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Watching Over Me
Faster Than a Boulette

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 1431
Localisation: Grenoble

MessagePosté le: Jeu 12 Mar 2009 13:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La première phrase m'a fait très très peur.

Mais s'il va mieux, tant mieux :)
...j'appelle Mikael Kael. Mikael ?
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 14 Mar 2009 16:47    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


OSLO,NORWAY: Athera ( Pal Mathieson) - Vocalist with Norwegian band SUSPERIA was rushed into Akershus Universitetssykehus Hospital in Lørenskog, Norway on the morning of March 9th suffering from acute stomach pains and heavy bleeding. Initial tests revealed that the singer had suffered a heart attack caused by a damaged blood vessel. Athera is currently in the intensive care unit under close observation, while further tests are carried out. He is expected to remain hospitalised for the foreseeable future. At this moment future plans including touring commitments remain unchanged, until a full diagnosis of his condition has been confirmed.

Athera recently completed vocals on SUSPERIA's 5th studio album, which is due for an early summer release through the bands new label Candlelight Records.

The band worked continuously throughout 2008 on the album which Athera described as "going back to the early days with the melancholic riffing and dark emotional vocals and coming all the way through to today, with a perfect blend of everything Susperia has been and become".

Everyone involved with the band wishes Athera a fast and speedy recovery.

It's a trap!
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 14 Mar 2009 17:55    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Starofash : Completes work on the "Ulterior" soundtrack
Heidi Solberg Tveitan (a.k.a. Starofash) has completed work on the soundtrack to the Irish film "Ulterior" by writer/director Jason Mehlhorn.

Says Heidi: "With this being my first soundtrack, I was faced with quite a few challenges when adapting to the format. However, after working my way through the more technical aspects, I was pleasantly surprised to find it very natural to just follow the pace and content of the movie when writing the actual music. Jason has been a very open minded and constructive director, which has made my job all the more easy. Strangely, I have never been so honest in my music as with this soundtrack; this is music straight from the heart."

"Ulterior" could probably be best described as a psychological thriller in a similar vein to "Vertigo", "Caché", "Repulsion" and "La Femme Infidèle". It utilises a minimalist visual style, measured pace, sparse dialogue and often dark irony to explore themes of disclosure, isolation, empowerment, obsession and sanity within the film's "open" plot. These characteristics were imbued into the film's original soundtrack which was provided by Starofash.

"Ulterior" is a low-budget debut feature film from Irish writer/director Jason Mehlhorn. It was shot in just 12 days in Dublin with a skeleton crew of five people in August 2008. It is nearing the end of post-production and upon completion will hopefully start its life by entering film festivals in various countries. The film was shot digitally in HDV and has a running time of approximately 73 minutes.a

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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 14 Mar 2009 17:58    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Scheduled for an early 2009 release, Ulcerate's second full-length album further refines and expands their work on 2007's 'Of Fracture and Failure'. Punishing, churning dissonance mixed with their trademarked sense of melody and textured rhythm work, coupled with a greater foray into mood and atmosphere. An entirely bleaker effort than anything ever realised by the band, guitar lines swirl and evolve into one another, percussive patterns work in and around the melody lines while the band further develops the linear style of writing they've come to be known for. Frantic, desolate and emotive, 'Everything is Fire' straddles the divide between pure chaotic density and raw, natural tones, marking a breath of fresh air in the climate of over-produced, stagnant and clinical metal.

'Everything is Fire' represents a band with a wholly unified musical and aesthetic direction.

