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TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON - ? (fin 2013/début 2014)

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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007
Messages: 4935
Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island

MessagePosté le: Mar 09 Juil 2013 17:11    Sujet du message: TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON - ? (fin 2013/début 2014) Répondre en citant

TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON, the new project featuring Dani "Filth" Davey (vocals; CRADLE OF FILTH), Rob Caggiano (guitar; VOLBEAT, ANTHRAX, THE DAMNED THINGS), Tom Cato Visnes (bass; a.k.a. King ov Hell; OV HELL, GOD SEED, GORGOROTH), John Tempesta (drums; formerly of WHITE ZOMBIE and now drumming with THE CULT) and Arve "Ice Dale" Isdal (guitar; ENSLAVED), will enter a Los Angeles studio tomorrow to begin laying down the drums for the band's debut album, tentatively due in late 2013/early 2014 via an as-yet-undisclosed label.

TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON spent time in Bergen, Norway last year fine-tuning the material that is set to appear on the CD.

Songtitles set to appear on the effort include:

* Infernal Desire Machine
* Dark Eyes For Trouble
* C.N.T (All That's Missing Is You)
* Catch
* Into The Void (Not Black Sabbath)
* Another Dead Thing Between Us
* Persephone
* Nothing Less Than All Out War
* Beautifully Perverse
* Last Of The Vampire Playboys
* Alchemy, Myself And I
* Don't Call Up What You Can't Put Down
* Batterfang
* Needs Must When The Devil Drives

A demo version of the track "Infernal Desire Machine" can be streamed below. Dani says: "Trust me, this will sound huge when its recorded for the forthcoming album."

When asked about how the idea for TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON came about, Caggiano told "Pyro", the weekly hard rock/metal heavy metal show which airs on the national radio station NRK in Norway: "Years ago, I was in the U.K. working with CRADLE OF FILTH on the 'Nymphetamine' record. And I think it was at the end of the session, I was just about to go back to New York, I decided to stay in London for a couple of days. And GORGOROTH was actually playing. So I went to the show, and that's when Tom and I met; it was back in 2005, I think. We got really drunk and we started talking about working on music together, doing something different. Prior to that, Dani and I were talking about possibly doing something. One thing led to another, Tom and I started working on music, and we realized that we worked really well together and it just came naturally. . . But the whole thing is, we're all super busy with our other projects, so just scheduling has been a nightmare for a long time."

Regarding the TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON sound, Dani said, "A lot of people have speculated, 'Wow, it's got a guy from CRADLE OF FILTH, ANTHRAX and [GORGOROTH].' It's got a real rock base to it; and I know it sounds strange [to say]. It's heavy, but it's not too extreme. It's not [all] blast beats or anything like that, although we do have a couple of songs a bit like that — really fast. But it's catchy. I don't like using the word 'commercial,' because will think it's watered down, sort of, power pop, or pop rock. I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people. It's really hard to put it into context and say, it's a bit of CRADLE OF FILTH, ANTHRAX, GORGOROTH and THE CULT [laughs] . . . which sounds ridiculous." Caggiano added, "I don't think it sounds like any of our other bands. If it did, what would be the point?"

Infernal Desire Machine
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mar 09 Juil 2013 17:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il y a quelques années, Filth avait parlé de ce possible projet avec Caggiano en disant que finalement qu'il le ferait pasvu que son groupe lui prenait déjà tout son temps et lui accordait une liberté artistique totale... Confused

Ca rapporte plus assez, Cradle ?
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mar 09 Juil 2013 17:23    Sujet du message: Re: TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON - ? (fin 2013/début 2014) Répondre en citant

Oni² a écrit:
Infernal Desire Machine

Copieurs ! Infernal Death Machine lol
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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