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SLAYER - Apu Hannemann et Lombardo
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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
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MessagePosté le: Dim 23 Juin 2013 21:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Wah, c'est d'un goût...

Angel Of Death, à la base, c'était quand même le surnom du médecin d'Auschwitz. Ecrire une chanson là-dessus, OK.

Mais que ce titre devienne en retour le surnom posthume de son compositeur, c'est ce que j'appellerais un "effet boomerang très, très malheureux".
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Chauve No Mercy

Inscrit le: 08 Mar 2013
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MessagePosté le: Dim 23 Juin 2013 22:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On est bien d' accord.
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it ;Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it ;Show, how good you are !
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
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MessagePosté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 11:41    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ouais, et en plus utiliser le logo Heineken pour un mec qui est mort d'une cirrhose du foie... Rolling Eyes
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
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MessagePosté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 11:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pas faux lol
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
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MessagePosté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 11:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A vrai dire, le coup du logo Heineken, c'est une idée de Hanneman lui même, il s'est même fait faire une guitare custom shop avec ce logo :

It's a trap!
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 27 Juin 2013 17:44    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

JEFF HANNEMAN Was Working On New Music Before He Died, Says TOM ARAYA

On May 2, the sudden news took the metal community by storm: SLAYER guitarist Jeff Hanneman had died. In the August 2013 issue of Guitar World magazine, the band's bassist/vocalist Tom Araya recalls his final communications with his longtime friend and bandmate: "I had been texting with him, and he even sent me a song that he had been working on. So it seemed like he was doing okay. But when I got the call that he was back in intensive care, I became concerned. Eventually he stopped responding to my texts. It was like a one-sided conversation.

"I was home with my family when I found out he had died. The phone rang and my wife answered it, and she had this look of dread on her face. She handed me the phone and didn't say anything, and it was our manager, Rick [Sales], and he told me. I hung up the phone and went to my room and I cried.

"It hit my family hard, because they really liked Jeff. My mother was really upset, my sisters loved Jeff, and my brother too — he was Jeff's tech for a long time."

Hanneman died from alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver, a result of a lifetime of drinking.

His bandmates are quick to point out that Hanneman's drinking rarely became an issue within the group, though it did creep in on occasion.

"The only thing that comes to mind," guitarist Kerry King tells Guitar World, "was when we were on the 'Divine Intervention' tour [in 1994-1995], when [drummer] Paul [Bostaph] was with us, and we wanted to play 'Sex. Murder. Art.' live. But on that album I pretty much played everything in the studio, so I don't think Jeff had ever played that song. And he was just too messed up all the time to learn it, so Paul, Tom and I just did it as a three-piece because Jeff would not come on stage and play it. After that, we said, 'Listen dude, like it or not, you're a part of this band, and if we decide to play a song, you gotta play that fucking song.'"

There were events that occurred in the previous few years that could be viewed as contributing factors in Jeff's downward spiral. One was the death of his father in 2008. "That's when things really started to go downhill for him," Kathryn Hanneman, Jeff's wife of 24 years, tells Guitar World. "It was probably the hardest thing he ever had to face in his entire life. When I met Jeff, he didn't have all that great of a relationship with his father. But as time went on, they became very close. So that took a toll on him. He was never quite the same after that. I just don't think he cared anymore."

KERRY KING: I Don't Think JEFF HANNEMAN And I Were Ever Best Friends

In the August 2013 issue of Guitar World magazine, SLAYER's Kerry King speaks about the personal relationship he had with fellow SLAYER guitarist Jeff Hanneman, who died May 2 from alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver, a result of a lifetime of drinking.

"[Any time we would finish a tour, Jeff] would just go home and detach," King says. "He might have lived only 45 minutes away, but unless you were part of his inner circle, it was hard to stay in touch with him. And it took me a few years to understand that. For a while I was just like, 'Why isn't this guy calling me back?' But as I got older, I just realized that that was who Jeff was.

"I don't think Jeff and I were ever best friends," continues King. "I think we were probably the closest in the band, but never best friends. To put it in a way that everyone could understand, Jeff and I were like business partners. Was he my friend? Of course he was my friend. But we didn't really act like that. The last time I was at Jeff's house was January 2003. We went to his place to watch the Raiders in the playoffs. And it sounds horrible, but it wasn't horrible. That was just how it was."

