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Thriller – A Metal Tribute To Michael Jackson (22 octobre)

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 22 Oct 2013 17:23    Sujet du message: Thriller – A Metal Tribute To Michael Jackson (22 octobre) Répondre en citant

Just in time for Halloween, a scarily impressive alliance of metal and hard rock luminaries has formed to create one of the most depraved abominations of musical crossbreeding in history — an all-metal tribute to the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, available on CD October 22! Never before have such quintessential pop hits as "Beat It", "Thriller", "Billy Jean" and "Man In The Mirror" been so completely transformed, substituting softly stylized synths with crunchy, distorted guitars, replacing the pitter patter of programmed beats with pulverizing double bass acoustic drums, and topping it off with some of the finest, most powerful vocals in metal. When completed, these reinventions pay due respect to the expertly crafted melodies and songs that made Michael Jackson one of the most beloved figures in all of music, and offer legions of metalheads a reason to simultaneously grab their crotches and throw the horns in celebration!

Spearheaded by producer/musician Bob Kulick, who also helped in the arrangement of these cover versions, the project was in his words a "labor of love" for all involved. Exclaims Kulick: "We made these awesome songs kick ass while still being faithful to the original versions. Add killer players like Doug Aldrich, Billy Sheehan, Bruce Kulick, Rudy Sarzo, Tony Franklin, Craig Goldy, Bumblefoot, Phil Campbell and you've got some real MAGIC!" Rudy Sarzo, a stalwart of the metal scene as a member of both QUIET RIOT and QUEENSRŸCHE, reflects: "Michael Jackson's music is synonymous with iconic rockers such as Eddie Van Halen, Steve Stevens and Slash. So it's only fitting that the rock community pays tribute to this legendary artist with Metal Mike!" And FISHBONE's Angelo Moore expresses great enthusiasm for his contribution, saying: "I never thought I would hear myself doing a cover of 'The Way You Make Me Feel', but it's an honor and a dream come true. We put a different twist on it to give it a whole new light, or maybe I should say a whole new dark!"

In addition to the legends Kulick enlisted, several of today's modern metal figures also contributed, including Elias Soriano of NONPOINT, who comments, "It was my pleasure to do this tribute to MJ. My admiration for the talent and history he has given to music overall will be hard to replace. My only wish is that I did him justice with my performance." Jason Myers of ICARUS WITCH, one of the current flag bearers in the traditional metal scene, declares: "When we were approached by Cleopatra to contribute to the Michael Jackson tribute we were honored (due to the legendary talent already on board), but a bit skeptical about how our fans would react...Choosing an unorthodox hit took a bit of pressure off and allowed us to put more of ourselves into the track."

Finally, bassist Tony Franklin, who has worked with everyone from LED ZEPPELIN's Jimmy Page to PINK FLOYD's David Gilmour to WHITESNAKE, confirms the surprise and astonishment many felt during the creation of the album, "The first thing I noticed was how easily these out and out pop songs translated to the metal genre. That is the sign of, one, a great song and, two, a great production and arrangement." He goes on to note that it wasn't just the songs that were transformed when Metal met Pop on these recordings; the performers themselves were transformed. He states, "It was very cool to see how the guest artists interpreted these songs as it brought out a different side of them - a side we wouldn't usually hear."

"Thriller – A Metal Tribute To Michael Jackson" features appearances by the following musicians:

* Chuck Billy (TESTAMENT)
* Billy Sheehan (MR. BIG)
* Angelo Moore (FISHBONE)
* Doug Aldrich (WHITESNAKE, DIO)
* Lajon Witherspoon (SEVENDUST)
* Bruce Kulick (KISS)
* Tony Franklin (THE FIRM)
* Priya Panda (DIEMONDS)
* Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal (GUNS N' ROSES)
* Corey Glover (LIVING COLOUR)
* Phil Campbell (MOTÖRHEAD)
* Elias Soriano (NONPOINT)
* Doug Pinnick (KING'S X)
* Chris Jericho (FOZZY)
* Paul Di'Anno (IRON MAIDEN)
* Craig Goldy (DIO)
* Lonnie Jordan (WAR)

Track listing:

01. Thriller - Chuck Billy (TESTAMENT)
02. Man In The Mirror - Danny Worsnop (ASKING ALEXANDRIA) & Billy Sheehan (MR. BIG)
03. The Way You Make Me Feel - Angelo Moore (FISHBONE), Doug Aldrich (WHITESNAKE), & Rudy Sarzo (QUEENSRŸCHE)
04. Black Or White - Lajon Witherspoon (SEVENDUST), Bruce Kulick (ex-KISS), & Tony Franklin (THE FIRM)
05. Beat It - Priya Panda (DIEMONDS) & Ron Bumblefoot Thal (GUNS N' ROSES)
06. Billy Jean - Corey Glover (LIVING COLOUR) & Phil Campbell (MOTÖRHEAD)
07. Shake Your Body (DOWN TO THE GROUND) - Elias Soriano (NONPOINT)
08. Rock With You - Doug Pinnick (KING'S X)
09. Dirty Diana - Chris Jericho (FOZZY)
10. Bad - Paul Di'Anno (ex-IRON MAIDEN) & Craig Goldy (DIO)
11. They Don't Care About Us - ICARUS WITCH
12. Never Can Say Goodbye - Lonnie Jordan (WAR)
13. Smooth Criminal - ALIEN ANT FARM

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007
Messages: 4935
Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island

MessagePosté le: Mar 22 Oct 2013 17:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

J'ai cru que ça serait un tribute à Thriller spécifiquement, mais en fait ça couvre toute sa carrière ?? :kiss:

J'adore l'idée en tout cas Heandbang
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Inscrit le: 13 Aoû 2010
Messages: 637
Localisation: Meulaiiiiiin

MessagePosté le: Mar 22 Oct 2013 19:03    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Les tribute de Kulick, bof, généralement ça me laisse vaseux.

Mais il n'y a pas Billy Sherwood, on peut donc raisonnablement espérer quelque chose de correct.
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Metal Besher'Hell

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 2960
Localisation: Limoges

MessagePosté le: Mar 22 Oct 2013 19:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Les tributes metal, c'est généralement une grosse blague, à mon avis le résultat va pas être fameux ici aussi...

Divine Side | Exorcizer

"L'auditif, c'est moins visuel" (® & © Doomy)
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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007
Messages: 4935
Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island

MessagePosté le: Lun 04 Nov 2013 11:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je déteste avoir à l'admettre, mais Seo et Baker avaient raison. Ce tribute est assez minable :(

La reprise de Black or White par exemple manque cruellement de punch, alors que celle qu'avait fait Periphery il y a quelques années était excellent

Quant à celle de Beat it ... c'est limite si je ne trouve pas celle de Ripper et Malmsteen meilleure Neutral
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Lun 04 Nov 2013 12:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Quelques reprises metal du meilleur ami des enfants: 11 Metal Covers Of Michael Jackson Songs

Edith a trouvé l'album en écoute sur youteub:
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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