It's a trap!
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 14 Mar 2009 17:58    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Afgrund is a Swedish band started in 2006 by Andreas Baier and Olle Ferner and Patrik Howe (from bands such as 21 Lucifers, Mareridden, Vi (ex-Clean Shade of Dirty), Penile Suffocation, Avsmak)). 1½ month later the 5-track demo CD Hjärtslag och Djupa Andetag (Heartbeats and Deep Breaths) was recorded. The demo CD received a lot of good response and 1½ month later they got contacted by polish label Lifestage Productions to sign for an album. In autumn 2006 drummer Olle Ferner decided to quit the band due to a lack of interest. After completing the Grind Tour de Pologne VI in Poland with 17-year-old stand-in drummer Panu Posti from Finnish hc-grind band Büfo the band decided to keep him.
It's a trap!
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Dim 15 Mar 2009 20:28    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L’association Les Acteurs de l’Ombre surtout connue pour ses organisations de concerts et festivals se lance dans la création d’un label. Ils annoncent leur première sortie cd distribuée par Season Of Mist pour le 3 Avril 2009.
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Grand Wazoo Keeper

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 4151
Localisation: Delhi Katmandou CMB

MessagePosté le: Jeu 19 Mar 2009 12:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Omar Rodriguez Lopez, gratouilleux-bidouilleux de The Mars Volta a co-écrit la musique (avec Hans Zimmer) du premier film de Guillermo Arriaga, the Burning Plain (Loin de la terre brûlée en France).

Arriaga est le scénariste pour Innaritù (Amours chiennes, 21 grammes, Babel)

SOurce: tous sites à caractère ciné.
...Music is the Best!

Conceptual Continuity in the Calembour
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Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 20266
Localisation: Trapped in a corner

MessagePosté le: Dim 22 Mar 2009 19:06    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

GUNS N' ROSES a annoncé l'arrivée dans son line-up du guitariste D.J. Ashba de SIXX: A.M. pour la prochaine tournée du groupe.Il remplace l'ancien NINE INCH NAILS Robin Finck. D.J. Ashba a également co-écrit et co-produit le dernier album de MÖTLEY CRÜE

chouette, le line-up était trop stable, en ce moment...
Je suis une outre!!!

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Mer 25 Mar 2009 20:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Les Australiens de SYN Media ont monté cette interview fort sympathique de Dez Fafara qui nous fait le plaisir de parler des influences de Devildriver et surtout de l’élaboration du futur album du groupe, "Pray for Villains", actuellement prévu pour juillet.

Pour la voir, cliquez ICI.
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Mer 25 Mar 2009 20:36    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gorgoroth n’est plus, God Seed est née !

Gorgoroth cesse d’exister pour laisser place à GOD SEED, avec les deux têtes pensantes, GAAHL [vocal] et KING [basse].

GOD SEED sont actuellement en pleine enregistrement de leur premier album à Bergen en Norvège.

Cet album, qui n’a pas encore de titre, sera composé de 8 morceaux, avec Frost (Satyricon) derrière les fûts et Herbrand Larsen à la production.

It's a trap!

Dernière édition par joe le hareng le Mer 01 Avr 2009 11:42; édité 1 fois
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Dim 29 Mar 2009 12:47    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


OSLO,NORWAY: Despite further complications SUSPERIA singer Athera (Pal Mathiesen) successfully underwent open heart surgery on Monday 16th March 2009 at Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. Originally scheduled to have a triple by pass operation, surgeons discovered further problems which resulted in the vocalist also having a main artery - which previously ran to his lungs - connected directly to his heart. Athera will remain in hospital to recuperate and has been advised by doctors that full recovery will take between three and five months.

Still in some agony from his ordeal and in reflective mood, Athera said: "Wow - Well what happened there!! It looks like this time my name wasn't on the guest list at the pearly gates or the other place down below. I got through the surgery and I'm now back in the regional hospital after five days at the specialist heart clinic. Here in my hospital bed I'm contemplating the enormity of what happened - the what if's and the what might have been. I'm in agony but the strong medication helps. It was a heavy operation having my body parts re-arranged - If a musician ever needed a "TUNE UP" I hope this was it. There are some tough times ahead but I will get there in the end."

