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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Jeu 18 Avr 2013 22:46 Sujet du message: CHIMAIRA - Crown of Phantoms (30 Juillet) |
CHIMAIRA have announced a massive crowdfunding campaign surrounding the release of their brand new LP, "Crown Of Phantoms". The CD will be released on Tuesday, July 30 via eOne Music.
The band is seeking support for a special fan-edition CD/DVD. This edition and its perks will only be available to campaign supporters and will not be sold anywhere else. Specifically, supporters will be contributing to the following:
* Two narrative music videos
* A behind-the-scenes making-of documentary, "Crown Of Phantoms"
* Seven additional tracks exclusive to the fan edition
* Various behind-the-scenes videos
* Expanded version of "Dr. Z" with fan-determined ending
* Full-length album commentary that features dialog from all the band members as they listen to the record start to finish
* Graphic art storyboards created specifically for the music videos included in the fan-edition booklet
* Original artwork and packaging exclusive to the fan edition
To further conceptualize their plan, the band has released a video explaining, with some satire, the details of their campaign along with a sneak peek of a brand new track called "Kings Of The Shadow World" and a visual display of the many creative perks they're offering to contributors.
Comments CHIMAIRA frontman Mark Hunter: "When I started this band, I had a desire to make extremely heavy, eclectic metal. Nothing has changed in that regard. I wanted to merge all the styles I loved into a hybrid of sounds. Having the chance to reinvent the group gave me the opportunity to work with unbelievable players and take the essence of CHIMAIRA to uncharted territory. Assembling the right team was essential to creating what I feel is some of the craziest and most passionate music I've had the pleasure to be a part of. The past defines us while the present refines us."
In a 2012 interview with Metal Insider, Hunter stated about CHIMAIRA's plans for the new CD: ""We want to come out with an album that not only captures the essence of what the fans have grown to know over the years, but we want to do something not only for the scene that's special, but for musicians out there, too. The musicianship in this band now is definitely on the next level. Everyone's pretty much a virtuoso at their instrument. Some of the stuff Emil [Werstler, guitar] was writing yesterday on this new song, I'm watching him play and I'm like, 'There are only going to be about a handful of people that'll able to play this!' [laughs] I'm imagining like a kid getting home, getting our new record and maybe they have the guitar, and they go sit down and try play along to it. And it's going to take them a very long time. [laughs]"
He added: "We couldn't be happier moving forward. It sucks that we had to go through hell — no pun intended — to get to where we are now. But I think all of us, coming from lessons of life, lessons of bands, lessons of the industry, we've lived and learned and now we have something completely different to prove."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=otdu6Ehu62U#! |
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Ven 19 Avr 2013 7:07 Sujet du message: |
J'aime bien l'idée, c'est qu'il aime se faire attacher Mark Hunter, entre ça et le vieux clip de Nothing Remains
C'est la tendance de passer au crowdfunding on dirait, après Protest The Hero, eux aussi s'y mettent . Pour ce qui est de l'extrait je suis très confiant. A coup sûr ça sera mieux que le très décevant The Age of Hell. Les nouveaux membres (Emil Werstler surtout) m'ont l'air d'avoir été particulièrement bien choisis. _________________
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Mer 15 Mai 2013 22:30 Sujet du message: |
All That's Left is Blood
Mmm, pas mal, c'est déja beaucoup mieux que tout ce qu'il y avait sur The Age of Hell  _________________
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Ven 07 Juin 2013 18:20 Sujet du message: |
Une interview de Mark Hunter par Chris Harris (fondateur du site Gun Shy Assassin) autour du crowdfunding
For his next column, Chimaira frontman Mark Hunter, fresh from a successful IndieGoGo campaign, challenged me [GSA founder Chris Harris] to a debate, of sorts, on the issue of crowdfunding — which I find patently offensive for reasons I can put into word…and others only my gut could put into words. I sent him some skeptical questions, and as someone who’s been through the process with much success, he wrote back with honest-to-goodness answers in an attempt to dispel some of the mistruths about these campaigns.
So, you know how I feel about these Kickstarter and IndieGoGo campaigns. Do you think I’m just an idiot for thinking some — NOT ALL — are exploitative?
I don’t think you’re an idiot for thinking that. Like all things in life, a few bad apples can spoil a bunch. But that doesn’t mean apples aren’t still awesome and we know they help sustain life. The music world is evolving while removing old paradigms at rapid rates. New methods have to be explored. Exploiters are a necessary evil and won’t last. It’s good to watch the shady at work because it helps improve the quality.
Some argue crowd-funding shouldn’t be used by bands with deals. From your perspective, when bands with deals launch these campaigns, is it merely a response to the way record labels act these days?
