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S1phonique Chauve No Mercy

Inscrit le: 08 Mar 2013 Messages: 5535 Localisation: pas très loin du Stade de France.
Posté le: Ven 20 Sep 2013 14:37 Sujet du message: |
va donc faire le [BT des solos] y ' a pas de Metallica dedans j'avais que SKOM à la maison
Machine f**king Heaaaaaaddddd!!!!
(quoique j'ai pas trop aimé le dernier live CD) _________________ Swing it, shake it, move it, make it ;Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it ;Show, how good you are ! |
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Jeu 03 Oct 2013 10:53 Sujet du message: |
After over a year of dialogues with various record labels, San Francisco Bay Area metallers MACHINE HEAD have decided on a new home with the newly launched arm of Nuclear Blast Records, Nuclear Blast Entertainment, headed by the band's longtime friend and former Roadrunner A&R guru Monte Conner. Excitement runs high in both camps. Conner says: "I feel incredibly fortunate to say I have signed MACHINE HEAD — for the third time! They wrote one of the greatest metal albums of all-time as their debut and then turned around and beat it 13 years later.
"MACHINE HEAD have produced some of the best material of their storied career over the course of their last three records, and like a fine wine, they just keep getting better with age. The songwriting in this band is beyond evolved compared to the majority of their peers, and as a lyricist, Robb Flynn is second to none. On the live front, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more commanding and dominating band."
Continues Conner: "Ever since the launch of Nuclear Blast Entertainment, one of my main goals has been to reunite with MACHINE HEAD.
"I am grateful to MACHINE HEAD for continuing to put their trust in me as well as my new partners at Nuclear Blast, who share my passion for and commitment to the band."
Adds MACHINE HEAD guitarist/vocalist Robb Flynn: "Monte Conner has believed in MACHINE HEAD for 20 years — his belief has never wavered — and we are extremely proud to work alongside him once again.
"When I visited the Nuclear Blast compounds in both Germany and Los Angeles last year, the vibe and spirit that Markus Staiger, Gerardo Martinez and their respective teams created took me back to the spirit of the old Roadrunner Records days, back when bands like OBITUARY and SEPULTURA were changing the world with their music. Everyone believes, everyone wants it for the right reasons, it's about creating and respecting a culture, about pioneering new ways for people to discover great music."
Nuclear Blast founder/owner and longtime MACHINE HEAD supporter Markus Staiger states: "There's no doubt that MACHINE HEAD is one of the most influential modern day bands. Just listen to their debut album which still sounds like it's been recorded just a few months ago — sound-wise as well as in terms of songwriting! Or check out their recent metal masterpiece 'The Blackening', which shows the band is still peaking and is more vital than ever.
"I've been a huge MACHINE HEAD fan from day one and I've always followed them through all the different stages of their career. So it is a real honor for me to finally be working with them, having them join the Nuclear family and kicking some major ass worldwide for and with MACHINE HEAD!
"Let freedom ring with a Nuclear Blast!"
MACHINE HEAD will enter the studio in late October to begin recording its eighth album for an early 2014 release. Tentative songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Killers & Kings", "Beneath The Silt", "Ojos De La Muerte", "Sail Into The Black" and "Night Of The Long Knives".
MACHINE HEAD's next album will be the band's first with new bassist Jared MacEachern, who replaced Adam Duce this past spring.
MACHINE HEAD's most recent studio release, 2011's "Unto The Locust", entered The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 22 — putting them in the Top 25 for the first time in the band's history. The CD was the follow-up to the 2007 metal milestone "The Blackening", widely hailed as one of the finest metal albums of the last decade, which led the band to an extensive three-year tour, sharing the stage with such heavy hitters as SLIPKNOT and METALLICA.
MACHINE HEAD headlined the Jägermeister Stage at this past summer's Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival.
All photos by Chad Lee of RockConcertFotos.com
Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/machine-head-signs-with-nuclear-blast-entertainment/#tcW7f6YhG7m2xjmz.99 _________________
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Mer 09 Oct 2013 21:04 Sujet du message: |
"We're finishing up writing our new record. We have 6 songs done, and 2 half-songs that feel like they're going somewhere.
