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MAGNUM - Escape From The Shadow Garden (24/03)

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Shred is Dead

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MessagePosté le: Ven 24 Jan 2014 20:58    Sujet du message: MAGNUM - Escape From The Shadow Garden (24/03) Répondre en citant

Not only musicians and freelance artists know this phenomenon: it’s impossible to deliver top creative performances at the push of a button. You need peace, leisure, and – most of all – a certain amount of serenity to create truly great works of art. “We used to be under permanent pressure from our record companies,” says Magnum mastermind Tony Clarkin. “They kept calling us, demanding hit singles and radio numbers. But that sort of thing doesn’t work on demand. Now we’re with SPV, where it’s a totally different situation. They give us the necessary time and trust us to do the right thing. That’s probably the reason why I enjoy working with Magnum again."

Clarkin’s regained joy in his band is omnipresent on the latest Magnum offering, Escape >From The Shadow Garden. Just like his simple yet logical work ethos: “I simply told myself: you’re a passable guitarist, so you should play the guitar. As the band’s guitarist and producer, I have all the freedom I need to create exactly what I feel like creating.” The result of his latest burst of creativity consists of eleven wonderfully melodic rock songs which blend all the typical Magnum ingredients, sounding in a fascinating way both timeless and classic. “This band has certain unmistakable trademarks,” Clarkin explains. “Among them are my feel for melodies and Bob’s unique vocal style."

Only a month after the release of its predecessor, On The 13th Day, Clarkin started with the preparations for Escape >From The Shadow Garden – as always an exciting phase in his life. “Before you haven’t recorded and mixed every single note, you never really know whether you’ll be happy with the result. When I heard the final version of the eleven new songs with their different stories and diverse arrangements, I knew it had turned into an impressive and complete album. Together with the great cover artwork designed by Rodney Matthews (Asia, Nazareth, Eloy), this is a release which forges an arch to the early days of Magnum’s career. And that’s wonderful! I was really happy when my friend Jimmy Lea of Slade came to visit me at the studio again and said: ‘You’ve done it again?’ It doesn’t matter whether by sheer luck or hard work – life could have gone a totally differently way.”

‘Escape From The Shadow Garden’ will be release on Steamhammer / SPV on March 19th in Scandinavia, March 21st in Germany, March 24th in Europe and March 25th in the US/Canada.

‘Escape From The Shadow Garden’ will be available as a limited digipak edition with bonus DVD, as a double gatefold coloured vinyl LP set incl. bonus track, standard jewel case CD and download.


Digipak Version


1. Live ‘Til You Die

2. Unwritten Sacrifice

3. Falling For The Big Plan

4. Crying In The Rain

5. Too Many Clowns

6. Midnight Angel

7. The Art Of Compromise

8. Don’t Fall Asleep

9. Wisdom’s Had Its Day

10. Burning River

11. The Valley Of Tears


Bonus Features

Recorded Over Six Nights In Europe Live Footage

(Black Skies - Freedom Day - All My Bridges - On A Storyteller’s Night)

Extras (On tour Footage)

(Too Many Clowns - Dance Of The Black Tattoo)

Jewel case Version

1. Live ‘Til You Die

2. Unwritten Sacrifice

3. Falling For The Big Plan

4. Crying In The Rain

5. Too Many Clowns

6. Midnight Angel

7. The Art Of Compromise

8. Don’t Fall Asleep

9. Wisdom’s Had Its Day

10. Burning River

11. The Valley Of Tears

LP Version

LP 1 Side One

1. Live ‘Til You Die

2. Unwritten Sacrifice

3. Falling For The Big Plan

LP 1 Side Two

1. Crying In The Rain

2. Too Many Clowns

3. Midnight Angel

LP 2 Side One

1. The Art Of Compromise

2. Don’t Fall Asleep

3. Wisdom’s Had Its Day

LP 1 Side Two

10. Burning River

11. The Valley Of Tears

12. Dance Of The Black Tattoo (live) – bonus track
The cover is once again created by famous fantasy artist Rodney Matthews (Asia, Nazareth, Eloy).

Three weeks after the release of ‘Escape From The Shadow Garden" MAGNUM set off on a huge European Tour.


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Chauve No Mercy

Inscrit le: 08 Mar 2013
Messages: 5535
Localisation: pas très loin du Stade de France.

MessagePosté le: Ven 24 Jan 2014 21:41    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hey pas mal tu veux tu peux le chroniquer Mr. Green
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it ;Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it ;Show, how good you are !
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