Speaking to Australia's "Distortion" radio show in March during this year's Soundwave festival, King said about Hanneman: "I don't really speak to Jeff. And that's nothing new or bad or… He's always been a recluse, and since he hasn't been jamming with us, he's been a bigger recluse. I think the last time I tried to reach out to him, he e-mailed something about something business-wise, and I just sent something back, 'Hey, man, what's going on? I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing?' And I didn't get nothing. I'm not the kind of guy that chases friendships; I'm not the kind of guy that chases [people, saying], 'Hey, man, you didn't answer me.' So… It's his gig. And I've always said that, first and foremost, [SLAYER fill-in guitarist] Gary [Holt, who is also a member of EXODUS] does a wonderful job and I love playing with Gary and hopefully Gary is free anytime SLAYER goes out, but if Jeff came to my house in the morning and said, 'Man, I'm ready. I can play the shit. I'm ready to go.'... It's Jeff's gig. It's always gonna be Jeff's gig until Jeff says, 'I can't do it.'"

Et tout plein de vidéos de Slayer sur scène à Rome, avec Holt et Bostaph.
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Aoû 2013 10:55    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Slayer have just confirmed that they will play two iconic venues that they haven’t performed at in 25 years, and to make the news even more juicy, Gojira and 4Arm will be going along for the ride.

The group has announced an Oct. 28 performance at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles and a Madison Square Garden show in New York City on Nov. 27. Guitarist Kerry King, who took part in the Jeff Hanneman memorial tribute at the Hollywood Palladium earlier this summer, spoke of how many shows Slayer played at the venue early in their career before being banned for a period of time. The Palladium also underwent a several-year renovation recently, which also could have affected the band’s longtime absence from the venue.

Registered Slayer fan club members will receive a special email offering them “first access” to purchase tickets for the two special dates. A pre-sale for the event begins tomorrow (Aug. 6). Full ticketing info will be available via the band’s website.

Slayer’s current lineup consists of frontman Tom Araya, guitarist Kerry King, Exodus guitarist Gary Holt (filling in for the late Jeff Hanneman) and drummer Paul Bostaph. This will mark the band’s first performance in New York since the “Big Four” show at Yankee Stadium in September 2011 and Slayer’s first Los Angeles show since 2010′s Jagermeister Tour.

It should also be noted that Araya and King have been working out new material and hope to spend some time in the studio prior to Slayer’s fall dates!

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Inscrit le: 19 Juil 2012
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MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Aoû 2013 10:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fight 'till Death, quoi.
"[...]- le rythme véritable ne vient jamais de la répétition qui pourtant le prépare, mais du surgissement de l'étrange, d'un plan oblique à l'attention [...]" Alain Damasio - La Horde du Contrevent
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Aoû 2013 11:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La rumeur veut que les démos de Hannemann sur lesquelles il bossait avant de calancher soient utilisées.
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 13:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

VS a écrit:
Si vous avez manqué le stream dimanche, l'intégralité du concert donné par SLAYER au Bloodstock vient d'être posté sur le tube et vous pouvez le découvrir dans le détail de la newz.

Tracklist: 01. World Painted Blood 02. Disciple 03. War Ensemble 04. Hallowed Point 05. At Dawn They Sleep 06. Mandatory Suicide 07. Altar Of Sacrifice 08. Jesus Saves 09. Spirit In Black 10. Postmortem 11. Snuff 12. Hate Worldwide 13. Seasons In The Abyss 14. Hell Awaits 15. Dead Skin Mask 16. Raining Blood Encore: 17. South Of Heaven 18. Angel Of Death

SLAYER @ Bloodstock Festival 2013 [Pro-shot full concert]

Un peu plus tôt dans la même journée, sur la même scène (oui, Gary Holt est en forme):

EXODUS @ Bloodstock Festival 2013 [Pro-shot full concert] (HD QUALITY)
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Sep 2013 18:28    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

SLAYER Is 'Definitely Working On New Music'

Mitchell Peters of recently conducted an interview with Scott Sokol, SLAYER's booking agent at Pinnacle Entertainment for the past 15 years.

