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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Lun 26 Aoû 2013 19:12    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Legendary Thrash Metal band HIRAX are about to release their new studio album called "Immortal Legacy"

Singer and mastermind Katon W. De Pena says: "We recorded the new album with legendary producer Bill Metoyer (Slayer, W.A.S.P., Armored Saint, Cirith Ungol and many others). This is our most epic sounding record to date, sonically powerful and over-the-top. 14 new raging thrash metal songs that will make you bang your head!!!"

Philip Lawvere, the artist behind such classic album covers as KREATOR’s Pleasure to Kill and CELTIC FROST’s Emperor’s Return has designed the new HIRAX Immortal Legacy album 2013 release. Lawvere had done stunning illustrations for numerous albums and is best known for a slew of thrash metal offerings released on Noise Records. HIRAX front man commented: “We couldn’t be happier to have Philip Lawvere illustrating the cover of our new album; after getting Bill Metoyer to produce it, this is truly the icing on the thrash metal cake!”

The album will be released in Germany on October 25th, in Europe on October 28th and in the US/Canada on October 22nd worldwide through SPV/Steamhammer as CD, gatefold coloured LP and download.


1.Hellion Rising
- The Conquests
- Thunder Roar
2. La Boca De La Bestia - Mouth of the Beast
3. Mass Hysteria
4. Tied to the Gallows Pole
5. Atlantis - Journey to Atlantis (instrumental)
6. Victims of the Dead
7. Black Smoke
8. Sign of the Wolf
9. Immortal Legacy
10. Violence of Action
11. Deceiver
12. Mephistopheles
13. Earthshaker (instrumental)
14. The World Will Burn (Suffer the World)

Don`t miss Hirax on the "Metal Apocalypse"- European Tour 2013 with Flotsam & Jetsam:

Flotsam & Jetsam + Hirax + supports

13.10 - Brno (CZ) "Melodka Klub"
14.10 - Warsaw (PL) "Progresja"
15.10 - Katowice (PL) "Mega Club"
16.10 - Ljubljana (SLO) "Gala Hala"
18.10 - Brescia (I) "Colony Club"
19.10 - Rome (I) "INIT club"
20.10 - Bologna (I) "ZR Club"
22.10 - Madrid (E) "Sala Arena"
23.10 - Barcelona (E) "Apollo 2"
24.10 - Montpellier (F) "Secret Place"
25.10 - Rennes (F) "Festival"
27.10 - Dendermonde (B) "JH Zenith"
28.10 - Rushden (GB) "Athletic Club"
29.10 - Wolverhampton (GB) "Wulfrun Hall"
30.10 - London (GB) "The Garage"
31.10 - Eindhoven (NL) "Effennar"
02.11 - Bochum (D) "Matrix"

=> more dates will be added soon

C'te pochette. lol

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Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 20266
Localisation: Trapped in a corner

MessagePosté le: Mer 28 Aoû 2013 23:02    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gorod n'a plus de batteur!

Bonjour à tous.
Ce mot pour vous annoncer que notre batteur Samuel Santiago ne fait dorénavant plus partie de GOROD.
Les raisons de ce départ ne concernent que Samuel et GOROD, aucun autre communiqué ne sera fait à ce sujet.
Les quelques dates prévues au dernier trimestre de cette année seront maintenues avec l'aide d'un batteur interimaire, ce seront les dernières concernant notre album "A Perfect Absolution".
GOROD va se consacrer, dans les semaines qui suivent, à la composition de son prochain album... et - bien que nous ayons quelques pistes - à la recherche d'un nouveau batteur.
Plus de news prochainement.

Je suis une outre!!!

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Ven 30 Aoû 2013 10:04    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pingouin a écrit:
Dark Angel serait à deux doigts de se reformer.

Don Doty a écrit:
Lets do this... someone call Jim,Gene,Eric,Mike might be on-board already. YOU HAVE AWOKEN THE DARK ANGEL
Hide the women and children first.

