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NASHVILLE PUSSY - Up The Dosage (21 janvier)

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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mer 22 Jan 2014 19:33    Sujet du message: NASHVILLE PUSSY - Up The Dosage (21 janvier) Répondre en citant

The song "Pillbilly Blues" from American rockers NASHVILLE PUSSY can be streamed below. The track is taken from the band's new studio album, "Up The Dosage", which was released on January 21, 2014 in North America, in Germany on January 17, 2014 and in the rest of Europe on January 20, 2014 via Steamhammer/SPV. It was made available as a limited digipak edition (including two bonus tracks and a poster), double gatefold LP edition with colored vinyl, standard version and download.

According to a press release, "Up The Dosage" picks up seamlessly where their 2009 release "From Hell To Texas" left off. And what is more: the quartet's five-year hiatus seems to have done frontman Blaine Cartwright (vocals, guitar) and Ruyter Suys (guitars) good — all 13 new songs (plus two bonus tracks) sound like they were catapulted into to the public from a fountain of youth, rocking in typical PUSSY style.

Blaine Cartwright is rightly proud of and unmistakably happy about the new material. "None of the previous NASHVILLE PUSSY albums have been as diverse and at the same time consistent," he said. "Everything sounds even bigger and better, yet raw and authentic through and through. This is our 'Back In Black'!"

"Up the Dosage" features the first recordings from new bassist Bonnie Buitrago, who took over the bass player duties from Karen Cuda. Cartwright commented on the addition of Bonnie to the band: "Bonnie originally tried out for NASHVILLE PUSSY 12 years ago. When we needed a replacement for Karen a couple of years ago, we were lucky that she was available. She's a Southern California native who is a great musician who has given our rock a more solid roll!"

Rick Beato, known for his production work with SHINEDOWN, mixed the album.

"Up The Dosage" track listing:

01. Everybody's Fault But Mine
02. Rub It To Death
03. Till The Meat Falls Off The Bone
04. The South's Too Fat To Rise Again
05. Before The Drugs Wear Off
06. Spent
07. Beginning Of The End
08. Up The Dosage
09. Taking It Easy
10. White And Cloud
11. Hooray For Cocaine, Hooray ForTennessee
12. Pillbilly Blues
13. Pussy's Not A Dirty Word
14. Begging For A Taste (digipak bonus track)
15. Before The Drugs Wear Off (digipak bonus track)

"Everybody's Fault But Mine" is described by Blaine Cartwright as "the ultimate southern rock anthem for the 21st century. It was written for everyone who's had the guts to keep struggling and inch their way up the never-ending mountain."

Les extraits:

Everybody's Fault But Mine

Pillbilly Blues

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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