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Cavalera Constipation (Octobre 2014)

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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Mar 08 Juil 2014 15:08    Sujet du message: Cavalera Constipation (Octobre 2014) Répondre en citant

CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, le groupe mené par Max et Igor Cavalera, a révélé à TeamRock Radio le nom de son nouvel album studio : Pandemonium.
Il sera le troisième album de CAVALERA CONSPIRACY et est attendu pour octobre chez Napalm Records.

Chouette Neutral
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Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 1432
Localisation: cassoulet city

MessagePosté le: Mar 08 Juil 2014 15:27    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le tout avec le bassiste de Converge!
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Mer 27 Aoû 2014 13:34    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

CAVALERA CONSPIRACY: 'Pandemonium' Track Listing Revealed

CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, the band led by brothers and founding SEPULTURA members Max (also of SOULFLY) and Igor Cavalera, will release its third album, "Pandemonium", on November 4 (one day earlier internationally) via Napalm Records. The CD was produced by John Gray, who has previously worked with SOULFLY.

"Pandemonium" track listing:

01. Babylonian Pandemonium
02. Banzai Kamakazi
03. Scum
04. I, Barbarian
05. Carmunhao
06. Apex Predator
07. Insurrection
08. Not Losing The Edge
09. Father Of Hate
10. The Crucible
11. Deus Ex Machina
12. Porra

On a la mochette aussi :

Commented Igor Cavalera on the "Pandemonium" artwork: "It is exciting to work with one of the most amazing living artists, who is also one of my best friends.

"Stephan Doitschnoff expresses in a beautiful way what is tense and ambiguous and makes people think through images and words. For me, it's the best fit to combine with one of the most exciting pieces of music I have written, which is 'Pandemonium'."

During an appearance on the "Metal Hammer" magazine show on TeamRock Radio, Max stated about the upcoming effort: "It's very, very heavy — the heaviest of all the three [CAVALERA CONSPIRACY albums]. I was really possessed to get Igor back to his 'Arise' [SEPULTURA] era of drumming, everything fast."

Max recently told about "Pandemonium": "There aren't really any guests on the album. Nate [Newton] from CONVERGE plays bass and he sings one song called 'The Crucible' — it's about the witches of Salem; we did a song about that. Nate's got a great voice, 'cause he sings for DOOMRIDERS and I love his voice, so I got him to sing one song. That's the only guest. The CAVALERA album is really more about me and Igor [Cavalera, drums], the brothers, thrashing. This one is almost grindcore. I was really a dictator in the studio with Igor to try to keep him from going into the groove and tried to keep him playing fast; I wanted him play fast for most of the record. So every time he'd go into the groove, I would be, like, 'Fuck the groove! Get out of the groove! Go back to the fast shit.' And I succeeded, man. It's a really brutal album. I think it's definitely the most brutal of all the CAVALERA albums and it's definitely gonna turn some heads when people hear this one."

Gray stated about the "Pandemonium" recording process: "This is by far the fastest and heaviest record I have ever had the pleasure of working on with Max Cavalera".

"Max, Igor and Marc [Rizzo, guitar] were on the same page musically from the moment they walked in the door, and recording this album was a very smooth process.

"I had never worked with Igor Cavalera before and I was very impressed with his ability to work out the arrangements with Max and get some extremely complex drum parts done live with hardly any re-takes necessary. Marc Rizzo, as always, was spot-on and a true guitar virtuoso.

"I love to work with Marc because he always pushes himself to perfection, but he is very down to earth and keeps things light when he's under pressure.

"What can I say about Nate Newton — he killed it on the bass tracks with very little back and forth. I'm really impressed with his talent, and I look forward to meeting him some day."

Added Newton: "It was a lot of fun to be a part of this record. For me, it was a challenge to learn the songs sight unseen and record them. It was a pretty interesting look into the way Max writes songs and I am glad to have been a part of it."

J'ai le sentiment que ça va être brutal et très rapide.
Et chiant.
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Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 20266
Localisation: Trapped in a corner

MessagePosté le: Mer 27 Aoû 2014 13:52    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Je suis une outre!!!

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
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