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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Mer 05 Nov 2008 13:50 Sujet du message: News diverses |
Je crée un topic qui pourrait regrouper toutes les news qui ne necessite pas forcement un topic... Libre à vous de mettre ce que vous voulez, si j'estime que ca merite un topic, je le créé... je le crée... Je le ferais quoi...
On pourrait appeler ca des "News à la con, sans le côté à la con"
J'ai pensé que ca serait une bonne idée de mettre ces news en quote, ca evite de confondre avec les réactions... Avec un petit titre aussi c'est sympa
Pour commencer :
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DEFTONES frontman Chino Moreno has posted the following message on the band's studio blog:
"It deeply saddens me to inform you all that our brother Chi Cheng [DEFTONES bassist] was involved in a terrible car accident [Monday] night. He is currently in a Northern California hospital in serious, but stable condition. I am on my way up north right now to be by his side, along with the rest of our bandmates and family. Chi is one of the strongest people I know, and I'm praying that his strength will get him through this. Please say a prayer for him as well."
The Sacramento Bee reported yesterday that Cheng was in a coma in a San Jose hospital following the accident, which happened in Santa Clara.
Cheng, 38, was born in Stockton and also is an accomplished poet. In 2000, he released a CD of his poetry, "The Bamboo Parachute". |
_________________ It's a trap!
Dernière édition par joe le hareng le Mer 05 Nov 2008 20:59; édité 2 fois |
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CCC Once a camel

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8746 Localisation: Malakoff (92)
Posté le: Mer 05 Nov 2008 16:27 Sujet du message: |
Merde !
Chi Cheng...
>CCC< _________________ Elargis ton pénis |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Mer 05 Nov 2008 20:55 Sujet du message: |
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SLAYER guitarist Kerry King told music web site The Quietus backstage at the London stop of the band's current "Unholy Alliance" European tour said that he would like to record two more albums with SLAYER before the group finally calls it quits. "We're talking of going in the studio next February and getting the next record out, so if we do things in a timely manner, I don't see there's any reason why we can't have more than one album out [before SLAYER packs it in]," he said. "So if we do get a record out next year — and everything's pointing to yes — before the summer time when we tour, then I'd want to start working on another one because we're all having a good time. I think the time's gonna come when somebody just says, 'I'm done. I don't wanna do this anymore.' Because we've been doing it more than half of our lives. [Laughs] But I'm having a blast! You saw the show yesterday — I had a blast yesterday. I'm going to have more of a blast today because I'm more familiar with the set we're doing."
King also revealed that if SLAYER did split up, he could pretty much play with "anybody who is anybody," but he wouldn't consider becoming a producer or working with another band at the same level as SLAYER. "I don't have the patience to be a producer," he explained. "I don't know how those people do that because I'll get it really close to good, and it sounds great, but I know it's not good enough, really. I mean, I get tired of playing the songs, so I would also get tired of telling someone to play it again. I would say, 'Fuck it. Get the fuck out of here. We're done.' [Laughs] You know, I'd be the asshole producer! But I've got so many friends in this business — more than anyone else [in SLAYER] because I hang out more, so I've got a lot of options and I could just about play with anybody who is anybody. I wouldn't have to start over but I'm certainly not going to start another career as long as this one." |
_________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Jeu 06 Nov 2008 0:02 Sujet du message: |
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Latest release: "Weltherrschaft"
According to MZZR Empire spokesman Hans W. Jung, MEZZERSCHMITT's mastermind Herr Schmitt has been remotely injured during an attack alleged to stop the scheduled and annual conference held by MZZR's umbrella organisation SWIRFT just outside Kharkov, Ukraine, on Tuesday, September 2nd.
Herr Schmitt was invited to hold his annual speech and also to demonstrate the new surveillance "cubes" developed by SWIRFT when the attack occurred. There is as of now no further info on what happened or who seems to be responsible for the attack, but in an interview done by a local paper Hans W. Jung accordingly stated that "it was total chaos. I am just glad we managed to escape". On questions directed to Herr Schmitt's current state and the effect this has on the forthcoming album, he quickly replied that "nothing really serious happened but it is a setback of course. The recordings will take place, albeit slightly delayed".