Pourquoi pas, mais je demande bien ce qui pousse depuis bientôt 10 ans tous les Thrasheurs décatis de seconde zone à remettre le couvert. Confused

C'est confirmé [/quote]

Ben en fait, non :

Less than a month after it was announced that classic late '80s /early '90s California thrashers DARK ANGEL would reunite for a number of shows next year — including an appearance at the Keep It True XVII festival, set to take place April 25-26, 2014 at Tauberfrankenhalle in Lauda-Königshofen, Germany — the bandmembers have come forward to express thoughts about future touring rumors spreading wildly across the web.

Gene Hoglan (drums): "I'm here to state that again, DFA [DARK Fucking ANGEL] is still talking about doing shows in 2014. As of now, none of the members have booked anything in regards to fests or individual dates. Of course, there are the rumors of certain fests being booked, but any talks that may have occurred were done so without the ENTIRE band's knowledge and acquiescence, and therefore cannot be deemed as credible. One thing that holds true to us is that we feel that DARK ANGEL's legacy is in danger of being tarnished if these random acts were to continue.

"There are a host of valid reasons why DARK ANGEL has been slow to react to the myriad offers we have received in the past to reunite, but the most important reason is that we wish to do the greatest service possible to our fans, and if that means the time has yet to be right, then the time has not been right. And concerning the immediate future of 2014, if the time and conditions are not right, then again, they will not be right for all involved. Most importantly, our fans.

"We do realize that yes, reunions are quite the norm these days. DARK ANGEL, however, has never conformed to the norm, and we refuse to reunite unless we can come back and give our fans the most stellar situation possible. Which is precisely what we are working towards behind the scenes.

"We greatly appreciate everyone's enthusiastic response to the possibility of a proper reunion, and as a unit, DARK ANGEL will do what will be best. For us and our amazing fan base.

"Again, we truly appreciate all of you."

Jim Durkin (guitar): "To our kick-ass fans:

"It has come to my attention that shows are being booked and promises being made in the name of DARK ANGEL and some of its former members. No one, as far as I know, has been given authority to speak for or conduct business on behalf of DARK ANGEL, myself or any other ex member. Not to mention making any promises regarding the future of the band.

"There are other ex members who would love to be involved in this if it is done correctly! And protect our legacy!

"I, and others behind the scenes here, have asked other ex members many times to stop the postings on Facebook, other web sites, and doing interviews regarding the future of the band. But it continues.... This is all premature. There have been NO rehearsals yet, and little if any face-to-face meetings. But we are talking about 2014!

"I'm all for a guy doing an interview and talking about his glory days with the band. But if you start making unapproved statements about the future of the band? You're off course!

"When I was last in the band, Ron Rinehart was my singer. And IF the band were to come back and continue. he would STILL be my singer. He was our rock when we needed him and there is NO WAY I would do this without him. He and I talk daily and are as close now as ever. If anything, all this talk has brought us all back into more frequent contact! Which is a wonderful thing.

"I wish the very best for any ex-DARK ANGEL member in their endeavors. In fact, I encourage them to write their own music come up with their own band name and get out there and play! But to lead the fans to believe anyone other than Ron would be fronting DARK ANGEL, and that this band will be allowed to do anything without its key members just is not true. The legend cannot truly 'return' unless the key members are on board!

"I look forward to 2014. And I believe we can make some special things happen!"

Ron Rinehart (vocals): "In regards to DARK ANGEL and the present situation: DARK ANGEL has at no time given any authorization to any of our former members to book shows, personal appearances etc. Any shows promises, personal appearances etc. fall under the responsibility of the individual who made those promises, not DARK ANGEL the music group.

"DARK ANGEL believes in providing our incredible fans with the best show that we can possibly deliver, as well as protecting our valued legacy.

"Any future statements will come from DARK ANGEL or our management.”

