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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Jeu 11 Avr 2013 22:33 Sujet du message: MACHINE HEAD - Bloodstone & Diamonds (11 Novembre) |
San Francisco Bay Area metallers MACHINE HEAD are scheduled to begin demoing material today (Thursday, April 11) for the follow-up to 2011's "Unto The Locust" with engineer Juan Urteaga of Trident Studios in Pacheco, California. The band's vocalist/guitarist Robb Flynn writes on the band's official web site: "[MACHINE HEAD drummer Dave] McClain and I had a really good jam session on Monday. It was one of those jam days where you feel a breakthrough happen, a day where, for no apparent reason, several things fall into place and start to make sense. It is an amazing-yet-hard-to-explain feeling, but you know that a huge chunk of progress just happened! New riffs flowed, new ideas materialized and new concepts explored. It was definitely one of 'those' days."
He added: "We had one more day of rehearsals yesterday and we'll start demoing the new tunes today with my trusty engineer Juan from Trident Studios manning Da Tools.
Ce qu'on peut en attendre, d'après Demmel sur Touitère :
-Des morceaux plus courts
-Accordé encore plus bas que d'habitude
Et si tout se passe bien, ça sortira à la toute fin 2013.
Dernière édition par Pingouin le Mer 13 Aoû 2014 20:11; édité 3 fois |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Ven 12 Avr 2013 11:21 Sujet du message: |
-Des morceaux plus courts
-Accordé encore plus bas que d'habitude
Moi, ça m'évoque les deux premiers. Bon. Sont-ils capables de sortir du Struck A Nerve, du Old, du Block ?
Hum. Ouais
Miam, ça serait cool qu'ils lâchent les ch'vaux un coup. |
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Ven 12 Avr 2013 11:48 Sujet du message: |
Autant la longueur des chansons ça m'est égal, mais
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-Accordé encore plus bas que d'habitude
Ca ça me plait  _________________
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Ven 12 Avr 2013 11:57 Sujet du message: |
Oni² a écrit: |
Autant la longueur des chansons ça m'est égal |
Ah mais non, on s'en fout pas.
C'est leur défaut numéro 1, de pas savoir quand s'arrêter.
Quand on écoute la demo de Aesthetics of Hate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPL3Ff76uak) qui se terminait de manière ultra-intense et que sur l'album, on se tape un final halakon avec un riff qui en finit plus de ralentir pendant 2 minutes, on se dit que la concision a du bon.
S'ils ont enfin appris à enlever le gras du jambon, leur musique n'en sera que plus efficace. |
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2009 Messages: 455
Posté le: Ven 12 Avr 2013 16:49 Sujet du message: |
Pour ma part, je suis dépité par ce qu'ils annoncent.  _________________
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Ven 12 Avr 2013 22:50 Sujet du message: |
Et pourquoi donc, vil Gayzou que tu es ? |
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Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2009 Messages: 455
Posté le: Sam 13 Avr 2013 0:48 Sujet du message: |
- J'aime les chansons longues.
- Quand un groupe annonce "brutal" + "accordé plus bas" ça fait un peu "montrons qu'on a une grosse bite" et franchement, c'est pas ce qui m'intéresse le plus dans le métal. _________________
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Droom Oslow

Inscrit le: 15 Fév 2012 Messages: 3419
Posté le: Sam 13 Avr 2013 9:41 Sujet du message: |
Sans revenir aux deux premiers opus, ils peuvent s'arrêter à TTAOE, puisque c'est leur meilleur. Plus court, plus grave, plus efficace.
"Imperium" quoi, "Imperium"....
Dernière édition par Droom le Sam 13 Avr 2013 14:03; édité 1 fois |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Sam 13 Avr 2013 12:35 Sujet du message: |
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Quand un groupe annonce "brutal" + "accordé plus bas" ça fait un peu "montrons qu'on a une grosse bite" |
A ça, on peut objecter que faire des morceaux de 8 minutes avec 45 riffs, 1'30 de solo et plein de passages qui se veulent épiques, c'est également une démarche prétentieuse : vouloir montrer qu'on est de super zicos et qu'on fait de la musique riche. |
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Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2009 Messages: 455
Posté le: Sam 13 Avr 2013 20:51 Sujet du message: |
Vouloir montrer qu'on est des bourrins est pour moi plus grave (hi hi hi) que vouloir montrer que l'on fait une musique riche, même si évidemment ça peut merder.