MEZZERSCHMITT are set to record their upcoming album early next year for a late 2009 release. |
J'ai pas tout compris mais il faut que je le poste...  _________________ It's a trap! |
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Pietro Divid Coverdead

Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2007 Messages: 8139 Localisation: Nissa la Bella
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Jeu 06 Nov 2008 11:13 Sujet du message: |
Visiblement ce Herr Schmidt ne serais autre que Blasphemer de Mayhem... _________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Dim 09 Nov 2008 14:23 Sujet du message: |
Une convention de disques est organisée au Zenith de Montpellier le
07/12, de nombreux stands de metal seront présent lors de cette
manifestation dont celui de votre serviteur (ndjlh : Rupture Music). _________________ It's a trap! |
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barbapopo Fantomaths

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 5528
Posté le: Lun 10 Nov 2008 0:57 Sujet du message: |
BLIND MELON se sépare de son chanteur, et annulle du même coup sa tournée aux States.
C'est bien moche car, 13 ans après la mort de Shannon Hoon, le groupe avait trouvé la perle rare, et sorti ce qui restera l'un des meilleurs albums de 2008.
Hélas... dur dur de prendre la "place du mort", surtout lorsqu'on se pète la voix à fumer comme un pompier, et qu'on refuse de communiquer pendant plusieurs semaines avec le reste des troupes...
Le groupe a vécu pire ; mais c'est quand même un sacré coup dans l'aile, quand on vient à peine de renaître de ses cendres.
On croise les doigts pour le futur - les quatre membres originels semblant plus que jamais décidés à rester ensemble. |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Mar 11 Nov 2008 21:10 Sujet du message: |
Bill Kelliher, guitarist with Atlanta-based progressive metallers MASTODON, has been hospitalized in London as of November 3 during the band's current European "Unholy Alliance: Chapter III" package tour with SLAYER, TRIVUM and AMON AMARTH. Doctors will continue to monitor his condition which is improving at press time.
At the moment, MASTODON has decided to continue on the tour as a trio. Doctors and Bill are hopeful that he will rejoin his bandmates in time for their headlining tour of Europe which begins November 30 in Utrecht, Holland and ends on December 7 at the All Tomorrow’s Parties Festival in Somerset, England. _________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Mer 26 Nov 2008 21:05 Sujet du message: |
Du jamais vu ! Voilà une vidéo qui sort des sentiers battus et qui vient donner un coup de pied aux interviews traditionnelles !
Retrouvez sur le site de P3 TV, une chaine de télévision norvégienne, une interview (en anglais) de Joey Jordison (Slipknot) réalisée par Satyr (Satyricon) himself.
Un entretien conceptuel et original à voir ICI ! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Mer 26 Nov 2008 21:12 Sujet du message: |
Lorsqu'il est en tournée, Robb Flynn va en Australie. Et lorsque Robb est en Australie, il arrive qu'il s'ennuie. Et lorsque Robb s'ennuie, il raconte ce qui lui passe par la tête.
Voilà ICI le premier volet des "pensées de Robb", où il parle des groupes qu'il aime en ce moment. |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Lun 15 Déc 2008 23:01 Sujet du message: |
Burst: Lazarus Bird nominated for best Rock / Metal in P3's national music awards
BURST' 2008 release "Lazarus Bird" is nominated for best Rock / Metal album in the Swedish national P3 Guld Award. The award ceremonies take place in the Scandinavium Arena in Gothenburg on the 17th of January 2009. The award show will be broadcasted on both national radio and TV. Among the nominees in the category Rock / Metal are bands such as In Flames and Opeth. More information on all nominees and the broadcasting of the show can be found here
The band comments to the nomination: P3 has always been overwhelmingly supportive of Burst and our music. Not only did they award our last album "Origo" 2005's award for best rock/metal album – ever, since Burst's inception the station has supported our band's musical vision. Thank you to Sveriges Radio P3, and special thanks to the two P3 shows P3 Rock and P3 Live, for being the most avid, tireless believers in what Burst is trying to do. It does mean a lot to us.
