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SID Errant

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 6589
Localisation: Yvelines

MessagePosté le: Jeu 18 Fév 2010 17:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

UK based Orthodox Black Death metal act THE ORDER OF APOLLYON ( featuring members of CRADLE OF FILTH, AOSOTH, TRIGGER THE BLOODSHED, AKERCOCKE) inked a three album deal with LISTENABLE Records.
The release of their debut album, "The Flesh", has been scheduled for April 2010. The band will be performing at various summer festivals, more info will be posted shortly on .
Audio samples of the preproduction, and video teasers can be seen on the band's myspace page.

Le plus dur dans cette rupture, c'était pas tant l'effacer de ma vie, c'était surtout effacer les 4 To de film porno qu'on avait tourné tous les deux. Multicam, 1080p, son 5.1... Y avait plus de place sur le disque dur après la séquence d'intro. Mais une si belle séquence d'intro. J'allais pas effacer ça.
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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Sam 20 Fév 2010 11:36    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Frontiers Records & WHITESNAKE Join Forces

NAPOLI, ITALY (February 19, 2010) - Frontiers Records is very proud to announce the signing of legendary rock band WHITESNAKE.

David Coverdale and band are gearing up for their latest endeavour. WHITESNAKE has already started composing new material that promises to deliver one of the finest chapters in WHITESNAKE'S career. “We are off to a very good start, with the new songs taking positive shape. It feels good, fresh & exciting,” explains Coverdale.

The next release already feels like a solid, natural progression to their last opus, the successful, critically acclaimed ‘Good To Be Bad’ album, awarded by the influential Classic Rock magazine as “Best Album of the Year” in 2008. “As always, we want to take it to the next level,” states’ Coverdale. “I feel that with the last album we achieved a strong WHITESNAKE ‘cocktail’ that comfortably embraced & mixed all the previous musical aspects & styles of the band’s history, while taking our identity a little further... all on one album..."

Born in 1977, WHITESNAKE have been among the most influential representatives of the their genre, having produced numerous rock music classics such as ‘Here I Go Again’, ‘Is This Love’, ‘Still Of The Night’, ‘Fool For Your Loving’, ‘Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City’ or ‘Walking In The Shadows Of The Blues’.

Coverdale said the production team for the new album will most likely be the infamous Brutal Brothers, or Los Bros Brutalos, who handled the recording of "Good To Be Bad”. “The new songs are in the very familiar and recognizable WHITESNAKE territory of soulful, bluesy, melodic power rock, with a couple of ballads thrown in for good measure... It can’t be a WHITESNAKE album without ballads, mate!”

WHITESNAKE have conquered the love and respect of the audiences all over the world with their driving shows and music. The new album promises to follow in the steps of a great heritage of solid and timeless songs.

For more information, please visit and

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Sam 20 Fév 2010 14:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Et n'oubie pas d'envoyer le promo à Pietro!
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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SID Errant

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 6589
Localisation: Yvelines

MessagePosté le: Mar 02 Mar 2010 12:51    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Classic rock mongers band : 77 have just signed a multi album deal with Listenable; First being the international release of their debut full lenght "21st CENTURY ROCK" to hit the stores in late April/ early May across Europe and beyond.
Based in Barcelona, 77 plays a genuine back to the roots Australian type of hard/ heavy rock reminiscent of the classic bands 'genre as established throughout the 70s and early 80s . Their music concept, way of life, attitude is absolutely authentic and pure and you can't help but get into their savage live performances and recordings !.

METAL HAMMER (Spain) voted the band as "One of the best Spanish bands of the last 10 years", other national publications like ROCK ZONE put 77's album as "An essential rock release of the year 2009" and Popular ONE claiming the band as being "Last year's best Spanish band !"

77 recently opened for AIRBOURNE in Madrid (link for the song "Big smoker pig") :

Band myspace site :

Le plus dur dans cette rupture, c'était pas tant l'effacer de ma vie, c'était surtout effacer les 4 To de film porno qu'on avait tourné tous les deux. Multicam, 1080p, son 5.1... Y avait plus de place sur le disque dur après la séquence d'intro. Mais une si belle séquence d'intro. J'allais pas effacer ça.
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Lun 08 Mar 2010 13:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Soulseller Records annonce:

Un nouveau site tout beau tout neuf
et les nouvelles signatures:

- Weh (Nor): The very first non-metal act on the label, and we’re very excited about that!
- Ulverheim (Swe): The new band created by Ulverheim, guitarist of Thornium.
- Manipulator (Fra): Death metal to the bone.
- Heretic (Hol): This was already announced, but not to the press fully, so if you missed this, here’s your confirmation.
"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Lun 08 Mar 2010 17:48    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Relapse Records is proud to announce the signing of the newly formed THE HIGH CONFESSIONS.