"From time to time, you wonder where things will end up or chart, but it never really comes on our radar. It can't, it dilutes the priority: authenticity.
"We've never tried to write a #1 album in our lives. The world is too fickle, tastes change, lives change, you just write for yourselves, maybe think ahead to what might work live, but ultimately, come up with 'what feels right.'
"It's an arcane process, like walking through a pitch-black room feeling the walls, looking for a door knob, and soon you find it, and that opens up to another pitch-black room, but eventually you see light under the door crack, you can feel when you're getting close, and soon find your way out. It's an incredible feeling when you do. I feel like we can see the light under the door crack, but haven't found our way out yet. It's daunting, a little nerve-wracking, and exciting all at the same time.
"We've booked GREEN DAY's JingleTown studio in East Oakland again, and we'll be starting on October 30th. Behing the board stuff will be the same team that did 'Locust', Juan Urteaga and Brad K. engineering, myself producing for the fourth time.
"So like I said, we're 6 songs deep, not quite finished, I feel like we still need a 'Locust'-type song. Still need an epic opener.
"We posted a picture of the song titles a week ago: 'Killers & Kings' definitely feels like a 'track 2.' Uptempo, will be great live, big shout-along chorus. Not sure where the rest are as of this Journal. There are some fast ragers ('Ojos De La Muerte'), one with an old-school hardcore / 'More Things Change' flavor (the Manson-murder-themed 'Night Of The Long Knives'), 'Beneath The Silt' has a 'Elegy'-type vibe to me, but with way better execution, 'Sail Into The Black' has a 'Descend The Shades Of Night' sorta-feel but darker, and is the only long song of the bunch at 8 minutes, the others (for-no-reason-in-particular) all clock in at 4 or 5 minutes.
"Do any of them sound like radio tracks? Do any scream #1 album? Fuck no. That isn't the goal. It can't be. You know why? Because we're metal musicians, we're supposed to be the pioneers, the ones railing against the system, the ones challenging the norm, the ones pissing people off, the ones who 20 years from now will be held in the same reverence that we now hold the classic rock artists or the classic thrash artists for testing the limits, for pushing the boundaries of music as we know it. For going where the other bands of that era wouldn't, who were on a 'highway to hell,' who went faster and heavier and longer, and more intricate, more provocative, more confrontational, more 'FUCK YOU! That's what made that music so damn exciting, so god damn exhilarating!! |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Mer 09 Oct 2013 21:14 Sujet du message: |
J'ai beau cracher sur Locust régulièrement, reste que j'aime Flynn et que j'ai hâte d'entendre sa voix et ses mains.
Ça oui.
Miam. |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Mer 09 Oct 2013 21:17 Sujet du message: |
Mitaine, j'aurais pu écrire la même chose. Je suis celui qui suis d'accord.
Surtout Night of the Long Knives... un morceau dans le style des 2 premiers albums avec leurs acquis d'aujourd'hui, ça peut déboiter un paquet de vertèbres. |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Jeu 10 Oct 2013 9:26 Sujet du message: |
Pingouin a écrit: |
un morceau dans le style des 2 premiers albums avec leurs acquis d'aujourd'hui, ça peut déboiter un paquet de vertèbres. |
Carrément. J'ai déjà dit que Blood Of The Zodiac était un de mes plus mieux d'eux ?
Oui hein.
Bah s'ils nous pondent un truc comme ça en mieux
Mitaine  |
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Sam 02 Nov 2013 19:55 Sujet du message: |
Flynn avait juré qu'on l'entendrait jamais, et pourtant...
Pins and Needles, le single formaté radio que les gars ont pondu pour démarcher les labels lorsqu'ils étaient au fond du trou, en 2002.