Commenting further on the messages of support and with an eye on the future he added: "I'm truly amazed at peoples humanity at times like this, with all the good will messages I've been getting from friends and strangers. Once again the metal community comes through with flying colours, putting their prejudices aside to come together as one. Respect to those who took the time to send messages of support. It's heart-warming to get messages from metal heads who don't have the time of day for my band yet still find the time to send a message.You all helped me get through this, and strengthened my metal heart! . I will be out of the game for a while till my chest bones completely heal and I can sing fully again. I wish my boys a good trip round the UK in May on the tour, and am confident they will bring along a singer that will make the show worth while for you. I wish I could be there, "

As previously reported, SUSPERIA have confirmed the postponement of Norwegian dates, which were set for April 09. Their UK tour in May with Breed 77 will go ahead at the insistence of Athera himself., having urged the band not to let their UK fans down and to look at finding a replacement vocalist.

The release of SUSPERIA's next studio album is set for early summer as planned, through Candlelight Records. Full details will be announced shortly.

It's a trap!
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SID Errant

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 6589
Localisation: Yvelines

MessagePosté le: Dim 29 Mar 2009 16:53    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Both GOJIRA and THE EYES OF A TRAITOR have just finished a series of 12 raging dates in the UK and Ireland in support of their respective albums recently released on Listenable/ ADA WARNER : "The Way of All Flesh" and "A Clear Perception".

GOJIRA vocalist Joe Duplantier shares his enthusiasm :" We had a great time again on the UK soil and would like to express our gratitude to all promoters, The Agency Group and the great guys in THE EYES OF A TRAITOR and PILGRIMZ for supporting us, the tour was a success. We're hoping to cross the channel shortly and meet all our great UK fans again soon ! Thanks for the support !"

Main support THE EYES OF A TRAITOR are equally chuffed :"The tour was great - Pilgrimz and Gojira were so welcoming and friendly to us, we felt at home instantly. ?We were playing to crowds we weren't used to, but we managed to win them over! It was the best tour we've done, and we'd like to thank everyone involved that helped us!"

Both bands are both working on European dates. GOJIRA will head to the US for their first headlining tour from May 1st to May 24th.


Le plus dur dans cette rupture, c'était pas tant l'effacer de ma vie, c'était surtout effacer les 4 To de film porno qu'on avait tourné tous les deux. Multicam, 1080p, son 5.1... Y avait plus de place sur le disque dur après la séquence d'intro. Mais une si belle séquence d'intro. J'allais pas effacer ça.
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mer 01 Avr 2009 11:20    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

@joe: la situation de Gorgoroth est "un peu" plus compliquée que ça, si j'ai bien tout compris. Suite au procés le nom Gorgoroth appartient à Infernus qui continue donc sous ce nom avec un nouveau line up, de l'autre coté Gaahl et King montent un nouveau groupe en fait, qu'ils appellent God Seed.
UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Mer 01 Avr 2009 11:43    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je n'ai fait que transmettre le communiqué de presse du label, qui, on le sait préfère passé vite sur les zones "d'ombres". :)
It's a trap!
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Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 20266
Localisation: Trapped in a corner

MessagePosté le: Mer 01 Avr 2009 14:34    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

VS-webzine a écrit:
Après un mélodrame aussi long et palpitant qu'une saga estivale de TF1, GORGOROTH se reformerait cet été avec son line-up d'origine mais tournerait sous le nom de PENTAGRAM afin de ne pas dérouter les fans encore sous le coup de la récente bataille juridique qui a conduit à la scission du groupe.

Je suis une outre!!!

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
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Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007
Messages: 8139
Localisation: Nissa la Bella

MessagePosté le: Mer 01 Avr 2009 16:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le guitariste Dallas Coyle, également responsable du chant clair, a quitté God Forbid! Blink

Juste au moment où le groupe vient de sortir un super nouvel album qui redonne un coup de jeunesse et de fraicheur au metalcore tout entier.
C'était bien la peine pour moi de les mettre en coup de coeur de la dernière mise à jour... Neutral

Guitarist Doc Coyle of New New Jersey metal titans GOD FORBID has released the following statement:

"There have been a barrage of rumors and questions on whether or not Dallas [Coyle, guitar] has left GOD FORBID. It's true that Dallas has left the band [as BLABBERMOUTH.NET first reported on Sunday, March 29 — Ed.]. It's taken us a few days to confirm this definitely, and figure out what we were going to do considering the fact that we are starting a very important tour with LAMB OF GOD this week.