Asked if there were ever discussions about taking a break from touring after the May 2013 death of SLAYER guitarist Jeff Hanneman, Sokol said: "I think if it happened while they were on tour it might've been different. But Jeff hadn't been [touring] with the band for close to three years at this point. So it wasn't like [Hanneman's replacement] Gary Holt [of EXODUS] was new to the equation. At the time of Jeff's passing, Gary had been in the band for two and a half years. It wasn't going to help anybody to cancel what they were doing. The band likes to go out there and play. Not that I'm a counselor, or anything, but I think part of the way they deal with things is to do what they love. And they love to go out there and do their thing."

Sokol also spoke about how SLAYER's live show has changed since Gary Holt joined the band to replace Jeff Hanneman. "I don't think they've really missed a beat there," he said. "There's no replacement for Jeff. Gary doesn't replace Jeff, who is a legend unto himself. But Gary Holt, to a degree, is also that. He's just a little different stylistically. Brian Johnson and Bon Scott are different frontmen for AC/DC, but both are legendary in their own right. So in some way you could look at it like that."

Regarding whether there are plans for the band to record some new material soon, Sokol said: "They're definitely working on new music. More things will be revealed in the coming weeks."

SLAYER's 25-date fall 2013 North American tour kicks off on October 22 in Anchorage, Alaska. GOJIRA and 4ARM will provide support on all dates.

It was announced on May 30 by SLAYER's Tom Araya (bass, vocals) and Kerry King (guitar) that Paul Bostaph would be behind the drum kit for the remainder of the band's 2013 international tour.

Bostaph was SLAYER's drummer from 1992 until 2001 and recorded four albums with the band — the gold-certified "Divine Intervention" (1994), the 1996 punk covers album "Undisputed Attitude", "Diabolus In Musica" (1998), "God Hates Us All" (2001) that received a Grammy nomination for "Best Metal Performance", as well as the DVD "War At The Warfield" (2001), also certified gold. In addition to SLAYER, Bostaph has been a member of FORBIDDEN, EXODUS, SYSTEMATIC and TESTAMENT.

Original SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo sat out the band's Australian tour in February/March due to a contract dispute with the other members of the group. Filling in for him was Jon Dette (TESTAMENT, ANTHRAX).

Slayer no Rock in Rio 2013 - COMPLETO

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Sep 2013 18:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bostaph compose pas de toute manière si ?
Si la réponse est non, ils pourraient prendre Végéta et Le Chat Botté comme guitariste et batteur ça changeraient pas grand chose.
Ils sont partis pour faire "un album de Slayer".
Ça me fait bander d'avance.
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Sep 2013 18:55    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bostaph est absolument pas créatif, c'est d'ailleurs ce que lui reprochait Kerry Queen la première fois qu'il l'avait viré.

Le prochain album, ça va être du 100% King. Ca fait rêver.
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Dave Mitaine

Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010
Messages: 5504

MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Sep 2013 18:58    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


A moins qu'ils épluchent le dur de Jeff.
Paraît que ça s'est déjà fait.
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mar 08 Oct 2013 0:15    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Araya : "We have two songs. I haven't had the privilege of going through [Jeff's] audio files at the moment, but that's something I plan to do. Once we get some business squared away, that's something I plan to do; to go through his music and see what he has.

"I know that he had several ideas together that he had presented to us in the course of the past year. Before he passed away, there was one complete song that he had managed to send to everybody that I listened to and that I thought was really, really good and communicated that to him. There's stuff that I thought would be great to listen to just to see what's there and how we can possibly use what he had done. That's something I have every intention of doing."

"One song was a song we didn't finish for [2009's] 'World Painted Blood'," That song is actually complete. Me and Jeff were working on melody and lyric ideas for that song. We weren't really happy with what we were doing or what was becoming of that song, so it didn't make it on the album. It was just something we were working on and we couldn't find anything we were happy with that would work well lyrically and melody-wise, so that's one reason why that one didn't make it on the album, but that song is complete, it's done, it's ready to go."