Mike "Gonz: Gonzales (bass): "I just want to make a statement about the possibility of a DARK ANGEL reunion. It is true that we are talking about doing a run next year, but we are still in the early stages of this discussion. We all plan to sit down together in the near future and reconnect and jam a bit.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the guys again.

"We will keep you posted as things develop.

"I can't emphasize enough that this is just discussing a reunion. I have not agreed to any appearances yet. Hopefully things will work out.

"I am currently playing in VIKING, as most of you know. Our new album titled 'No Child Left Behind', will be dropping very soon. I am very excited about this band and album. It is the first album Gene and I have played together on since 'Time Does Not Heal' and I can't wait for everyone to hear it. It's brutal!

"In closing, I just want to thank everyone for their support and friendship. Hopefully I'll be seeing you on the road very soon!"


Dernière édition par Pingouin le Jeu 05 Sep 2013 0:12; édité 2 fois
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Shred is Dead

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 7218
Localisation: Je suis perdu :'(

MessagePosté le: Sam 31 Aoû 2013 11:09    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

:metalbeer: :metalbeer: :metalbeer: :metalbeer: :metalbeer: :metalbeer:

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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2013
Messages: 611

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Sep 2013 22:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

VS Webzine diffuse un reportage aux relents de tribord extrême sans cas de conscience sous prétexte de parler de Vikernes.
Allez les insulter, ça mérite.
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 05 Sep 2013 0:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dark Angel serait à deux doigts de se reformer

C'est confirmé

Ben en fait, non

Ben en fait, si. Avec Hoglan. Mais sans Doty.

"Due to the recent rumor-inducing statements made by estranged ex-DARK ANGEL singer Don Doty, the band is forced to offer a premature release of information.

"DARK ANGEL will reform for a limited number of appearances in 2014 in the U.S. and select festivals in Europe. These dates are still pending and have not yet been booked at this time. "The confirmed lineup for these rare and unique, select 2014 shows features Gene Hoglan (drums), Jim Durkin (guitar), Ron Rinehart (vocals) and Michael Gonzalez (bass).

"The lack of responsibility that Don Doty is displaying by posting false information and unfounded rumors is creating confusion for DARK ANGEL fans.

There is no 'Team Don Doty' or 'Team Ron Rinehart.' There is ONLY DARK ANGEL. We will not be a part of anything that damages this band and its reputation.

"All future official statements will come from DARK ANGEL's management."


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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 05 Sep 2013 20:21    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

V'là Darkness qui se reforme maintenant, ils se sont donnés le mot ou bien ?

Cult German thrashers DARKNESS have reformed with a new lineup featuring two original members, Andreas "Lacky" Lackaw and Arnd Klink, alongside guitar players Bony Fertigmensch and Meik Heitkamp and bassist Christian "Speesy" Giesler of fellow German thrashers KREATOR.

After a few years with EURE ERBEN, Lackaw and Klink decided to resurrect the old spirit and bring DARKNESS back to life.

DARKNESS released three albums between 1987 and 1989 ("Death Squad", "Defenders Of Justice" and "Conclusion & Revival") and split after European tour with MUCKY PUP. In 2004, Arnd and Lacky teamed together to play thrash metal with German lyrics in the band EURE ERBEN but after the "Death Squad" 25th-anniversary show in Essen, they felt it was the right moment to reform DARKNESS.

C'était ça, pour mémoire :
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2012
Messages: 8506
Localisation: Madriz, Spain

MessagePosté le: Jeu 05 Sep 2013 21:38    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je n'ai jamais écouté le groupe, même à l'époque, mais j'ai encore en tête une pochette qui m'avait hérissé le poil, avec une main et un piano il me semble.
C'était bien ce qu'ils faisaient dans le temps, ô volatile thrasheur ?
"Il parait qu'ils ont progressé sur scène. C'est vrai ? On m'a dit que depuis quelques temps, en concert, Myrath s'affine." Pingouin
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 05 Sep 2013 21:52    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Celle-là ?

