 2014 through the label’s mailorder.

Drawers Tracklisting:
1. Once And For All
2. Mourning
3. It’s All About Love
4. Bleak
5. Take Stock
6. Shadow Dancers
7. Words
8. Detour

Ici mini trailer
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Sam 11 Jan 2014 18:55    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Shadow Dancers pour qui ça intéresse :)
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Inscrit le: 15 Fév 2012
Messages: 3419

MessagePosté le: Sam 11 Jan 2014 19:09    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gros son.
Pas mon genre, mais gros son.
Et ça me fait penser à quelque chose sans que j'arrive pour autant à mettre le doigt dessus... c'est très frustrant.

Sinon, elle est pas mal, ma seconde signature, non ? non ? non ? non ?
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Jeu 24 Juil 2014 19:10    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bon, y a mes potes de Drawers qui teasent du clip là.
Alors, hey, écoutez-moi : allez voir.

Ca vous la coupe hein.

J'adore le début :)
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