I don't want to use the term 'typical' [laughs] but it's Jeff, it's obvious who put the song together. It's Jeff music. He created a certain way and he put music together a certain way; it's signature Jeff. It's new, it doesn't sound like anything else that we've done, in my opinion. Jeff usually just wrote songs and a lot of his stuff had certain signature things he would do to songs. That stuff is in there, but I would consider it new."
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Dim 20 Oct 2013 16:24    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Araya : "As far as songwriting goes, I can honestly say that - this is the part that really eats us - it's the hardest for me because me and Jeff collaborated on material. We've collaborated on stuff openly. He would give everybody his music, he would have everything prepared.
As far as Kerry writing material, Kerry has been working on quite a few songs for the past year and a half. I guess almost two years now, he's been working on ideas for a while now. Usually, Kerry does his own stuff. He was working with Dave [Lombardo], but after Paul [Bostaph] hooked up with us, he went back and started re-working those ideas with Paul.
But he doesn't present any of his ideas to anybody, he just kind of ... they're his songs. So, as far as me being a part of that, I don’t know. That’s basically Kerry's, at this point, call, as far as if he wants me to apply myself to any of the stuff, but Kerry's been working on ideas and putting songs together.
As far as continuing without Jeff... Man, that's something that's a swirly mess that's running through my head, you know? That's where I’m at. I mean, it's a constant ... it's just something that's always on my mind. I myself am at a crossroads. I myself don't even know what I'm going to do. That's where I'm at, that's me. I guess people really don't understand that Jeff played a major role in this band. They don't really understand that. It's kind of hard for most people to figure that out that Jeff was like 90 or 95 percent of the band, musically. Because he wrote music and lyrics. He wrote everything, he helped in every aspect of songwriting."

As previously reported, the band's new album will feature two Hanneman's previously unreleased songs and Gary Holt may contribute solos.

Il a l'air complètement désabusé.
Faudra bien profiter du prochain disque, parce qu'à mon avis, il y en aura pas d'autres après.
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Lun 21 Oct 2013 11:10    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It's kind of hard for most people to figure that out that Jeff was like 90 or 95 percent of the band, musically. Because he wrote music and lyrics. He wrote everything, he helped in every aspect of songwriting."

Au moins c'est clair !
Je me demande de plus en plus s'ils ne devraient pas se contenter de tourner sans rien sortir de nouveau...
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Chauve No Mercy

Inscrit le: 08 Mar 2013
Messages: 5535
Localisation: pas très loin du Stade de France.

MessagePosté le: Lun 21 Oct 2013 11:11    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je me demande de plus en plus s'ils ne devraient pas se contenter de tourner sans rien sortir de nouveau...
Tiens ça me rappelle quelqu'un lol
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it ;Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it ;Show, how good you are !
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Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2007
Messages: 461

MessagePosté le: Sam 26 Oct 2013 1:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Chaque nouvelle news à propos de Slayer me déprime un peu plus.

Quand je lis les déclarations de Tom Araya, je dis qu'il n'est pas loin de raccrocher les gants et, franchement, ça me semble la meilleure chose à faire à l'heure actuelle.

Slayer sans Dave Lombardo, passe encore mais en l'absence de Lombardo et de Jeff Hanneman, c'est Slayer tout autant que GNR peut l'être avec le seul Axl Rose. :cry:
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Jeu 31 Oct 2013 13:04    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

During a brand new interview with Brian Aberback of New Jersey's Steppin' Out magazine, SLAYER bassist/vocalist Tom Araya was asked about the band's decision to part ways with drummer Dave Lombardo bring back Paul Bostaph.

"That whole issue came down to this: Dave had been jamming with us for a while, as a working member of the band, but he wasn't a partner," Tom began. "Like all things like that, you have to have agreements, so nobody feels cheated. We had ongoing issues and finally he put us in a position where we had to find someone to replace him. He wasn't happy, so he decided to have his Facebook rant and told the world about a lot of issues going on within the band that are legally binding and private. I thought that was wrong and it was upsetting. A lot of the claims he made were untrue. Part of the agreement is you don't do that. Kerry [King, SLAYER guitarist], Jeff [Hanneman, then-SLAYER guitarist] and I got on the phone and made a collective decision and we let Dave go and gave Paul a call. Paul said he'd be happy to come back. He has brought some life back into our live performances. He's in hyper drive and kicking ass, which makes us play faster. People have commented on how energetic we've been lately. We're playing faster than we would have. It's good injection of adrenaline."

Et d'après Edith: Exodus’ Gary Holt Will Not Write Songs for the New Slayer Album
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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