Mais bon, je suis fan de musique progressive, donc c'est un point de vue très personnel pour le coup. _________________
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Ven 03 Mai 2013 10:30 Sujet du message: |
Ca avance. Ils ont déjà 4 morceaux terminés.
The one song title we have is "Beneath The Silt". In some ways, it kinda reminds me of "Elegy" from "Through The Ashes Of Empires", has a stoner-ish-vibe about it, but tuned way down to F#, and with those Machine Head trademarks, the oft-imitated oscillating high notes, ala- the beginning of "Ten Ton Hammer". It's a cool song, different, pretty straight ahead for us, and short by Machine Head standards 4 and 1/2 minutes.
Been finishing up some rough demos that we are recording in our Jam Room, laying down guitar tracks, got a good chunk of guitars done, will finish those up today before it gets broken down for tomorrow. Got a good chunk of bass done too on the demos, Phil has been laying down the bass tracks so far and it's gone really well, he's got a lot of cool ideas, locking in with Dave's insanely awesome drum beats. Today is the last day for tracking guitars on the demo as we're getting ready to begin try-outs tomorrow (Friday).
We’re in an exciting period, that’s for sure. There’s some pressure here and there but that comes from within. Machine Head has always strived to bring our people the best of what we have. Right now the focus is the songs, the riffs, the feel and how it all comes together. In addition to the 4 finished songs we have, we also have a ton of riffs ready to be put to use, not to mention all the ideas still in my head. When I look at what our collective craniums have in store for the maniacal Machine Head fan, all I can think of is this…
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” |
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Lun 06 Mai 2013 9:33 Sujet du message: |
Y z'ont toujours pas de bassiste ? |
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Metalyogi Disco Queen

Inscrit le: 14 Aoû 2007 Messages: 2842 Localisation: Rouen
Posté le: Lun 06 Mai 2013 10:03 Sujet du message: |
Pas besoin, la guitare est accordée plus bas _________________ Mon profil Last FM |
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Droom Oslow

Inscrit le: 15 Fév 2012 Messages: 3419
Posté le: Lun 06 Mai 2013 10:33 Sujet du message: |
2 en 1 :
Loudwire a écrit: |
Flynn adds that the band is in the process of finishing some rough demos and he’s been laying down guitar tracks while Phil Demmel has been working on the bass parts |
Et sinon, ils ont 8 bassistes en ligne de mire :
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Speaking of the search, the frontman says, “Got eight guys lined up so far, some ‘known’ guys, some dudes who are under the radar, and all have touring / stage experience. |
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
Posté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 18:15 Sujet du message: |
Ils ont trouvé leur nouveau bassiste: Jared MacEachern (ex-Sanctity)
Et en vidéo
It is with great pride and excitement that Machine Head announce Jared MacEachern as their new bass player. Jared has already begun rehearsals for the upcoming Rockstar Mayhem U.S. summer festival tour and will soon relocate from North Carolina to Northern California to begin pre-production for Machine Head's upcoming 8th studio release.
Some fans might remember MacEachern from 2007's The Black Tyranny Tour, playing with his previous band Sanctity. Machine Head, challenged to find a fill-in bass player for the North American tour after an injury sidelined their then-4-stringer, also found themselves in need of someone to sing harmony with singer/guitarist Robb Flynn. Flynn remembers, "We had locked in Brandon Sigmund of local boys Hostility to play bass on that tour, but we soon realized we'd need someone to hit the high harmonies. Our A&R guy Monte Conner recommended Jared since he was already on the tour, and that ended up being a great call. Jared flew out a few days before the tour and rehearsed with us and did great. What was most impressive about the whole thing was that he was doing double duty - opening for Machine Head with his band at the time Sanctity, and then later singing with us. He would stay sober until after our set, and often get in the van and drive all night. His seriousness and dedication was awesome to see and it stuck with us".