C'était ultra-quelconque, comme groupe. Autant se limiter à Kreator/Sodom/Destruction et pas perdre son temps avec ce genre de second couteau.
Ils avaient quand même une volonté de faire autre chose que du Thrash de primate, avec des refrains vraiment chantés et des passages plus mélodiques. M'enfin dans l'ensemble, c'était vraiment médiocre.

Je vois d'ici qu'ils vont faire comme Accuser : enchaîner les albums de Thrash moderne dans la veine des Exodus récents qui vont se perdre dans la masse.
Heureusement que Toxik va secouer tout ça.
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2012
Messages: 8506
Localisation: Madriz, Spain

MessagePosté le: Ven 06 Sep 2013 9:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Celle-là. La pochette me fait toujours un petit effet.
Bon je raye de ma liste, merci ! Et de Toxik, une petite recommandation (je suis pas dans le bon topic, et alors ? DBZ )
"Il parait qu'ils ont progressé sur scène. C'est vrai ? On m'a dit que depuis quelques temps, en concert, Myrath s'affine." Pingouin
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merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Inscrit le: 19 Juil 2012
Messages: 3165
Localisation: Colères banlieue sud

MessagePosté le: Ven 06 Sep 2013 13:28    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Winter a écrit:
Et de Toxik, une petite recommandation (je suis pas dans le bon topic, et alors ? DBZ )
La chro du 1er album figure dans la dernière Maj. Celle du 2ème devrait voir le jour d'ici quelques semaines et il est au moins aussi bon. Quant au 3ème, on attend.
"[...]- le rythme véritable ne vient jamais de la répétition qui pourtant le prépare, mais du surgissement de l'étrange, d'un plan oblique à l'attention [...]" Alain Damasio - La Horde du Contrevent
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Inscrit le: 13 Aoû 2010
Messages: 637
Localisation: Meulaiiiiiin

MessagePosté le: Ven 06 Sep 2013 14:34    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Elle est absolument calamiteuse cette pochette lol J'adore, dans le genre !

Elle me fait penser à un autre bijou du genre...

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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2012
Messages: 8506
Localisation: Madriz, Spain

MessagePosté le: Ven 06 Sep 2013 17:12    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oui mais elle me fout les boules (pas celle de Johnny hein), je ne sais pas pourquoi.
@MFF : autant pour moi, je vais lire ça de ce pas !
"Il parait qu'ils ont progressé sur scène. C'est vrai ? On m'a dit que depuis quelques temps, en concert, Myrath s'affine." Pingouin
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mer 11 Sep 2013 15:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

J'imagine que tout le monde s'en branle mais moi, ça me fait des frissons de là jusqu'à là : Persuader revient. 7 ans que j'attendais ça. :(

Inner Wound Recordings has announced the signing of the Swedish power metal band PERSUADER. The group's new album, "The Fiction Maze", will be released late 2013/early 2014.

PERSUADER was formed in Umeå, Sweden 1997, and has thus far released three albums: "The Hunter" (2000), "Evolution Purgatory" (2004) and "When Eden Burns" (2006).


Jens Carlsson - Vocals
Fredrik Hedström - Bass
Emil Norberg - Guitar
Daniel Sundbom - Guitar
Efraim Juntunen - Drums

Says PERSUADER: "So finally, we're back! A journey that began some five years ago has finally come to the end of the line and we're extremely proud to uncover the new PERSUADER album entitled 'The Fiction Maze'.

"A lot of hard work was put into creating the perfect mix of everything we've done so far, expanded on the PERSUADER sound while keeping the core that is the band; heavy riffing, strong melodies, pounding rythms and soaring vocals. Combined with a crushing production courtesy of mixer extraordinaire Ronnie Björnström [AEON, APOSTASY, BONE GNAWER] this turned out to be quite a beast of an album, the true pinnacle of our career so far.

"The time has come. Now join us through the fiction maze!"

