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SLASH: Made In Stoke 24/7/11 (DVD) 15 novembre

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Ven 16 Sep 2011 18:01    Sujet du message: SLASH: Made In Stoke 24/7/11 (DVD) 15 novembre Répondre en citant

Eagle Rock Entertainment has announced the U.S. release of Slash's (VELVET REVOLVER, ex-GUNS N' ROSES) first-ever live solo album, "Made In Stoke 24/7/11". The double-disc CD, and a special-edition 2CD+DVD package (featuring five bonus tracks and an exclusive interview with Slash) hits stores November 15.

The iconic, Grammy-winning rock guitarist and songwriter Slash has perfected the science of the six-string for over 20 years as an integral component of GUNS N' ROSES and VELVET REVOLVER and as a hugely successful solo artist. On July 24, 2011, he made a very special visit to in the British town of Stoke-On-Trent, where he was raised until he was five, at the end of the 2010-2011 tour in support of his globally chart topping and critically acclaimed self-titled solo debut.

Captured at Victoria Hall as part of an intensive world tour, this 21-song set is a celebration of a legendary career. Joined by Myles Kennedy of ALTER BRIDGE on vocals, Slash ripped through cuts culled from his GN'R days, VELVET REVOLVER, SLASH'S SNAKEPIT, and his solo album, (including the single "By The Sword"). His band lineup included bassist Todd Kerns, drummer Brent Fitz and guitarist Bobby Schneck.

With favorites like "Back From Cali", "Slither", "Sweet Child O' Mine", and many more reverberating the crowd-filled rafters, this proved to be one rockin' homecoming.

The track listing is as follows:

01. Been There Lately (SLASH'S SNAKEPIT song)
02. Nightrain (GUNS N' ROSES song)
03. Ghost
04. Mean Bone (SLASH'S SNAKEPIT song)
05. Back From Cali
06. Rocket Queen (GUNS N' ROSES song)
07. Civil War (GUNS N' ROSES song)
08. Nothing To Say
09. Starlight
10. Promise
11. Doctor Alibi (with Todd Kerns on vocals)
12. Speed Parade (SLASH'S SNAKEPIT song)
13. Watch This
14. Beggars & Hangers-On (SLASH'S SNAKEPIT song)
15. Patience (GUNS N' ROSES song)
16. Guitar Solo / Godfather Theme
17. Sweet Child O' Mine (GUNS N' ROSES song)
18. Slither (VELVET REVOLVER song)
19. By The Sword
20. Mr. Brownstone (GUNS N' ROSES song)
21. Paradise City (GUNS N' ROSES song)

Bonus DVD:

* Ghost
* Back From Cali
* Beggars & Hangers-On
* Been There Lately
* Starlight
* Interview with Slash

Check out the cover artwork below.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time and for some reason it just never seemed possible," said Slash.

"One of the things about doing the solo record and setting up my own tour was that I told the powers-that-be that I wanted to play in places I'd never played before. And so Stoke was something that was high on my list and I told them just make it happen."

Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson, left Stoke-on-Trent when he was five years old. But he said he still had "vivid memories" of the city.

"I have memories that I went to school there, of the basic neighbourhood that I lived in. I remember exactly what the house looked like. Just everything in general, for some reason my memory is really clear. Better than my memory of later years."

The Stoke-on-Trent concert sold out in less than two hours after tickets went on sale on May 6.

Over 1,500 fans attended the show, which marked Slash's first-ever concert in his hometown.

David Bradbury, Group Press Officer of the Ambassador Theatre Group, told StaffsLive, "We always knew the gig was going to be popular and the fact that the gig sold out in less than two hours is brilliant.

"Slash is a local hero, he's from Stoke-on-Trent and not a lot of people know that. I think he lived here until he was 11 so this is a bit of a homecoming gig."

Slash stated after the concert: "Stoke was a [fuckin'] blast!! Great vibe and energy. It's going to make a killer DVD. We'll be back next year definitely!"

Although ALTER BRIDGE vocalist Myles Kennedy sang just two tracks on Slash's self-titled solo debut, Slash recently confirmed that Myles will sing everything on the guitarist's next solo effort.

In an interview with The Pulse Of Radio, Kennedy said about the fact that Slash would like him to handle the lead vocals on the guitarist's next CD, "It's very flattering. I think there's kind of a cool thing we got going. We really enjoy working with each other."

Slash's debut disc came out last year and featured a different singer on each track, including Chris Cornell, Ozzy Osbourne, M. Shadows and others.

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Ven 16 Sep 2011 18:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Y a pas "be the ball" :non:
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Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3655
Localisation: Saint-Denis

MessagePosté le: Dim 18 Sep 2011 0:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je suis d'accord, elle tue celle là !
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Dim 18 Sep 2011 10:56    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Le solo est dingue Blink
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Trailer Masta

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3407
Localisation: Over the Hills and Far away

MessagePosté le: Dim 18 Sep 2011 10:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une future chronique en perspective, ça!
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 22 Sep 2011 13:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cedric a écrit:
Y a pas "be the ball" :non:

D'ailleurs il n'y a qu'un titre tiré de It's Five O' Clock Somewhere, bizarement les autres morceaux de l'époque Snakepit viennent de Ain't Life Grand, album que je n'ai jamais écouté. Confused
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 16 Fév 2012 16:09    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pietro a écrit:
Cedric a écrit:
Y a pas "be the ball" :non:

D'ailleurs il n'y a qu'un titre tiré de It's Five O' Clock Somewhere, bizarement les autres morceaux de l'époque Snakepit viennent de Ain't Life Grand, album que je n'ai jamais écouté. Confused

Ben depuis j'ai fini par trouver, acheter et écouter Ain't Life Grand... et ça déchire. L'album est largement au niveau de It's Five O' Clock Somewhere, ou vraiment pas loin. :kiss:
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Jeu 16 Fév 2012 16:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On a la tracklist?
It's a trap!
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