Musicalement, ça se tient à peu près mais mitaine, le texte...  |
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Droom Oslow

Inscrit le: 15 Fév 2012 Messages: 3419
Posté le: Sam 02 Nov 2013 21:14 Sujet du message: |
Le texte est-il lisible quelque part ?
Le problème du morceau, c'est surtout que pour quelque chose qui se veut un single, c'est aussi accrocheur qu'un documentaire animalier.
Mais ça m'étonne qu'il l'ait détesté autant que ça, le père Flynn... c'est globalement du niveau de toute la période Supercharger. Et par là, je ne dis pas que c'est nul hein. Ce n'est juste pas spécialement moins bon que, au hasard, "Blank Generation" ou "American High".
Edit : Ah ! Mais je savais que le riff d'intro me disait quelque chose ! |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Sam 02 Nov 2013 21:56 Sujet du message: |
I've got a beer and that's all I need
I've got a beer and that's all I need
I'm breaking every bottle just to break something
I've got my gun and that's all I need
So just leave me alone 'cause that's all I need
I'm tired of the bullshit so I'm getting high
On dirait du Max Cavalera.
C'est les circonstances qui doivent faire qu'il déteste le morceau. Pondu sur commande alors que le groupe partait en vrille, il est associé à plein de mauvais souvenirs. |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Mer 06 Nov 2013 11:10 Sujet du message: |
Ouais, ça n'aurait pas choqué sur Supercharger, ça me fait penser au refrain de Deafening Silence. Avec quelques années de recul, certes ça reste faible par rapport aux albums encadrants mais je dois dire que la période Burning Red-Supercharger-Hellalive garde une chouette saveur
Mais hâte d'écouter la suite de leur carrière quand même  |
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
Posté le: Ven 06 Déc 2013 12:20 Sujet du message: |
L'album aura du retard, ils sont pas prêts.
Robb Flynn a écrit: |
“As you may have noticed there aren’t any, “hey, were in the recording studio” updates happening. That’s because were not! A few Journals ago I said we’d hit the studio at end of October, and while we tried our damnedest to make that deadline, the fact is, we weren’t ready. We started writing in January of this year but between the bassist auditions, teaching Jared all the old tunes, rehearsing for headline dates, doing Mayhem, getting Jared up to speed on the new tunes, and back into writing mode in September, we just didn’t have the songs yet. We probably only wrote music for 4 out of those 9 months, if we went in, it would have been rushed. This is an important record for us. With a new label, a new member, and this being the follow up to “Locust” all eyes are on us. This record cannot be rushed or hurried, it needs to be great. It needs to be classic Machine Head. It needs to be a timeless album. Our new label, Nuclear Blast agreed and said “hey, if it comes out in April or August, who cares? In 5 years, they’re only going to remember if it’s great or not.” It was refreshing and we were grateful that’s how they felt. We are now going in the studio the first week of February, 2014. We already have 5 or 6 song demoed, some are in more finished stages than others, so we’ll continue demoing through the New Year. Shit, who am I kidding? We’ll probably be demoing up until the day before we hit the studio, LOL! Thanks for the patience my friends” |
_________________ UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame
Boutique UNCHAINED: http://unchainedmetal.bigcartel.com/
SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live) |
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
Posté le: Jeu 09 Jan 2014 19:43 Sujet du message: |
San Francisco Bay Area metallers MACHINE HEAD will enter the studio in February to begin recording their new album for a late summer release via the band's new label, Nuclear Blast Entertainment. Tentative songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Killers & Kings", "Beneath The Silt", "Ojos De La Muerte", "Sail Into The Black" and "Night Of The Long Knives".
Speaking to U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine, MACHINE HEAD guitarist/vocalist Robb Flynn stated about the band's new material: "It sounds like MACHINE HEAD! It's definitely moving forward, which I feel like we're probably always gonna do.
"We're not a band that ever looks back. We do our thing and try to take the life experiences that we have and the musicianship that we've evolved and try to use it. Obviously, we have our sound and we have the MACHINE HEAD patented harmonics, the downtuned riffs and I sing the way I sing.