"I don't want to go into the hairy details, but all I can say is that there was a mutual disagreement between Dallas and I, and the disagreement became angry on both sides, and he decided to sit out the tour the day we were supposed to leave. We later learned he did not want to tour anymore at all. Everyone in the band, including myself, was upset and shocked. For me, it's a lot tougher because he's my brother and I have a very close bond with him. We've done everything together our whole lives, so it's difficult to deal with emotionally but I understand he has bigger responsibilities at home to care for. I wish he would've handled it in a different way, but I am not angry at him for leaving if he is unhappy with our situation. I really hope he finds success and happiness in his future pursuits.

"In the meantime, we've recruited ex-DARKEST HOUR shredder Kris Norris to fill in for the tour. We are currently doing a few warm-up shows as a four-piece to meet the LAMB OF GOD tour in Phoenix, Arizona on April 2. Kris will be there for the start of the LOG tour though. I've been friends with Kris for years, and have an immense amount of respect for his playing. I look forward to playing with him, and I'm sure he will knock it out the park! Byron and I will pick up the slack with the vocals as much as we can.

"Thanks for everyone's continued support, and we'll see you on the road!"

UNCHAINED - Infernal Death Machine (le clip !)
UNCHAINED - No Scapegoat to Blame


SCORNFORGER - Thrash Till You Puke!!!
DIVIDEAD (mon ancien groupe) - Sweet revenge (live)
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joe le hareng

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11856
Localisation: Non

MessagePosté le: Sam 04 Avr 2009 14:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gagnez des t-shirts Machine Head !

Bonne nouvelle, des t-shirts Machine Head « The Blackening » sont à gagner grâce à Pour participer au concours, il vous suffit de cliquer ICI.
It's a trap!
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SID Errant

Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 6589
Localisation: Yvelines

MessagePosté le: Ven 10 Avr 2009 0:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Selon divers sites (dont le myspace du groupe), My Own Private Alaska fera la première partie de... Metallica aux Arènes de Nîmes, cet été.

Soit ils ont quelques jours de retard sur le 1er Avril, soit c'est super cool.

Le plus dur dans cette rupture, c'était pas tant l'effacer de ma vie, c'était surtout effacer les 4 To de film porno qu'on avait tourné tous les deux. Multicam, 1080p, son 5.1... Y avait plus de place sur le disque dur après la séquence d'intro. Mais une si belle séquence d'intro. J'allais pas effacer ça.
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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007
Messages: 5528

MessagePosté le: Mar 14 Avr 2009 10:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Aaah, les mecs de Lofofora...

Ca se foutait de la gueule de Pantera il y a quelques années, en disant qu'ils n'avaient "rien à voir avec cette bande de gros beaufs américains".

Et aujourd'hui, ça nous sort Mudweiser, la décalcomanie française de Down. Comprendre : "Du gros stoner de camionneur, mais qui vient plus d'Orléans que de la Nouvelle Orléans."

Le pire, c'est que ça se laisse écouter (check the myspace), et que Reuno nous livre même une assez bonne émulation de Lemmy.

Mais bon, à l'heure où le "true stoner" est plus que jamais à la mode, je laisse les spécialistes trancher...
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Chevalier de Saint-Maslow

Inscrit le: 18 Aoû 2007
Messages: 11449
Localisation: Grenoble

MessagePosté le: Mar 14 Avr 2009 10:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

T'avais pas déjà fait exactement la même remarque sur les mecs de Lofo il y a un ou deux mois? :D
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