Earlier this year, Machine Head conducted an extensive search for candidates through various channels, the most fruitful of which proved to be video submissions. Sifting through more than 400 videos, the band personally reviewed and evaluated everyone's performances, including MacEachern, who made the short list without a second thought. Lead guitarist Phil Demmel recalls, "There were dozens of amazing players, and it was interesting to watch each one take on our tunes. One of our biggest criteria for this gig was to be able to sing the high harmonies. That was our litmus test. And Jared passed with flying colors."
After reviewing all of the submissions, the band narrowed down the 400+ candidates to a short list of 7, each of whom took a trip to Oakland to perform a handful of songs in person and spend the day hanging with the band. Remembers Drummer Dave McClain, "Jared came in to the audition and just killed it! Besides being able to nail the bass and vocal harmonies, he also had the vibe and personality to make it feel like we were a BAND again. It was a great feeling and we all knew he was the guy."
MacEachern first picked up concert bass at 12 and around the same time, discovered metal. Jared recalls, "I heard the song 'Unforgiven' and really liked it. The next day my friend gave me 'Kill 'Em All' and it was over. I became completely enamored with all the metal bands of that time; Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Pantera, but when it came to bass, it was all about Cliff Burton, he was, and is my dude." With a brief stint at the Brevard School for Music Performance, Jared has consistently played bass for the past 22 years, most notably in Sanctity, where oddly enough, the band needed a guitar player. "That was purely out of necessity" he explains, "I'd been a bass player, but that gig opened up and I gave it a shot on the 6-stringer."
After extensive global touring with Sanctity and the birth of his daughter in 2007, the band's release from their label ignited Jared's sense of responsibility and he quit the band to focus on her. But music stayed a part of his life and he continued to jam locally throughout the south with death metal bands From A Dig and Telic, until he saw Machine Head were in need and thought he'd try out.
Frontman Robb Flynn reflects, "We really wanted a guy that was hungry for this, someone who could live and breathe this with us. Dave would joke around that we didn't want to get someone too green that'd be like 'oh my god, is this a dressing room?!', but we also didn't want someone who was too jaded by the whole thing and 'been there done that'. We thought the perfect guy would be someone who'd paid some dues, who had done 9 or 10 crummy van tours, and wasn't broken by that, but inspired to keep going and play music, and in many ways that was Jared. I mean hell, the guy's only rode in a bus for two nights, one of which was with us! It brings a really cool level of appreciation to the table, and it shows where his heart's at."
Jared enthuses, "I'm ready to get to work! This tour is going to kick ass and the new tunes are heavy as shit! I'm SO looking forward to making good music with good dudes!"
http://machinehead1.com/ _________________
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 18:30 Sujet du message: |
Il a l'air physiquement sympa mais...
C'est quoi, une vidéo qu'il leur a envoyé ?
Honnêtement, j'ai pas un grand niveau mais... C'est tout pourris.
Franchement, là il a une attaque irrégulière, c'est assez moche ce qu'il joue.
Mais il n'a pas dû être jugé que sur ce morceau
Mitaine, faut que je rentre le vieil ours qui sommeille en moi. Ca fait deux-trois jours que je suis désagréable.
Par contre physiquement il a l'air très bien ce garçon  |
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Oni² Onishuggah

Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2007 Messages: 4935 Localisation: Back in my Bloody Island
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Cedric Dave Mitaine
Inscrit le: 27 Oct 2010 Messages: 5504
Posté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 18:38 Sujet du message: |
C'est vrai que la place de la basse chez Machine Head... Ah si, on me souffle l'oreillette que c'est à droite sur la scène  |
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Pingouin Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010 Messages: 5306
Posté le: Lun 24 Juin 2013 19:26 Sujet du message: |
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the new tunes are heavy as shit |
Je comprends plus... il était pas sensé être embauché uniquement pour la tournée à venir, le nouveau bassiste ?
Et ça veut dire que l'album a été écrit uniquement en trio ?
Sinon, j'ai pas d'avis sur ce mec. Et la basse dans MH, c'est un peu comme la batterie dans Metallica ou le chant dans DT : ça sert à rien. |
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