"I think Bob Dylan said it best: 'You just find new ways to say the same thing.'"
Speaking about some of the specific tracks and the lyrical themes covered on the new album, Flynn said: "I've got some pretty cool lyrics ready. There's a song called 'Night Of The Long Knives', and it's pretty fucked! It's about the Manson murders, and the lyrics are really dark and vicious.
"We've found some new twists to give to the MACHINE HEAD sound and some new fire and excitement."
Asked what the band's main aims were when they started composing music for the new CD, Flynn said: "Well, it's nice to try and have a plan, but music has a way of unravelling over time! [Laughs] You've just got to roll with it.
"With [2007's] 'The Blackening', I'd love to say I had this grand vision of nine- and 10-minute songs, but the first four songs we wrote were the four shorter songs on the record. For months, there was no indication whatsoever that we'd have 10-minute songs. That stuff came later.
"Human nature wants to control and dictate where things will go, but you can't. It won't let you! The more you try, the more it goes, 'Fuck you.' It's going some other way!"
Regarding whether the songwriting process comes more easily after more than two decades as a band, Flynn said: "I just try and do my thing. With this record in particular, I've tried to discipline myself more with routine, writing a little bit every day, but for months I was in a riff rut. Every riff I wrote fuckin' sucked! Then we took a two-week break and I was writing my Facebook journals about the 'Through The Ashes Of Empires' [MACHINE HEAD's 2003 album] story, and that cleared my head. At the end of those two weeks, the floodgates opened and all hell of riffs poured out. I was so stoked! This torrent of riffs, this molten hot lava, was at my fingertips. It's such a good feeling."
Flynn also revealed that MACHINE HEAD has "definitely got some ideas" for the artwork and imagery for the band's new album, but added: "It's weird, though, because who the fuck even buys albums anymore?
"An album cover is a necessary thing but for so many people it's justa little one-and-a-half-inch square on an iPhone.
"We're going to have a lot of worldwide special editions, so for the people who are still into that stuff, we'll have some next-level shit. Especially with our new label, Nuclear Blast, they can do all of that stuff. They're not afraid to do all these crazy, over-the-top special-edition things and big two-foot metal cases and all that.
"I'm a super-nerd collector and that shit rules to me!"
_________________ UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame
Boutique UNCHAINED: http://unchainedmetal.bigcartel.com/
SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live) |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Jeu 09 Jan 2014 19:49 Sujet du message: |
Pietro a écrit: |
It's weird, though, because who the fuck even buys albums anymore? |
PD  |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Mar 21 Jan 2014 12:44 Sujet du message: |
Duce colle un procès au groupe.
ex-MACHINE HEAD bassist Adam Duce has filed a lawsuit against his former bandmates alleging trademark infringement, breach of partnership agreement and defamation, among other things.
Duce was fired from MACHINE HEAD on February 11, 2013, a few months prior to the band signing a new deal with Nuclear Blast Entertainment. According to Adam, he was expelled from the group "after he put 21 years of his life into it" so as to allow the other bandmembers to make a bigger profit.
Although MACHINE HEAD formed a general partnership and a corporation under which each member owned 25 percent, the band's guitarist/vocalist, Robert Flynn, got a larger portion of the band's income, Duce claims.
MACHINE HEAD's 2009 tour, which included dates with METALLICA, grossed more than $2 million. A 2012 Europe tour grossed more than $3 million, according to the complaint.
"After receiving very little compensation despite the millions the band was bringing in, plaintiff requested and reviewed the records from the tours. Plaintiff found that [the band's manager, co-defendant Joseph W.] Huston, Flynn, and PFM [Provident Financial Management] had squandered money throughout the trip without consulting plaintiff for the vast majority of 'expenses,'" Duce says in the lawsuit.
"Despite their increase in popularity and touring revenue, [Duce] became concerned with how little income he was receiving, despite the time and hard work put in to developing the band," the complaint states.
"Though he expressed these concerns to Flynn, Huston, and PFM, [Duce] was never satisfied with the answers he received."