I’m not sure what goes on with artists and labels these days. I’m out of the loop. I do know our label, eOne, has been nothing but supportive with our campaign. Our goal was to try something new as well as give our fans as much content as we felt would truly make this new album feel like an experience.
We also wanted to help eOne as we are in business together. Finally, I think there are a good amount of fans who want to venture and try new things. I personally found it fun to work on the project and it was out of the box compared to the last few releases.
I remember the days when bands would struggle, fund their own recordings, and if they couldn’t find a label to release them, that was that. This notion that if you can’t pay for your own recording sessions, maybe you shouldn’t be recording…is there anything to be said for that?
Artists want to create and they will find a means. I don’t see a need for restricting methods. Nobody is forcing anyone to fund these projects. I think that it’s better for the artist to see how it all works, and if anything, they’ll actually learn to appreciate just how hard it is to succeed and that simply having a project funded is only a tiny step into the overall success of an album release.
On the surface, especially with certain campaigns (i.e.; clothing line and recording studio owner Tim Lambesis’ campaign for tens of thousands for his Austrian Death Machine project), it looks like a money grab. Explain why it isn’t…at least for Chimaira.
I can’t speak for anyone but Chimaira here. We have always been a band that experiments with and embraces the latest technology. When the band started in 1998, we used Napster and other digital outlets that at the time were unknown by the masses and considered taboo to the conservative.
Part of our reasoning behind the campaign was to experiment with and embrace a new ideology. Navigating the terrain of the music world these days is not as formulaic as it once was and creativity is necessary.
Also, without diving into too much information, when the new incarnation of Chimaira formed, we started the company with $0. While we are still signed those funds went to the making of the album. We won’t personally see much of anything from the campaign. It’s all going into the products we have to manufacture, the videos, documentary, and try our best to keep Chimaira Inc. in the black.
We fully realize this is a rebuilding phase for the band and that includes financially.
Don’t you see how technology like this is changing the way things are done. In the past, if you were a shitty band no label wanted to touch, you could still save up money, use it to book studio time, and record a shitty demo. These days, every young band thinks they should have success overnight without touring in a van or paying any sort of dues. Aren’t these sites basically supporting ill-conceived projects?
I don’t see how. If I were an unknown musician that started an Indiegogo campaign and raised the money to record a CD, then what? Artists might think they deserve one thing, but reality is another. Jut because the CD was funded, doesn’t mean it’s going to sell anything. Labels also put out pure shit left and right just to keep their office doors open. I think the audience responds accurately and appropriately.
I’ve heard the question, “Is it any different than pre-sales?” Sadly, the majority of people, when they buy records, do not pre-order. Why not just take pre-orders then and call it that?
There are all types of different fans. There are super fans who want the coolest shit, there are fans who want to buy only the regular version, there are types that only care about digital and then there are the downloaders. All are thought about when we release an album. This was our way of upgrading the standard definition of pre-order.
Do you think fans who do contribute to these campaigns should have access to a full and proper accounting of how the money was spent?
I think that’s up to the campaign owner. It would be complicated in our situation as some funds will go to pay for people that work for us and the details of their salary should be left private. Also, fees for artists, directors and such would have to disclosed and I could see that being problematic.
Our campaign made $60,000 after fees and whatnot, you’re looking at 50. There are six guys in the band. Even if we took every cent, that’s not what I’d consider “making bank.”
Do you think there is any chance bands have already taken advantage of these kinds of sites, by overstating what they’ll actually require to make a record, thus profiting before a project’s even completed?
We studied successful campaigns before we launched ours and I never came across anything fishy. Every band is different.
Do you understand why some folks have problems with these types of campaigns?
Sure, but I don’t think it will go away anytime soon. There are some awesome non-music related projects out there that are actually benefiting humanity. At the core, it’s a good concept.
…to be continued, perhaps. _________________
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 10:29 Sujet du message: |
Oni² a écrit: |
C'est la tendance de passer au crowdfunding on dirait |
Tiens, c'est quoi, "crowdfunding" ? |
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kroboy Gay Thrasher

Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8968 Localisation: chez les pécroutes
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 10:39 Sujet du message: |
faire financer ton album par les fans via les précommandes avec des bonus deluxe selon le pognon versé (nom dans le livret, rncontre avec le groupe, etc...) _________________ Plutôt la mort que la souillure |
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Droom Oslow

Inscrit le: 15 Fév 2012 Messages: 3419
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 10:48 Sujet du message: |
EDIT : Doublé par Kro. Eh, zut !
Sauf erreur de ma part, c'est un moyen de financer ses projets (musicaux ou non) via Internet, en faisant appel... à tout le monde.