THE HIGH CONFESSIONS features Chris Connelly (MINSTRY, REVOLTING COCKS, KILLING JOKE), Steve Shelley (SONIC YOUTH), Sanford Parker (MINSK, NACHTMYSTIUM, BURIED AT SEA), and noted recording engineer Jeremy Lemos (SMOG, STEREOLAB, JIM O’ROURKE).
THE HIGH CONFESSIONS will release their Relapse debut, Turning Lead Into Gold With The High Confessions, this summer. Audio samples will be made available shortly with more information to be announced soon.

Stay tuned to for forthcoming THE HIGH CONFESSIONS news / album release / tour information. Additional information will be made available via THE HIGH CONFESSIONS MySpace page

"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 13 Mar 2010 15:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Roadrunner est fier de vous présenter sa dernière signature en date: Mutiny Within.

La vidéo du premier single ‘Awake’ est d’ores et déjà disponible ici, ainsi que leur premier webisode.
It's a trap!
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 13 Mar 2010 15:40    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Roadrunner Records vous annonce la signature de Cancer Bats

Le prochain album "Bears, Mayors, Scraps & Bones" sortira chez Roadrunner Records le 26 avril.
It's a trap!
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Lun 22 Mar 2010 1:04    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Putain, c'est suuuuuuper mauvais Mutiny Within, il n'y a rien d'autre à dire!
"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007
Messages: 4935
Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island

MessagePosté le: Lun 22 Mar 2010 11:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Tu es vraiment très dur (CMB). Ils n'ont aucune originalité, mais de là à dire qu'ils soient très mauvais ...
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Lun 22 Mar 2010 13:24    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ah, oui, c'est totalement subjectif! Si on aime le style peut être que c'est ne sais pas!
"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Mar 2010 17:54    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Vidéo d'introduction du groupe.
"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Mar 2010 15:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lantlôs signent chez Prophecy.

"Lantlôs, the main sphere of activity of a young visionary called Herbst, stirred up the Post-Black Metal scene with their self-titled debut album back in 2008. Now, reinforced by singer Neige (Alcest, Amesoeurs), Lantlôs have finally found their way to Prophecy. Herbst has this to say about the signing of the contract: "For years, it has been my wish for Lantlôs to find a home with Prophecy. It is just amazing that it worked out now. I am now on a label alongside bands such as Tenhi, Silencer, Bethlehem, and Secrets Of The Moon, and that gives me great pleasure."

The label, too, is very happy to have another musically and conceptionally extraordinary artist with a clear-cut artistic vision on their roster. The band's sounds, words, and images are committed to reflect reality, its perception, and its relations to the self, painting a grey, confusing, and surreal vision of escapism and the search for support. Lantlôs' second album, ".neon" (scheduled for release via Prophecy in the near future), builds on that motive and gives you a dire and hopeless portrayal of these conditions."
"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 03 Avr 2010 17:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Découvrez le nouveau groupe Roadrunner : Hail The Villain !

Roadrunner est fier de vous présenter sa dernière signature en date : Hail The Villain. Avec leur chant entêtant et leurs mélodies contagieuses, les membres d’Hail The Villain vous proposent de découvrir leur premier single ‘Take Back The Fear’, en cliquant ici.
It's a trap!
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 03 Avr 2010 17:15    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Encore un nouveau venu chez Roadrunner : Periphery !

Décidément c’est la période des signatures ! Roadrunner est fier de vous présenter sa nouvelle découverte : Periphery.

En combinant les rythmes atypiques et complexes et la précision du rock mathématique avec la sensationnelle brutalité du métal progressif, le groupe de Washington D.C. Periphery se prépare à la sortie mondiale de leur premier album tant attendu le 20 avril 2010. Découvrez en plus, en cliquant ici.
It's a trap!
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 03 Avr 2010 17:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fiction Plane, la nouvelle signature Roadrunner !

Révélé mi-2007, grâce à une tournée mondiale en première partie de The Police et, surtout, un deuxième album, ‘Left Side Of The Brain’, remarquable, Fiction Plane est l’un des rares « nouveaux groupes pop/rock » à avoir vraiment réussi à s’imposer en France ces dernières années. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.
It's a trap!
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2009
Messages: 141
Localisation: Orange city!

MessagePosté le: Lun 05 Avr 2010 19:28    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

THE LAST FELONY signent chez LIFEFORCE RECORDS. Allez hop on jette une oreille sur le groupe.

