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CHILDREN OF BODOM - Holiday At Lake Bodom (20 mai)

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Mar 2012 17:21    Sujet du message: CHILDREN OF BODOM - Holiday At Lake Bodom (20 mai) Répondre en citant

On May 21, Finnish metallers CHILDREN OF BODOM will release "Holiday At Lake Bodom (15 Years Of Wasted Youth)", a very special CD+DVD career retrospective in celebration of the band's 15th anniversary. The release will spotlight specially selected tracks from every one of the group's critically acclaimed albums (1997's "Something Wild", 1999's "Hatebreeder", 2000's "Follow The Reaper", 2003's "Hate Crew Deathroll", 2005's "Are You Dead Yet?", 2008's "Blooddrunk" and 2011's "Relentless Reckless Forever"), plus two newly recorded (and undeniably fun) cover songs and detailed liner notes penned by the members of CHILDREN OF BODOM themselves. The DVD portion of the package will include "candid touring and backstage footage from around the world”, plus the never-before-seen music video for "Relentless Reckless Forever"'s "Shovel Knockout".

"'15 Years Of Wasted Youth' is the sound of CHILDREN OF BODOM working hard, partying hard, being relentless and stubborn," says the band's guitarist/vocalist Alexi Laiho. "We went through many brick walls to get to where we are, and after seven studio albums, two live albums, non-stop touring, bleeding and breaking a lot of bones, I think we are justified in putting this album out. Let the music speak for itself. You have been warned."

The release of "Holiday At Lake Bodom (15 Years Of Wasted Youth)" continues CHILDREN OF BODOM's year-long anniversary celebration, which kicked off with the band's highly successful "15th Anniversary" headlining tour of North America.

In an interview with, Laiho said that the band is scheduled to commence the songwriting sessions for its next album this fall for a 2013 release. "I have ideas, but I haven't done anything about it," Alexi said. "'Cause the thing is, I can't write when I'm touring; it's not the right kind of environment for me. I know a lot of people do it, but I just can't. And it's OK, 'cause I build a lot of ideas in my head, and my memory sucks, but one thing that I never forget is the riffs; they're always in my head somehow. So it's really not a problem."

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