The complaint adds: "Despite plaintiff's expressed concerns, he was unable to make enough money to live within his modest means. Because of this, when the band was not touring, plaintiff supplemented his income as a licensed real estate appraiser."
The lawsuit goes on to say: "After [guitarist] Ahrue Luster left the band and was replaced by [Phil] Demmel, MACHINE HEAD continued as a partnership in which all four members — [Duce], Flynn, [drummer Dave] McClain, and now Demmel — held equal 25% shares in MH from approximately late 2002 until February 2013.
"While early on, each of the partners had equal rights in the management and conduct of MH business, Flynn, with the help of Huston, began making unilateral decisions without involving the other partners, essentially usurping control of the partnership.
"Despite the fact that Huston received 10% of the band's gross income, he failed to ensure that the members of the band made even close to his 10% cut."
Duce alleges that Nuclear Blast, Flynn and Huston "wrongfully and intentionally conspired to expel and then did expel [Adam] from the band prior to signing the new record deal in an attempt to preclude [Duce] from enjoying the profits of the new record deal. As a direct, proximate result of these actions, [Duce] has been damaged in an amount to be proven at trial, but in any event in excess of $800,000," the complaint states.
Flynn wrote about Duce's departure in a "diary entry" on MACHINE HEAD's web site by "directly attacking plaintiff's work ethic," Duce says in the complaint.
Adam claims that Flynn's "diary entry was libelous per se in that in contained untrue statements made to third parties that tended to harm [Duce] in his reputation and occupation." Duce adds that "Flynn published this diary entry without making a reasonable effort to ascertain the truthfulness of its contents." In addition, "Flynn was not privileged to make such statements in the diary entry. As a direct, proximate result of this diary entry, [Duce] has been damaged in an amount to be proven at trial, but in any event in excess of $1,000,000."
Duce, who still holds interest in the band's partnership and company, claims that no agreement was ever made about his share of future royalties and profits. He says the other bandmembers "simply kicked him out of the band and presumed he would forget about over two decades of hard work, dedication, and effort he put into the Band." Duce also says his likeness is used on the band's web site and in promotions without his authorization. |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Mar 21 Jan 2014 14:38 Sujet du message: |
J'en déduis qu'Adam n'est pas prêt de retourner chez MH
Rha lala, l'argent, ce destructeur d'amitiés  |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Ven 24 Jan 2014 8:00 Sujet du message: |
On April 19, San Francisco Bay Area metallers MACHINE HEAD will release a 10-inch vinyl single, with the A-side containing the "demo" version of a new song, "Killers & Kings". The B-side will be a cover version of the track "Our Darkest Days" from one of MACHINE HEAD's favorite bands, IGNITE.
Says MACHINE HEAD guitarist/vocalist Robb Flynn: "I remember growing up in the thrash scene and always wanting to hear the demo version of songs. You searched them out. Thankfully, my buddy Jim was a big 'tape trader,' and through trading, we had both METALLICA demos, EXODUS demos, bootlegs of songs sometimes 'years' before they came out.
"I knew how to play every note of 'Pleasure Of The Flesh' by EXODUS easily two years before the record was out. I had SLAYER's 'Reign In Blood' three months before it came out. I remember it still had the hi-hat counts starting the songs!!
"My friends and I would debate the merits of each (the demo was always better, LOL!).
"It's so much cooler to hear it BEFORE the album is out!
"So we're gonna do that for you.
"I can't wait for you guys to hear this stuff. Then you can debate it, haha!" |
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MisterPatate Six Frites Under

Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2009 Messages: 2489
Posté le: Ven 24 Jan 2014 11:19 Sujet du message: |
Pingouin a écrit: |
"It's so much cooler to hear it BEFORE the album is out! |
The Pirate Bay approuve cette phrase |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Ven 24 Jan 2014 12:15 Sujet du message: |
J'aime ce mec, contrairement à Adam hein, mais je l'aime : il a l'air tellement cool  |
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