"Si on peut atteindre la scène, on mettra ce CD de Slayer dans le système de sonorisation. Les Hippies DETESTENT le Death Metal" Eric Cartman.
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Gay Thrasher

Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8968
Localisation: chez les pécroutes

MessagePosté le: Sam 17 Avr 2010 11:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

XIII BIS Records signe DAGOBA!!!

" DAGOBA: L'un des groupes de métal les plus populaires de France, vient de signer avec le label XIII Bis Records (Nine Inch Nails, Loudblast, L'Esprit Du Clan). Les marseillais sont actuellement à l'Hyperion Studio afin d'enregistrer leur quatrième album. C'est Dave Chang (Earthtone9, Stampin Ground, Orange Goblin) qui se chargera du mixage. La sortie du successeur de "Face The Colossus" est prévue pour la fin de l'été. "
Plutôt la mort que la souillure
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Gay Thrasher

Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8968
Localisation: chez les pécroutes

MessagePosté le: Sam 17 Avr 2010 11:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

HORSEBACK Sign To Relapse Records

Relapse Records is proud to announce the signing of North Carolina’s HORSEBACK.

HORSEBACK, the brainchild of Jenks Miller, has released two full-length albums since forming in 2007. The band’s second full-length, The Invisible Mountain, will be re-released through Relapse later this summer. Audio samples from The Invisible Mountain and more can be heard online now via the HORSEBACK MySpace:

Miller commented on the signing; "Horseback is an ever-evolving project which will explore a variety of sounds and approaches in its lifetime. I am glad to have the opportunity to work with Relapse, and have long admired their commitment to new and challenging music."

HORSEBACK is currently writing for the follow-up album to The Invisible Mountain, a companion album that is tentatively titled Half Blood. Additional details on this release will be announced soon.

Stay tuned to for forthcoming HORSEBACK news / album release / tour information. Additional information will be made available via the HORSEBACK MySpace page

"Records like this are why I write about music. Horseback's The Invisible Mountain brings to mind psych rock, black metal, and Ennio Morricone by way of Neil Young. It's dark, beautiful, and patient... Records like this make the world a better place.” - Invisible Oranges

“Deliberate at every turn, spiritually attuned and searching with every subtle shift in tone or notation, The Invisible Mountain reaches beyond the confines of its frequencies to touch something much more vital within its listeners." - Remember Your Future

“The Invisible Mountain the same epic instrumental rock feel of Grails or Tarentel, and Miller's vocals are so growled and low in the mix that at times they are easy to mistake for another guitar. Both elements separate Horseback from the usual swampy sound of drone rock." - The Wire

“It's like a vision quest guided by Rhys Chatham, Tony Iommi and Matthew Bower ... There are no climaxes here. Mountain isn't cathartic thanks to moments of release, but rather its 40-minute commitment to deliberation." - The Independent
Plutôt la mort que la souillure
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Gay Thrasher

Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8968
Localisation: chez les pécroutes

MessagePosté le: Sam 17 Avr 2010 15:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Metal Blade signs Greek Dark Metal Gods NIGHTFALL!

Metal Blade Records is proud to announce the signing of the Greek Black/Gothic Metal Gods NIGHTFALL!

NIGHTFALL formed in 1991 in Athens and have released seven albums since then. After the temporary fold of their wings for a few moments-cum-years, they enter the scene again with a brand new opus under the magnificent title Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants!"

Mainman Efthimis Karadimas has announced the new line-up of NIGHTFALL as follows:

Efthimis Karadimas (vocals)
Evan Hensley (guitars)
Stathis Kassios (keyboards)
Jörg Uken (drums)

Comments singer Efthimis on the deal with Metal Blade: "NIGHTFALL are pleased and beyond excited to announce their signing of a recording contract with Metal Blade Records, one of the world's premier heavy metal record labels! It will be a pleasure to join the ranks alongside such fine and talented groups as Six Feet Under, Amon Amarth, God Dethroned and classics such as Slayer, Mercyful Fate, Sacred Reich, Fates Warning, and Lizzy Borden to name just a few. Although the ink on the deal is still fresh, it is safe to say that with Metal Blade behind them, Nightfall will be charging ahead into the new decade at full speed!"

More details and release dates for the new NIGHTFALL record Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants will be announced shortly but we can already announce that all fans of the classical NIGHTFALL records from the early to mid nineties (Athenian Echoes anyone?) and lovers of classical dark but heavy bands like Moonspell or Samael will adore Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants!
Plutôt la mort que la souillure
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