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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mer 26 Déc 2012 18:56    Sujet du message: Bye bye THIN LIZZY... welcome BLACK STAR RIDERS ! Répondre en citant

Featuring: Ricky Warwick, Scott Gorham, Damon Johnson, Marco Mendoza, Jimmy DeGrasso

In October 2012 Thin Lizzy announced that they would not be recording new material under the Thin Lizzy monicker. The last incarnation of the band - Scott Gorham, Brian Downey, Darren Wharton, Ricky Warwick, Damon Johnson and Marco Mendoza – would be looking to form a new project.

Step forward Black Star Riders…

24th December 2012 sees the announcement of the new band formed by Thin Lizzy alumni Ricky Warwick (vocals), Scott Gorham (guitar), Damon Johnson (guitar), Marco Mendoza (bass) with new addition Jimmy DeGrasso on drums (Alice Cooper, Megadeth, David Lee Roth, Suicidal Tendencies). The change in personnel came about as Brian Downey didn’t want to commit to the touring cycle a new album would entail and Darren Wharton wanted to concentrate on Dare and other music and film projects.

Black Star Riders is set to enter the studio in Los Angeles in January 2013 to start recording their debut album with the legendary Kevin Shirley (Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Aerosmith, Rush). The album will feature material the band wrote whilst touring as Thin Lizzy and the sound retains that classic feel but is very much its own as well. The Black Star Riders record is the next step in the evolution of the Thin Lizzy story.

"We are all very excited about the music that we have created for Black Star Riders. The synergy between the five of us has been phenomenal and I can't wait for the world to hear these songs." Ricky Warwick
The new, as yet untitled, album will be released in May 2013 through Nuclear Blast – the label behind acts such as Anthrax, Nightwish and Meshuggah. Black Star Riders are one of the first bands signed by Monte Conner – the former Roadrunner A&R guru who has signed acts such as Slipknot, Machine Head, Sepultura and Rush. Conner recently joined Nuclear Blast as the president of Nuclear Blast Entertainment, a new U.S. partnership he co-founded with Nuclear Blast owner Markus Staiger.
Says Conner: “As a lifelong Thin Lizzy fan, I was floored by this line-up’s new material. Not only do the new songs sound like Thin Lizzy but they sound like CLASSIC Thin Lizzy. Black Star Riders totally captures the essence of what was great about the original band while at the same time adding something totally fresh and modern. Even when I heard the band decided to change their name, my interest in signing them did not waver for one second.”
The band are looking to support their May album release with European festivals shows in the summer of 2013 and follow this up with worldwide touring. The set list will consist of material from the new album and classic Thin Lizzy material.

Ricky Warwick - Vocals
Scott Gorham - Guitar
Damon Johnson - Guitar
Marco Mendoza - Bass
Jimmy DeGrasso - Drums

Visit BLACK STAR RIDERS online at:
BSR's official homepage - - will launch this Monday, December 24th.

Bon, il n'y a plus Downey et Wharton, mais ça peut donner un très bon groupe "à la Thin Lizzy", sans tout le poid et les critiques liés au nom du groupe. J'ai plutôt hâte de voir ce que ça va donner, surtout que cette formation était très bonne sur scène.
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 12 Mar 2013 17:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

BLACK STAR RIDERS announce debut album title, track listing & worldwide release dates!

BLACK STAR RIDERS, the new band featuring THIN LIZZY members Ricky Warwick, Damon Johnson, Scott Gorham and Marco Mendoza together with drummer Jimmy DeGrasso (Alice Cooper, Megadeth), have announced All Hell Breaks Loose as the title of their debut album on Nuclear Blast Entertainment, which will be released worldwide on the following dates:

May 21st – Japan
May 22nd - Sweden
May 24th – Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Norway
May 27th – U.K., France, BeNeLux, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Greece
May 28th – U.S., Canada, Italy, South America

About the origin of the album title, BLACK STAR RIDERS frontman Ricky Warwick states:
“I was watching a documentary about World War II bombers and saw the name painted on the side of one of the aircraft. The name just resonated with me and it seem to encapsulate the turmoil that we, as a society, are currently experiencing. The past few years have been such a wild ride and now with the release of the album, it sounded like a bad-ass album title that summed up what BLACK STAR RIDERS is all about.”

Produced & mixed by the legendary Kevin Shirley (Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Aerosmith, Rush), the track listing for All Hell Breaks Loose is:

01. All Hell Breaks Loose
02. Bound For Glory
03. Kingdom Of The Lost
04. Bloodshot
05. Kissin’ The Ground
06. Hey Judas
07. Hoodoo Voodoo
08. Valley Of The Stones
09. Someday Salvation
10. Before The War
11. Blues Ain't So Bad

The album will be released as a standard CD and also as a special edition digi-pak featuring a bonus track “Right To Be Wrong” and a “Making of” DVD.