"A pearl that perfectly defines metal in 2008" - Rock Tribune
"The long wait has been more than worthwhile" - Stardust
"Burst belongs (...) to one of the most exiting acts from Sweden" - Live XS
"The album of the year!!" - FUZE
_________________ It's a trap! |
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dupinguez Chevalier de Saint-Maslow

Inscrit le: 18 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11449 Localisation: Grenoble
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Sven Death 'n' Troll Dokthor

Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2007 Messages: 20266 Localisation: Trapped in a corner
Posté le: Mar 16 Déc 2008 13:33 Sujet du message: |
 _________________ Je suis une outre!!!
Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Ven 19 Déc 2008 20:54 Sujet du message: |
Omnium Gatherum is proud to announce the first festival gis that we've confirmed for year 2009; We'll be playing at Metal Bash Open Air at Germany 2nd of May and UK Metalfest at Dudley's, United Kingdom 26th of September. We've been also confimed to play at Helsinki Metal Meeting, the part of The Finnish Metal Expo at Helsinki 12th of February. Waiting more to come, as we're awaiting confirmations for few interesting slots...
The year 2008 is coming to an end and what a great year it was for a camp OG - The new great album "The Redshift" was released and it have accomplished a huge amount of words of praise and cheering among the medias and fans, and the album even reached the Finnish album chart on position #24.! Oh yeah, and also our first two albums were re-released as a cool digipak re-issues. We did tours this year at first with Dark Tranquillity and second with Nile/Grave and have played also many Finnish headlining gigs, so we did almost 50 gigs this year. Looking forward to get back on the road, after a short break. The spirits are high and the boogie is good!
Now at the end of the year and in January, you folks can help us and vote for Omnium Gatherum and "The Redshift" album for example at Finnish Metal Awards
http://www.myspace.com/phobiagrindcore _________________ It's a trap!
Dernière édition par joe le hareng le Ven 19 Déc 2008 20:57; édité 1 fois |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Ven 19 Déc 2008 20:54 Sujet du message: |
PHOBIA: Album Of The Month In Terrorizer #178!
What can be said about PHOBIA that hasn't already been said? After 18 years of touring, partying and releasing some of the sickest punk infused grid that has ever risen from the state of California, they are once again ready to unleash their latest album! 22 Random Acts Of Violence is a grind lovers dream, a brutal blend of metal ferocity mixed with the attitude of punk and hardcore....this album will be on your top 10 list for 2008 guaranteed!
http://www.myspace.com/phobiagrindcore _________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Ven 19 Déc 2008 20:58 Sujet du message: |
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS Talk Demi Lovato, Jay-Z And Fans Eating Roadkill
Back in late August, Metal File had an opportunity to chat with Demi Lovato, the squeaky-clean 16-year-old star of the Disney Channel's "Camp Rock." Lovato, who some have dubbed "the next Miley Cyrus," got her start in the business at age 7, as one of the tykes on "Barney & Friends." She admitted to the File that, despite her image, she's something of a closet metalhead — she listed Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Lamb of God, Dr. Acula, Underoath, Dimmu Borgir, the Devil Wears Prada and Abigail Williams as some of her favorite metal acts.
At the time, Lovato also confessed that she'd secretly love to make metal music at some point, by providing backing vocals for a song on a metal band's album. Ken Sorceron, who fronts Abigail Williams, said his band would definitely be down with working on some material with the teen star, because, well, selling records is a good thing.
"I read she was a fan, but otherwise, I'd have no idea she existed," Sorceron said. "My mom showed me an article online about her being a metal fan, and I was like, 'What?' I was reading it, and I'm thinking, 'What, are you kidding me?' At the same time, I thought that was kind of badass. She was all talking about how she wants to work with a metal band, and I was like, 'Dude, she should sing on our next CD. We'll sell a sh-- ton of records.' Have her people contact my people."