(Ici, l'exemple de Dylan Carlson, de Earth, pour financer son album solo).
(Glowsun, groupe de stoner français, veut s'acheter un nouveau van).
En gros, ce genre de site te permet de monter un projet dans lequel tu définis ton but et propose différentes offres au public, qui participe en versant d'une somme dérisoire à une somme conséquente, en échange de différentes choses : si le mec donne entre X et Y, il aura le droit à l'album simple, s'il donne entre Z et W, il aura le droit à l'album plus à un t-shirt... etc. C'est toi qui décide de tout ça.
Finalement, c'est un peu une évolution des artistes bandcamp, où les albums sont souvent mis à disposition en DL légal, soit pour rien, soit pour une somm au choix de l'acquéreur.
Je trouve ça très honnête comme méthode de financement. Tu zigouilles la plupart des intermédiaires (mauvais pour l'emploi, ok, mais bon pour l'artiste) et tu sais à quoi sert ton argent. Tu te sens impliqué dans le projet, même lorsqu'il est très loin dans le temps. Car le truc repose sur la confiance également.
Pour prendre l'exemple précédent, j'ai donné mon flouze à Carlson il y a quoi... un an et demi, et j'attends toujours le disque. Les nouvelles sur l'avancement du projet sont quasi-inexistante aujourd'hui alors qu'elles affluaient au début, mais je suis confiant. Je recevrai le produit quand il sera terminé, s'tout.
J'espère que je n'ai pas fais de hors-sujet.  |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 10:53 Sujet du message: |
Ah d'accord
J'aime bien l'idée  |
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kroboy Gay Thrasher

Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8968 Localisation: chez les pécroutes
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 10:59 Sujet du message: |
Tolkki avait commencé un projet comme ça, il a abandonné en cours de route, apparemment il a remboursé tout le monde (lu dans un RH récent) _________________ Plutôt la mort que la souillure |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 12:50 Sujet du message: |
Cedric a écrit: |
J'aime bien l'idée  |
Moi aussi, je t'aime bien, mon grand. |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Ven 14 Juin 2013 13:21 Sujet du message: |
Pffff  |
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Ven 21 Juin 2013 13:23 Sujet du message: |
Un clip pour No Mercy _________________
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Mar 30 Juil 2013 19:18 Sujet du message: |
A première écoute, c'est ... intéressant. Je ressens une espèce d'album best-of.
Entre le groove et la brutalité primaire de The Impossibility of Reason, la technicité de l'éponyme (niveau guitare surtout) et les ambiances de The Infection. On retrouve même un peu les bruitages néo/indus de leurs débuts.
L'arrivée d'Emil Werstler (DAATH) semble faire renaître le groupe, j'espère qu'ils vont l'utiliser un peu plus à l'avenir (pas autant de solis qu'on pourrait en espérer ce coup ci et ils sont souvent trop courts hormis sur le dernier titre et "All that's Left is Blood").
Il y a un petit creux au milieu de l'album ("I despise", "Plastic Wonderland"). Mais après ça redécolle petit à petit (les monstreux "Spineless" et "Kings Of The Shadow World"). Les deux premiers extraits à avoir été diffusé étaient finalement assez représentatifs de ce qui allait sortir.
Les chansons sont courtes pour du Chimaira, mais ça reste très ancré dans leur style (bref, du gros metalcore haineux, toujours plus lent que la moyenne au niveau rythmique). Et la voix de Hunter reste immédiatement reconnaissable. C'est avec plaisir que je constate la très faible proportion de voix claires (comme sur l'éponyme). Et même quand il chante, il arrive à rester haineux bien comme il faut.
J'aime ça  _________________
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Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2009 Messages: 455
Posté le: Mar 30 Juil 2013 22:11 Sujet du message: |
Merci de m'avoir donné des éléments pour ma chronique, car cet album me laisse parfois un peu dubitatif. _________________
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Mar 30 Juil 2013 22:26 Sujet du message: |
Il me tarde de la lire
Dubitatif ? A quel point ?  _________________
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Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2009 Messages: 455
Posté le: Mar 30 Juil 2013 23:45 Sujet du message: |
Justement, le côté neo-indus que tu signales me gêne un peu. En soit, ça me rappelle vaguement le Vol 3 de Slipknot dans les sonorités. Mais vraiment moins inspiré. _________________
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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Sven Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 20266 Localisation: Trapped in a corner
Posté le: Jeu 01 Aoû 2013 11:30 Sujet du message: |
C'était bien Chimaira? Il y a de la mélodie? Dans les souvenirs de ce que j'ai pu en écouter, pas des masses... _________________ Je suis une outre!!!
Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie |
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