A 24-minute compilation of behind-the-scenes video reports from the band’s studio time in Los Angeles can be viewed on YouTube:

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 21 Mar 2013 19:41    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je continue à parler tout seul sur ce sujet, voila le 1er titre en écoute:

Ca s'appelle pas Thin Lizzy, mais ça a le gout de Thin Lizzy. Tant mieux !
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3655
Localisation: Saint-Denis

MessagePosté le: Ven 22 Mar 2013 22:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

J'ai du mal perso. C'est pas mauvais mais bon...
C'est un titre comme Phil Lynott aurait pu en pondre 50 par semaine, au p'tit déjeuner !
"Tout homme qui dirige, qui fait quelque chose, a contre lui ceux qui voudraient faire la même chose, ceux qui font précisément le contraire, et surtout la grande armée des gens d’autant plus sévères qu’ils ne font rien du tout."

Jules Claretie
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 28 Mar 2013 15:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On a la pochette:

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 21 Mai 2013 10:39    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Avast !

Inscrit le: 28 Juil 2012
Messages: 185
Localisation: Nancy

MessagePosté le: Jeu 23 Mai 2013 20:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une ptite review ici :,105601 (tain les salauds, il ont aussi déjà le DT !)
« Et là, je lui ai dit : "Et si tu ne vis pas, tu n'as rien à raconter." »
~ Maynard James Keenan à propos d'une discussion avec un bébé.
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Ven 24 Mai 2013 10:32    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Moi aussi je les ai, ils sont en vente ! lol
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Avast !

Inscrit le: 28 Juil 2012
Messages: 185
Localisation: Nancy

MessagePosté le: Ven 24 Mai 2013 14:56    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ahah ! Je suis à la masse moi !

Normalement je reçois des mails de pub pour me mettre au courant. Ils m'ont oublié, les salauds.
« Et là, je lui ai dit : "Et si tu ne vis pas, tu n'as rien à raconter." »
~ Maynard James Keenan à propos d'une discussion avec un bébé.
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Inscrit le: 23 Sep 2007
Messages: 2431
Localisation: Saint-Michel-sur-orge (91)

MessagePosté le: Mar 28 Mai 2013 13:32    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mouais. A part les deux singles je ne trouve pas que cet album soit d'un grand intérêt. C'est sur que c'est bien fait, plutôt agréable, rien de mauvais ou de raté... mais ça n'apporte rien, ce n'est pas aussi varié que le Thin Lizzy d'époque, et ce n'est jamais formidable. Bref, 2 bons single, un bon album, mais c'est tout.
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 28 Mai 2013 13:44    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je suis plus enthousiaste que toi, même si c'est vrai que l'album n'est pas aussi varié que l'était Lizzy. C'est bon, frais, accrocheur, mélodique, avec une "Lizzy Touch" dans les guitares et le chant. Ok ça ne révolutionne rien et ce n'est pas du niveau des plus grands classiques de Lizzy, mais comme tu le dis c'est un bon album et moi ça me suffit ! :)
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 12 Nov 2013 19:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 28 Jan 2014 12:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ils entrent en studio à Dublin en Octobre avec Joe Eliott à la prod.

BLACK STAR RIDERS, the band formed by THIN LIZZY alumni Ricky Warwick (guitar, vocals), Damon Johnson (guitar), Scott Gorham (guitar), Marco Mendoza (bass) with new addition Jimmy DeGrasso (ALICE COOPER, MEGADETH, DAVID LEE ROTH, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES) on drums, will enter a studio in Dublin, Ireland in October with producer, and DEF LEPPARD frontman, Joe Elliott, to begin recording its sophomore album for an early 2015 release via Nuclear Blast Entertainment. Also working on the project will be longtime LEPPARD sound guru Ronan McHugh.

Comments Warwick: "Joe Elliott's passion, enthusiasm for music, as a fan, artist and friend is unquestionable and Ronan McHugh is a phenomenal engineer.

"Personally, having worked with these guys before, it was a no-brainer when they said they would like to produce the new BLACK STAR RIDERS album.

'We are confident that this will be a huge leap forward in the evolution of BLACK STAR RIDERS."

Adds Elliott: "Having worked with Scott on the THIN LIZZY remixes a few years ago and having produced Ricky's first two solo albums, I'm looking forward to taking our musical journey together even further.

"We're aiming to make a serious leap forward with the next album and I'm proud to be able to contribute to the next chapter in the BLACK STAR RIDERS story."

States Johnson: "We are all excited about working with Joe; he is like part of the family. And recording this album in Ireland is a special treat for us."

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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