Unfortunately, a collaboration between the Disney sensation and the symphonic black metallers won't be happening anytime soon, what with Abigail Williams having just released their latest LP, In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns, which was produced by James Murphy of Testament, Cancer, Death and Obituary fame. The album, which is in stores now, may just be one of the band's greatest achievements — replete with orchestral movements, Emperor drummer Trym Torson's punishing double-bass brilliance, sinister guitar riffs and Sorceron's gravely vocals, it's an experimental offering that took the band more than six months to track.
"There were a lot of difficulties we'd experienced during the recording of this one," the singer explained. "My computer crashed, and I had hard drives fail on me, so I lost a lot of material I ended up re-creating; I listen back to the CD now, and I'm realizing I forgot certain parts, but that's fine. It sucked. I wrote most of the songs while we were on hiatus — I used that time to regroup the whole thing and find new people to record with."
Sorceron said he'd always wanted to record with Murphy, whom he'd befriended several years ago — he ended up moving in with Murphy for three months while the two worked on the album. At the moment, Abigail Williams is on tour in the U.S., trying to spread the word about In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns. They'll be on the road with the Faceless, Veil of Maya, Neuraxis and Decrepit Birth through November 22 in San Diego, and the band is lining up tours for early 2009 with Cryptopsy, Mayhem and Marduk.
http://www.myspace.com/abigialwilliams _________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Ven 19 Déc 2008 21:20 Sujet du message: |
Slipknot, groupe de l'année ! Slipknot, le jeu !! Slipknot vous souhaite un joyeux noël !!!
Le numéro de Rock One, en kiosque depuis la semaine dernière, consacre Slipknot en groupe de l'année 2008. Pourquoi eux, me direz-vous? Et là je vous répondrai "Ben pasque c'est Slipknot". Voilà, c'est aussi simple que ça !
Allez, on vous fait montrer la couv' en question par ICI
Nos amis de Roadrunner Italie ont récemment organisé un concours Slipknot. Le gagnant a été désigné. Son oeuvre n'était rien de moins qu'un jeu en Flash sur Slipknot.
On vous propose de tenter une ou deux parties pour le fun, ça se passe en cliquant ICI.
Nos camarades de Slipknot ont récemment enregistré quelques clips pour MTV Allemagne. La thématique générale tourne autour de "Noël vu par Slipknot", et le résultat est parfois... Etonnant...
On vous montre ça juste ICI, ainsi que quelques photos de cette session. [/url] _________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Ven 19 Déc 2008 21:30 Sujet du message: |
Eh oui, ça gigote dans la tête de Robb Flynn, à tel point qu'il nous livre ses pensées, comme un petit journal de bord...Voilà trois vidéos à voir. La première dans laquelle il nous explique quel est le pire film qu'il ait vu, la seconde pour le meilleur film qu'il ait vu, et la troisième pour son humeur de la semaine. C'est à voir ICI.
Robb Flynn continue à se livrer à notre caméra, pour nous dire ce qui va et ce qui ne va pas. Voilà donc une autre partie de ses états d'âme, qui concerne l'Australie, et ce qu'il préfère dans la contrée des Kangourous. Ça se passe ICI.
Robb Flynn, suite et fin. Voici le dernier épisode de cette mini série à suspense dans laquelle Robb Flynn nous livre ses pensées.Cette fois-ci, il nous dit ce qui est à venir pour le groupe, ce à quoi ils vont s'atteler dans les prochaines semaines. Par ICI, Enjoy ! _________________ It's a trap! |
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joe le hareng ex-p(flood)

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2007 Messages: 11856 Localisation: Non
Posté le: Ven 19 Déc 2008 21:40 Sujet du message: |
Opeth était en concert récemment à Paris, mais aussi à Amsterdam. Eh bien on vous propose des photos live d'Opeth à Amsterdam, il vous suffit de cliquer ICI.
Nos collègues de Roadrunner Hollande ont eu la gentillesse de nous faire tourner leurs photos de Slipknot en concert à Amsterdam. Pour voir les photos, c'est par ICI. _________________ It's a trap! |
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