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GOD SEED - Live At Wacken DVD/CD (31 Janvier)

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mer 30 Nov 2011 15:47    Sujet du message: GOD SEED - Live At Wacken DVD/CD (31 Janvier) Répondre en citant

Extrait: Carving A Giant

GOD SEED's "Live At Wacken" DVD and CD will be released on January 27 in Europe and January 31 in North America via Indie Recordings.

The number of tracks on the "Live At Wacken" DVD was recently reduced to nine from the previously announced 13.

GOD SEED was the Norwegian band featuring former GORGOROTH members King (bass; real name: Tom Cato Visnes) and Gaahl (vocals; real name: Kristian Espedal).

"Live At Wacken" will include footage of the group's infamous live show from the 2008 edition of the Wacken Open Air festival in Wacken, Germany where they performed on the main stage in front of 75,000 screaming fans.

The Wacken performance was a reconstruction of GORGOROTH's controversial "Black Mass" show from Krakow in 2004 filmed in a TV studio in Kraków, Poland. The concert featured sheep heads on stakes, "crucified" nude models, satanic symbols, and eighty liters of sheep's blood. The band came under fire for violating Polish anti-blasphemy laws as well as Polish animal-rights laws, resulting in a police investigation with allegations of religious offence and cruelty to animals. The band went free of all charges and at Wacken 2008 they recreated this now-legendary show in all its glory.

This spectacular show is made available as a live CD, including the film of the entire show on DVD. The album is only available in a deluxe digipack edition and holds liner notes from the band about the process of recreating this special show.

"Live At Wacken" features session players Nick Barker (drums) and Ice Dale (guitar) alongside King and Gaahl.

"Live At Wacken" revised track listing:

01. Procreating Satan
02. Forces Of Satan Storms
03. Teethgrinding
04. Carving A Giant
05. A Sign Of An Open Eye
06. Wound Upon Wound
07. Godseed
08. Of Ice And Movement
09. Prosperity And Beauty

GOD SEED came to life after Gaahl and King lost a court battle in early 2009 against guitarist Infernus (real name: Roger Tiegs) over the rights to the GORGOROTH band name.

Commented King: "GOD SEED represents a more spiritual side to us than what GORGOROTH did. GOD SEED represents the will to grow; the will to be the super man, so to speak. I think it's a suitable name for what we will represent in the future. I am also aware of the fact that we use the word 'God' in the name. It will challenge the weak minded in the respect that we in the past used the word Satan a lot, but it's all about the same thing. The God within man, and the God within nature. I never believed in a Christian force named Satan. I believe in the God within man."

Gaahl left GOD SEED in 2009 because he chose to retire from metal music.

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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