Remember : :metalbeer:
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mer 11 Sep 2013 17:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

C'était pas un ersatz de Blind Guardian ? Confused
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Mer 11 Sep 2013 17:45    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Si, mais un bon, et avec un côté plus Thrash.
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Inscrit le: 17 Sep 2007
Messages: 763
Localisation: Lot-et-Garonne

MessagePosté le: Mer 11 Sep 2013 18:17    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

C'est une EXCELLENTE nouvelle!!! Heandbang Heandbang Heandbang
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Jean-Pierre Elkathrash

Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2010
Messages: 5306

MessagePosté le: Jeu 12 Sep 2013 5:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Des extraits du disque :

Ca a l'air d'enfourner assez violemment.
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Chauve No Mercy

Inscrit le: 08 Mar 2013
Messages: 5535
Localisation: pas très loin du Stade de France.

MessagePosté le: Jeu 12 Sep 2013 15:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Après onze ans d'absence, Ennio Morricone, l'une des légende de la musique du cinéma, se produira à Bercy le Mardi 04 février 2014 pour un concert qui s'annonce d'ors et déjà immanquable. Accompagné de son orchestre et de ses choeurs, le maestro aura à cœur de partager ses plus belles créations.

C'est pas Mike Patton qui a acheté les droits de certaines œuvres ?
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it ;Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it ;Show, how good you are !
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Ven 13 Sep 2013 15:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sebastian Bach a glissé sur tweeter que Mötley Crüe lui aurait proposé de remplacer Vince Neil dans les 90's (c'était finalement John Corabi qui avait eu la place le temps d'un album). Nikki Sixx nie totalement, mais Bach maintient et déclare qu'il a même répété avec le Crüe à l'époque.

Bach: I rehearsed with Motley.. then they offered me job

Motley Crue mainman Nikki Sixx says Sebastian Bach’s claim that he was invited to join Motley Crue is “not true.”

But the former Skid Row singer has responded by insisting it is true – and that the invitation came after he’d rehearsed with the band.

Earlier this week Bach was asked by a fan on Twitter if he’d been “considered to replace Vince in Motley,” to which he replied: “Not considered. Asked.”

After the news was reported Sixx commented on his radio show (audio below): “He says that Motley Crue wanted him to replace Vince Neil – and I’m just going to say right now: that is absolutely not true.

“At the time Vince left Motley in 1990, 89, 90 – somewhere in there, 91 – he was in Skid Row and Skid Row was on top of the world. Snake, their guitar player, was one of my very best friends. So I think I would remember that.

“I think maybe Sebastian wanted to be in Motley Crue and just forgot to tell us that he wanted to be in Motley Crue when we were looking for a singer.”

Sixx, who said he thought Bach should still be a member of Skid Row, added: “I don’t think we would have taken him anyway, just because of our friends.”

But Bach writes on his Facebook page: “It’s not every day you wake up to one of your childhood heroes calling you a liar. Either that, or Nikki Sixx’s memory needs some serious ‘refreshing.’

“The fact of the matter is I was not only asked to join Motley Crue – I actually rehearsed with the band Motley Crue. I was driven to rehearsal by Tommy Lee and I spent a full day singing the Motley Crue set with the band Motley Crue. In front of their whole road crew.

“I remember the songs that Nikki asked me to sing that day. I remember the whole road crew’s ecstatic reaction to us jamming together all day. And I remember Nikki’s very generous, kind offer, at the end of our rehearsal, for me to join the band Motley Crue. I remember his exact words, that he said to me in front of his whole road crew, Tommy, and Mick as well. It’s not every day that your hero asks you to join his band.

“I remember everything about that day…. including what kind of sandwich Tommy Lee had for lunch. I will tell this complete story in my upcoming book.”

Bach hasn’t offered specific details of the event, but in response to Classic Rock‘s story earlier this week he tweeted: “Who ever said it was 1992? It was way before that. Ho-hum.”

Meanwhile, the vocalist has thanked girlfriend Minnie Gupta for helping him keep away from alcohol, tweeting: “Today I am indeed 180 days sober. Thank you for believing in me.”

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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