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UFO - Seven Deadly (27 Fev 2012)

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Shred is Dead

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MessagePosté le: Jeu 01 Déc 2011 13:36    Sujet du message: UFO - Seven Deadly (27 Fev 2012) Répondre en citant

Nothing would be easier for British rock legend UFO than to rest on their laurels. The band could easily release the occasional best-of album to earn a few additional royalties and otherwise content themselves with looking back at their exceptionally glorious past. And it certainly wouldn’t be a problem for UFO to sell out tours on the strength of their legendary name with a great hoopla and low artistic values. But idleness or indeed a musical standstill have always been out of the question for Phil Mogg, Paul Raymond, Andy Parker, and Vinnie Moore. These in equal measures experienced and ambitious musicians are interested in the present, their love of creativity and the active continuation of their celebrated band history. And now we can look forward to Seven Deadly, the band’s latest studio album which combines present and future with UFO’s greatest fortes. Mogg, Raymond, Parker and Moore are set to release 10 brand-new songs on Steamhammer/SPV in Germany on 24 February 2012 (Europe: 27 February, USA/Canada: 28 February), featuring – without going into great detail at this point – some of the strongest compositions this band has ever recorded.

The album will be released as a limited edition digipak (incl. 2 bonus tracks), a Double Gatefold LP with printed innersleeves and coloured vinyl, standard edition and download.

What is this bold thesis based on – in view of the countless classics the band has produced throughout its history? Not only on the fact that UFO have that perfect mix of talent, charisma and experience, but also on each individual band member, who currently all seem to be bursting with a zest for action and a wealth of ideas. Seven Deadly is an atmospherically dense fabric consisting of classy guitars, tight rock grooves and vocals which are unique to UFO. So it’s no wonder that sound engineer Tommy Newton, in whose Area 51 studio in Celle, Germany, the new tracks were recorded, commented: “I’ve never heard a better Phil Mogg!”

The UFO frontman’s thoroughly impressive vocal performance goes hand in hand with the awesome compositions on Seven Deadly. The classic rock of ‘Burn Your House Down’ features all the important UFO strengths, ‘Going Down To Mojotown’ sees the musicians sound tougher than ever, and last but not least ‘Wonderland’ features a pointed reference to UFO’s early days. ‘Angel Station’ sees the band prove how classic rock music is complemented perfectly with epic elements, while ‘Fight Night’ is an excellent track to be performed in a live context. There’s no need to draw attention to the technical skills of original UFO members Paul Raymond and Andy Parker, their music sounding inspired and faultless at the same time. Having said that, Vinnie Moore’s exceptional guitar style deserves to be explicitly mentioned. The American musician not only lends the songs expression and power with his haunting licks and dynamic riffs, but also contributes solos on Seven Deadly which can only be described as absolute world class.

As already mentioned, UFO continue to be a live force to be reckoned with. Their UK tour has been scheduled for March/April 2012 before the band go on to tour the rest of Europe. A little note in passing: at the time of Seven Deadly’s release, UFO will be performing at the Monsters Of Rock Cruise – The Voyage: there could hardly be a more fitting setting for this exciting new album!


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